/*! * froala_editor v4.2.1 (https://www.froala.com/wysiwyg-editor) * License https://froala.com/wysiwyg-editor/terms/ * Copyright 2014-2024 Froala Labs */ (function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(require('froala-editor')) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['froala-editor'], factory) : (factory(global.FroalaEditor)); }(this, (function (FE) { 'use strict'; FE = FE && FE.hasOwnProperty('default') ? FE['default'] : FE; /** * Traditional Chinese spoken in Taiwan. */ FE.LANGUAGE['zh_tw'] = { translation: { // Place holder 'Type something': "\u8F38\u5165\u4E00\u4E9B\u5167\u5BB9", // Basic formatting 'Bold': '粗體', 'Italic': '斜體', 'Underline': '下劃線', 'Strikethrough': '刪除線', // Main buttons 'Insert': '插入', 'Delete': '刪除', 'Cancel': '取消', 'OK': '好的', 'Back': '後退', 'Remove': '去掉', 'More': '更多', 'Update': '更新', 'Style': '樣式', // Font 'Font Family': '字体系列', 'Font Size': "\u5B57\u578B\u5927\u5C0F", // Colors 'Colors': '顏色', 'Background': '背景', 'Text': '文字', 'HEX Color': '十六進制顏色', // Paragraphs 'Paragraph Format': '段落格式', 'Normal': '正常', 'Code': '代碼', 'Heading 1': '標題1', 'Heading 2': '標題2', 'Heading 3': '標題3', 'Heading 4': '標題4', // Style 'Paragraph Style': '段落樣式', 'Inline Style': '內聯樣式', // Alignment 'Align': '对齐', 'Align Left': '左對齊', 'Align Center': "\u7F6E\u4E2D\u5C0D\u9F4A", 'Align Right': "\u7F6E\u53F3\u5C0D\u9F4A", 'Align Justify': '兩端對齊', 'None': '没有', // Lists 'Ordered List': '有序列表', 'Unordered List': '无序列表', // Indent 'Decrease Indent': '減少縮進量', 'Increase Indent': '增加縮進量', // Links 'Insert Link': "\u63D2\u5165\u9023\u7D50", 'Open in new tab': '在新標籤頁中打開', 'Open Link': "\u958B\u555F\u9023\u7D50", 'Edit Link': "\u7DE8\u8F2F\u9023\u7D50", 'Unlink': "\u79FB\u9664\u9023\u7D50", 'Choose Link': "\u9078\u64C7\u9023\u7D50", // Images 'Insert Image': '插入圖片', 'Upload Image': '上傳圖片', 'By URL': "\u7DB2\u5740\u4E0A\u50B3", 'Browse': '瀏覽', 'Drop image': "\u5716\u7247\u62D6\u66F3", 'or click': '或點擊', 'Manage Images': '管理圖片', 'Loading': '加載中', 'Deleting': '刪除中', 'Tags': '標籤', 'Are you sure? Image will be deleted.': "\u78BA\u5B9A\u522A\u9664\u5716\u7247\uFF1F", 'Replace': '替換', 'Uploading': '上傳中', 'Loading image': '圖片加載中', 'Display': '顯示', 'Inline': "\u5D4C\u5165", 'Break Text': '打破文字', 'Alternative Text': '替換文字', 'Change Size': '改變大小', 'Width': '寬度', 'Height': '高度', 'Something went wrong. Please try again.': '發生錯誤,請重試。', 'Image Caption': '圖片標題', 'Advanced Edit': '高級編輯', // Video 'Insert Video': '插入影片', 'Embedded Code': '嵌入式代码', 'Paste in a video URL': '粘貼在視頻網址', 'Drop video': '放下視頻', 'Your browser does not support HTML5 video.': '您的瀏覽器不支持html5視頻。', 'Upload Video': '上傳影片', // Tables 'Insert Table': '插入表格', 'Table Header': '表頭', 'Remove Table': "\u522A\u9664\u8868", 'Table Style': '表格樣式', 'Horizontal Align': '水平對齊方式', 'Row': '行', 'Insert row above': '在上方插入', 'Insert row below': '在下方插入', 'Delete row': '刪除行', 'Column': '列', 'Insert column before': "\u5411\u5DE6\u63D2\u5165\u4E00\u5217", 'Insert column after': "\u5411\u53F3\u63D2\u5165\u4E00\u5217", 'Delete column': '刪除列', 'Cell': '單元格', 'Merge cells': '合併單元格', 'Horizontal split': '水平分割', 'Vertical split': '垂直分割', 'Cell Background': '單元格背景', 'Vertical Align': '垂直對齊方式', 'Top': "\u4E0A", 'Middle': "\u4E2D", 'Bottom': '底部', 'Align Top': '靠上對齊', 'Align Middle': "\u4E2D\u9593\u5C0D\u9F4A", 'Align Bottom': '靠下對齊', 'Cell Style': '單元格樣式', // Files 'Upload File': '上傳文件', 'Drop file': '拖入文件', // Emoticons 'Emoticons': '表情符號', 'Grinning face': "\u81C9\u4E0A\u7B11\u563B\u563B", 'Grinning face with smiling eyes': "\u7B11\u563B\u563B\u7684\u81C9\uFF0C\u542B\u7B11\u7684\u773C\u775B", 'Face with tears of joy': "\u81C9\u4E0A\u5E36\u8457\u559C\u6085\u7684\u6DDA\u6C34", 'Smiling face with open mouth': "\u7B11\u81C9\u5F35\u958B\u5634", 'Smiling face with open mouth and smiling eyes': "\u7B11\u81C9\u5F35\u958B\u5634\u5FAE\u7B11\u7684\u773C\u775B", 'Smiling face with open mouth and cold sweat': '帶冷汗的張嘴微笑', 'Smiling face with open mouth and tightly-closed eyes': "\u7B11\u81C9\u5F35\u958B\u5634\uFF0C\u7DCA\u7DCA\u9589\u8457\u773C\u775B", 'Smiling face with halo': '帶光環微笑', 'Smiling face with horns': '帶牛角的微笑', 'Winking face': "\u7728\u773C\u8868\u60C5", 'Smiling face with smiling eyes': "\u9762\u5E36\u5FAE\u7B11\u7684\u773C\u775B", 'Face savoring delicious food': "\u9762\u5C0D\u54C1\u5690\u7F8E\u5473\u7684\u98DF\u7269", 'Relieved face': '如釋重負', 'Smiling face with heart-shaped eyes': "\u5FAE\u7B11\u7684\u81C9\uFF0C\u5FC3\u81DF\u5F62\u7684\u773C\u775B", 'Smiling face with sunglasses': "\u7B11\u81C9\u592A\u967D\u93E1", 'Smirking face': "\u9762\u5C0D\u9762\u5E36\u7B11\u5BB9", 'Neutral face': '中性臉', 'Expressionless face': '无表情的脸', 'Unamused face': "\u4E00\u81C9\u4E0D\u5FEB\u7684\u81C9", 'Face with cold sweat': "\u9762\u5C0D\u51B7\u6C57", 'Pensive face': "\u6C89\u601D\u7684\u81C9", 'Confused face': "\u9762\u5C0D\u56F0\u60D1", 'Confounded face': "\u8A72\u6B7B\u7684\u81C9", 'Kissing face': '接吻的脸', 'Face throwing a kiss': '扔一个吻', 'Kissing face with smiling eyes': '带着微笑的眼睛接吻的脸', 'Kissing face with closed eyes': '閉眼接吻', 'Face with stuck out tongue': '舌头伸出来的脸', 'Face with stuck out tongue and winking eye': '眨眼吐舌\'', 'Face with stuck out tongue and tightly-closed eyes': '脸上伸出舌头和眨眼的眼睛', 'Disappointed face': '失望', 'Worried face': '担心的脸', 'Angry face': '生氣的', 'Pouting face': '撅嘴', 'Crying face': "\u54ED\u6CE3\u7684\u81C9", 'Persevering face': "\u600E\u5948\u81C9", 'Face with look of triumph': '胜利的脸', 'Disappointed but relieved face': '失望但释然的脸', 'Frowning face with open mouth': '皺眉', 'Anguished face': '痛苦的脸', 'Fearful face': '害怕', 'Weary face': "\u9762\u5C0D\u53AD\u5026", 'Sleepy face': '困了', 'Tired face': '累了', 'Grimacing face': '鬼脸', 'Loudly crying face': '大声哭泣的脸', 'Face with open mouth': '張開嘴', 'Hushed face': "\u5B89\u975C\u7684\u81C9", 'Face with open mouth and cold sweat': "\u9762\u5C0D\u5F35\u958B\u5634\uFF0C\u4E00\u8EAB\u51B7\u6C57", 'Face screaming in fear': "\u9762\u5C0D\u5C16\u53EB\u5728\u6050\u61FC\u4E2D", 'Astonished face': "\u9762\u5C0D\u9A5A\u8A1D", 'Flushed face': '臉紅', 'Sleeping face': "\u719F\u7761\u7684\u81C9", 'Dizzy face': "\u9762\u5C0D\u7729", 'Face without mouth': '沒有嘴的臉', 'Face with medical mask': "\u9762\u5C0D\u91AB\u7642\u53E3\u7F69", // Line breaker 'Break': '換行', // Math 'Subscript': '下標', 'Superscript': '上標', // Full screen 'Fullscreen': '全屏', // Horizontal line 'Insert Horizontal Line': '插入水平線', // Clear formatting 'Clear Formatting': '清除格式', // Save 'Save': '保存', // Undo, redo 'Undo': '撤消', 'Redo': '重做', // Select all 'Select All': '全選', // Code view 'Code View': '代码视图', // Quote 'Quote': '引用', 'Increase': "\u7E2E\u6392", 'Decrease': "\u53BB\u9664\u7E2E\u6392", // Quick Insert 'Quick Insert': '快速插入', // Spcial Characters 'Special Characters': '特殊字符', 'Latin': '拉丁', 'Greek': '希臘語', 'Cyrillic': '西里爾', 'Punctuation': '標點', 'Currency': '貨幣', 'Arrows': '箭頭', 'Math': '數學', 'Misc': '雜項', // Print. 'Print': '列印', // Spell Checker. 'Spell Checker': '拼寫檢查器', // Help 'Help': '幫助', 'Shortcuts': '快捷鍵', 'Inline Editor': '內聯編輯器', 'Show the editor': '顯示編輯器', 'Common actions': '常用操作', 'Copy': '複製', 'Cut': '切', 'Paste': '貼上', 'Basic Formatting': '基本格式', 'Increase quote level': '增加报价水平', 'Decrease quote level': '降低报价水平', 'Image / Video': '圖像/影片', 'Resize larger': '調整大小更大', 'Resize smaller': '調整大小更小', 'Table': '表', 'Select table cell': '選擇表單元格', 'Extend selection one cell': '增加選中的單元格', 'Extend selection one row': '增加選中的行', 'Navigation': '導航', 'Focus popup / toolbar': '焦點彈出/工具欄', 'Return focus to previous position': '將焦點返回到上一個位置', // Embed.ly 'Embed URL': '嵌入網址', 'Paste in a URL to embed': '貼上要嵌入的網址', // Word Paste. 'The pasted content is coming from a Microsoft Word document. Do you want to keep the format or clean it up?': '粘貼的內容來自微軟Word文檔。你想保留格式還是清理它?', 'Keep': '保留', 'Clean': '清潔', 'Word Paste Detected': '檢測到貼上自 Word 的內容', // Character Counter 'Characters': '人物', // More Buttons 'More Text': '更多文字', 'More Paragraph': '更多段落', 'More Rich': '更多豐富', 'More Misc': '更多雜項' }, direction: 'ltr' }; }))); //# sourceMappingURL=zh_tw.js.map