require 'yaml' require 'pp' require 'squib' require 'squib/card' require 'squib/progress' require 'squib/input_helpers' require 'squib/constants' # The project module # # @api public module Squib # The main interface to Squib. Provides a front-end porcelain whereas the Card class interacts with the graphics plumbing. # # @api public class Deck include Enumerable include Squib::InputHelpers # :nodoc: # @api private attr_reader :width, :height # :nodoc: # @api private attr_reader :cards # :nodoc: # @api private attr_reader :text_hint # :nodoc: # @api private attr_reader :layout, :config # Squib's constructor that sets the immutable properties. # # This is the starting point for Squib. In providing a block to the constructor, you have access to all of Deck's instance methods. # The documented methods in Deck are the ones intended for use by most users. # If your game requires multiple different sizes or orientations, I recommend using multiple `Squib::Deck`s in your `deck.rb`. You can modify the internals of `Squib::Deck` (e.g. `@cards`), but that's not recommended. # @example # require 'squib' # do # text str: 'Hello, World!" # end # # @param width [Integer] the width of each card in pixels # @param height [Integer] the height of each card in pixels # @param cards [Integer] the number of cards in the deck # @param dpi [Integer] the pixels per inch when rendering out to PDF or calculating using inches. # @param config [String] the file used for global settings of this deck # @param layout [String, Array] load a YML file of custom layouts. Multiple files are merged sequentially, redefining collisons. See README and sample for details. # @param block [Block] the main body of the script. # @api public def initialize(width: 825, height: 1125, cards: 1, dpi: 300, config: 'config.yml', layout: nil, &block) @width=width; @height=height @dpi = dpi @font = Squib::SYSTEM_DEFAULTS[:default_font] @cards = [] @custom_colors = {} @img_dir = '.' @progress_bar = @text_hint = :off cards.times{ @cards <<, width, height) } show_info(config, layout) load_config(config) load_layout(layout) if block_given? instance_eval(&block) end end # Directly accesses the array of cards in the deck # # @api private def [](key) @cards[key] end # Iterates over each card in the deck # # @api private def each(&block) @cards.each { |card| } end # Shows a descriptive place of the location # # @api private def location(opts) opts[:layout] || (" @ #{opts[:x]},#{opts[:y]}") end # Load the configuration file, if exists, overriding hardcoded defaults # @api private def load_config(file) if File.exists?(file) && config = YAML.load_file(file) { " using config: #{file}" } config = Squib::CONFIG_DEFAULTS.merge(config) @dpi = config['dpi'].to_i @text_hint = config['text_hint'] @progress_bar.enabled = config['progress_bars'] @custom_colors = config['custom_colors'] @img_dir = config['img_dir'] end end # Load the layout configuration file, if exists # @api private def load_layout(files) @layout = {} { " using layout(s): #{files}" } Array(files).each do |file| thefile = file thefile = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/layouts/#{file}" unless File.exists?(file) if File.exists? thefile yml = @layout.merge(YAML.load_file(thefile)) yml.each do |key, value| @layout[key] = recurse_extends(yml, key, {}) end else puts "the file: #{thefile}" Squib::logger.error { "Layout file not found: #{file}" } end end end # Process the extends recursively # :nodoc: # @api private def recurse_extends(yml, key, visited ) assert_not_visited(key, visited) return yml[key] unless has_extends?(yml, key) visited[key] = key parent_keys = [yml[key]['extends']].flatten h = {} parent_keys.each do |parent_key| from_extends = yml[key].merge(recurse_extends(yml, parent_key, visited)) do |key, child_val, parent_val| if child_val.to_s.strip.start_with?('+=') parent_val + child_val.sub('+=','').strip.to_f elsif child_val.to_s.strip.start_with?('-=') parent_val - child_val.sub('-=','').strip.to_f else child_val #child overrides parent when merging, no += end end h = h.merge(from_extends) do |key, older_sibling, younger_sibling| younger_sibling #when two siblings have the same entry, the "younger" (lower one) overrides end end return h end # Does this layout entry have an extends field? # i.e. is it a base-case or will it need recursion? # :nodoc: # @api private def has_extends?(yml, key) yml[key].key?('extends') end # Safeguard against malformed circular extends # :nodoc: # @api private def assert_not_visited(key, visited) if visited.key? key raise "Invalid layout: circular extends with '#{key}'" end end def show_info(config, layout) "Squib v#{Squib::VERSION}" " building #{@cards.size} #{@width}x#{@height} cards" end ################## ### PUBLIC API ### ################## require 'squib/api/background' require 'squib/api/data' require 'squib/api/image' require 'squib/api/save' require 'squib/api/settings' require 'squib/api/shapes' require 'squib/api/text' require 'squib/api/units' end end