# OATS Initialization File --- # To keep maintenance to a minimum, uncomment only the parameters you need in # your oats_user.yml or an environment.yml file. When you uncomment a parameter # do not forget to uncomment all the parents of the parameters also in order to # keep the YAML file valid. # Parameters designated as: # * R-U:rec are recommended for use in oats_user.yml # * R-U:opt are for occasional use in oats_user.yml # * C-L can also be over-ridden via command-line # * E-V:recl are recommended for use in environment environment files. # * none: are best to leave to system defaults unless required # String values containing 'Oats.' and 'ENV[' are evaluated as Ruby # expressions referring to the previously loaded YAML Oats.data and environment # variables. If after an evaluation resulting value is 'previous_old_value', then # previous value is restored. # Examples of boolean expressions which can be used in tests: # Oats.data['env']['type'] == 'qa' # Oats.global['agent'] ? "oatsuserapi@gmail.com":'previous_oats_value' # OATS recognizes the following key modifiers # (define) # used by oats_user and environments, adds new keys w/o issuing error messages # (default) # used by test.yml, defines default values # Advertiser (define): Name # Setting this at any level will prevent (define) errors, at least in all keys below # and possibly in other branches of Oats.data. Reset it under other branches if needed. # define_always: TRUE # This section contains parameters controlling oats execution. All # parameters in this section plus a few from other sections can be overridden # from the commandline (For details, see 'oats.rb \--help'.) # * If an input is a YAML file, it may include other test_files which are # executed after merging in the YAML contents. # * environments included in the any test YAML are applied to the tests listed in # the YAML, multiplexing the test cases. # YAML to overlay into the current YAML. Keys in the the included YAMLs are # not verified against oats_ini.yml # For performance and unambiguity, path should be given relative to the folder # of the test for test yamls, or relative to test_dir. # Otherwise it will be searched in test_dir. # Over-rides used in user, environment, or list YAMLs are checked for consistency # with this oats_ini.yml definitions (keys included files are not checked.) # Any value specified in this file can be later reset to nil by setting it to NO. # The oats_ini.yml will be supplemented by contents of /aut_ini.yml, if present include_yaml: # Use if the included YAML entries should override the current YAML entries include_yaml_later: execution: # A YAML array containing test names to be executed by OATS. Each name must # either be a test directory, or another YAML file, file.rb, or file.txt. # If the input is a YAML file it is treated as a test suite unless yml_handler is # set. # Test_files in test suite yml files will be executed after merging in their # YAML contents. # In test file is file.rb, it will be executed in a test directory named 'file' # If it is file.txt, each row of the file will be included as an element of the # test_files array, after stripping comments starting with '#'. # Before each test is processed, testName.yml or oats.yml will be read if found # at the same level as the test executable path. # Any other file.extension will be handled by _handler if set as below yml_handler: # yml_processor.rb test_files: [ examples/occTest/occTestlist.yml ] # C-L,R-U:rec # A YAML array listing YAML files describing environments to be executed for # each test. This is a way of multiplexing the test cases. OATS will repeat # the execution of each test files after merging in the oats_data from the # each YAML. Typical use of environments is to repeat the tests for different # environments or different parameters. You may also want to make a copy of # the environment YAML file in dir_tests/environments into your own # dir_environments directory and customize the E-V:rec entries for yourself. environments: [ qa.yml ] # C-L,R-U:rec # User's directory containing overrides for system supplied environments. dir_environments: ENV['HOME'] + '/environments' # R-U:opt # Execution of a test is skipped if this evaluates to true. no_run: # C-L,R-U:opt # List of component hosts in the env from which to pick build version and display in OCC build_versions: (Oats.global and Oats.global['agent']) ? Array.new(1,'web'):Array.new # Avoid wasting time for dev # Controls the amount of logs output to the log files. log_level: DEBUG # INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL # R-U:opt # Root directory for the output results dir_results: ENV['HOME'] + '/results' # C-L,R-U:opt # Set this to yes or the IP of the browser host to tail the application error # logs. Typcially used from commandline. tail_logs_ip: # { | yes} # C-L:opt # Used to switch the root directory to search for test files. The system # searches dir_tests for test_files or environments if they are specified as # relative paths. If a file pattern is given, the first match is used, with # names matching directories are given priority over matches for YAML # files. dir_tests: ENV['OATS_TESTS'] || ENV['OATS_HOME'] + '/oats_tests' # Set to copy the test contents to the dir_results before executing the test run_in_dir_results: YES # Set to see full stacktrace on ruby tests. full_stacktrace: # Ruby Class methods, file names, or paths in test_dir to be executed before and after a oats test. oload_pre: # String or array of rb file names or paths to be executed oload_post: # in the given order # Ruby file names or paths in test_dir to be executed before and after a test yaml. handler_pre_test_list: # path to handler.rb be executed handler_post_test_list: # path to handler.rb be executed # When the test has an error and this is set, no further rtest_* files are executed quit_on_error: # Skip the current test if there was a previous test and that it did not pass skip_unless_previous_test_is_ok: # To use during initial test development. YES: Skips the comparison of ok folder contents. # UPDATE Synchs the contents of ok with out by adding or removing files to/from ok ok_verify: # UPDATE | YES # out directory existence is not checked unless this is set out_verify: # Default time for Oats.wait_until wait_until_timeout: 90 # Parameters used in agent mode to communicate with OCC occ: # For agent to contact occ. Also what occ host sees itself as, via ENV['HOSTNAME'].downcase server_host: ENV['OATS_OCC_HOST'] || ENV['HOSTNAME'].downcase # OCC server port for OCC to request agent to contact server_port: ENV['OATS_OCC_PORT'] || 3000 # Agent-server host name to relay to OCC, defaults to downcased hostname if nil agent_host: ENV['HOSTNAME'].downcase # Oats agent/server name to display in OCC. Defaults to agent_host agent_nickname: # mymach1 # Oats agent/server to listen and OCC to contact agent_port: 3010 # Timeout for OCC to respond, may take a while if OCC is listing all jobs timeout_waiting_for_occ: 15 ############################## # Controls the behavior of selenium related execution. selenium: # Decides which browser to use for IDE tests. Only this selenium parameter can # be overridden from the commandline. browser_type: firefox # C-L,R-U:opt #Set this to download collection on chrome and IE and make sure to empty the default download directory. default_downloads: # Hosts for each browser type to use webdriver in remote mode. remote_webdriver: oats_dir: c:/users/qatest/oats os: Windows_NT ie: # qa-testing # Remove the value from this entry in order to run ie locally chrome: # Put in remote driver host to run remotely firefox: # # Additional options to pass webdriver options: chrome: switches: [--start-maximized] # For webdriver, this is a non-default profile name is defined via -profilemanager # A non-default executable firefox_path is specified by defining an environment # variable matching this profile name. Will use default if this profile is undefined. firefox_profile: selenium # Sets the firefox profile properties indicated. firefox_profile_set: native_events: YES # assume_untrusted_certificate_issuer: NO # Conditionally pause and do not close browser at the of oats test involving # selenium. OATS execution will continue after the user presses ENTER (for rb) # or when the user closes the IDE results page. # Default (NIL) implies 0 if the first test is a list, 1 otherwise pause_on_exit: # -N: always, 0:never, 1:only on failure, N: seconds to pause # Set to YES to skip the selenium screen capture skip_capture: # Timeout in seconds for capture requests. capture_timeout: 10 # Set to close the browser session only if an error is raised during execution (not verify) keep_alive: YES ide: # Use this port for IDE executions. port: 4445 # Minutes to limi tthe full IDE suite execution. # For individual action timeout, need to use "setTimeout millisecs" in test html suite_timeout: 5 # 30 # Default # Applicable only to IDE tests, setting this will skip the GUI execution and # will only regenerate the test HTML files based on the environments so that # they can be manually debugged or executed via the IDE. generate: # C-L,R-U:opt # Set NO to remove *.gen* files after a test passes. keep_generated_files: YES # Browser to use to show IDE test results. Default inherits from firefox_executable result_browser: explorer # iexplore show_result: ##################################################################### ##### PARAMETERS BELOW TYPICALLY VARIES ACROSS ENVIRONMENTS ##### ##################################################################### # Application environment information env: type: qa # production web: host: # Fully qualified host name for web host logs: # ["/var/log/messages", "/var/log/httpd/error_log"] # E-V:opt Array of logs to search for errors sql: # Choose the DB to connect. When nil, Omysql will raise OatsMysqlNoConnect # causing such tests to be classified as SKIPPED unless the callser rescues it. connect: main main: host: user: password: database: # Oats::Keywords.process Processes values based on the # : # : # keywords: # #: keywords: class_file: # File name of the class so it can be 'require'd if using a non-standard name class: # Class file containing methods for each keyword list: # Optional list name under which to find the keywords and data in Oats.data ############### ## Used to ssh to servers via PuTTy/plink and execute scripts or access log files ## See Oats.rssh documentation for more details #ssh: # # Putty connection data Login username # username: loguser # # Name for env host or putty session on which to execute cmd_file # # Plink must be setup to auto-login as root_sudo_username into the host # root_sudo_username: # LDAP username to sudo if username is 'root'.