import axios from 'axios'; import router from '../router'; const mediasStore = { namespaced: true, state: { currentImgId: "", currentImgTitle: "", currentImgCopyright: "", currentImgDescription: "", currentImgSrc: "", currentImgName: "", currentImgTags: [], imageListItems: [], readOnly: false, maxImageListItems: -1, activeFilters: { tags: [], search: '', page: 1, date: '', title: '' }, tags: [], errors: {} }, mutations: { UPDATE_READ_ONLY (state, readOnly) { state.readOnly = readOnly }, UPDATE_CURRENT_IMG_ID (state, id) { state.currentImgId = id }, UPDATE_CURRENT_IMG_TITLE (state, title) { state.currentImgTitle = title }, UPDATE_CURRENT_IMG_COPYRIGHT (state, copy) { state.currentImgCopyright = copy }, UPDATE_CURRENT_IMG_DESC (state, desc) { state.currentImgDescription = desc }, UPDATE_CURRENT_IMG_NAME (state, name) { state.currentImgName = name }, UPDATE_CURRENT_IMG_SRC (state, src) { state.currentImgSrc = src }, UPDATE_CURRENT_IMG_TAGS (state, tags) { state.currentImgTags = [] for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { let tag = tags[i] state.currentImgTags.push(tag) } }, ADD_TO_LIST_ITEMS(state, items) { for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { let item = items[i] state.imageListItems.push(item) } }, CLEAR_IMG_LISTING(state){ state.imageListItems = [] }, SPLICE_IMG_LISTING(state, id){ state.imageListItems.forEach((image, index) => { if ( == id) { state.imageListItems.splice(index, 1) } }) }, ADD_CURRENT_IMG_TAG(state, string) { state.currentImgTags.push(string) }, REMOVE_CURRENT_IMG_TAG(state, string) { let index = state.currentImgTags.indexOf(string) if (index >= 0) { state.currentImgTags.splice(index, 1) } }, SET_ERRORS(state, errorObject) { state.errors = errorObject }, SET_MAX_IMAGE_LIST_ITEMS(state, value) { state.maxImageListItems = value }, SET_TAGS_LIST(state, tags) { state.tags = [] for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { let tag = tags[i] state.tags.push(tag) } }, // tag is an id REMOVE_FROM_TAG_FILTERS(state, tag) { state.activeFilters.tags = _.without(state.activeFilters.tags, tag) }, // tag is an id ADD_TO_TAG_FILTERS(state, tag) { if (!_.contains(state.activeFilters.tags, tag)) { state.activeFilters.tags.push(tag) } }, SET_PAGE(state, page) { = page }, SET_QUERY(state, query){ = query }, SET_FILTER(state, opts){ = '' state.activeFilters.title = '' state.activeFilters[opts[1]] = opts[0] } }, getters: { imageObject: (state) => { return { image: { id: state.currentImgId, name: state.currentImgTitle, image_file_name: state.currentImgName, copyright: state.currentImgCopyright, description: state.currentImgDescription, src: state.currentImgSrc, tags: state.currentImgTags } } } }, actions: { useImage ({ commit, state, dispatch, rootState}, data) { dispatch('overlayStore/showProgressOverlay', true, {root:true}) // Generating new dynamic image size before sending it back to CKEDITOR axios.get(`/images/${state.currentImgId}?width=${data[0]}&height=${data[1]}`).then((response) => { dispatch('overlayStore/showProgressOverlay', false, {root:true}),, state.currentImgId, state.currentImgTitle.replace(/"/g, '"')); window.close() }) }, setCurrentImg ({commit, state}, imgData) { if ( != undefined) commit('UPDATE_CURRENT_IMG_ID', if ( != undefined) commit('UPDATE_CURRENT_IMG_TITLE', if (imgData.copyright != undefined) commit('UPDATE_CURRENT_IMG_COPYRIGHT', imgData.copyright) if (imgData.description != undefined) commit('UPDATE_CURRENT_IMG_DESC', imgData.description) if (imgData.src != undefined) commit('UPDATE_CURRENT_IMG_SRC', imgData.src) if (imgData.image_file_name != undefined) commit('UPDATE_CURRENT_IMG_NAME', imgData.image_file_name) if (imgData.tags_list != undefined) commit('UPDATE_CURRENT_IMG_TAGS', imgData.tags_list) if (imgData.errors != undefined) commit('SET_ERRORS', imgData.errors) }, saveCurrentImg ({dispatch, commit, state, getters}) { // Loading bar dispatch('overlayStore/showProgressOverlay', true, {root:true}) if (state.currentImgId != '') { return dispatch('updateImg') } else { return dispatch('createImg') } }, updateImg ({dispatch, commit, state, getters}) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { axios.put('/images', getters.imageObject).then((response)=> { // Notificating dispatch('overlayStore/pushNotification', {success: true, msg: 'Image mise à jour avec succès'}, {root:true}) // Clearing errors object commit('SET_ERRORS', {}) // hiding loading bar dispatch('overlayStore/showProgressOverlay', false, {root:true}) resolve(response) }).catch((error) => { // hiding loading bar dispatch('overlayStore/showProgressOverlay', false, {root:true}) // Error notification dispatch('overlayStore/pushNotification', {error: true, msg: 'Erreur lors de la mise à jour'}, {root:true}) commit('SET_ERRORS', reject() }) }) }, createImg ({dispatch, commit, state, getters}) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {'/images',getters.imageObject).then((response)=> { // Notificating dispatch('overlayStore/pushNotification', {success: true, msg: 'Image créé avec succès'}, {root:true}) // Clearing errors object commit('SET_ERRORS', {}) // Redirect dispatch('setCurrentImg', router.push({ name: 'root'}) resolve(response) }).catch((error) => { // hiding loading bar dispatch('overlayStore/showProgressOverlay', false, {root:true}) dispatch('overlayStore/pushNotification', {error: true, msg: 'Erreur lors de la création'}, {root:true}) commit('SET_ERRORS', reject() }) }) }, deleteImg ({ commit }, id) { axios.delete({params: {id: id}}) }, fetchImage({commit, dispatch, state}) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Showing progress bar dispatch('overlayStore/showProgressOverlay', true, {root:true}) // GET WITH PARAMS axios.get('images.json', {params: state.activeFilters}) // SUCCESS .then((response) => { if(state.maxImageListItems == -1) commit('SET_MAX_IMAGE_LIST_ITEMS', // Calling mutation commit('ADD_TO_LIST_ITEMS', commit('UPDATE_READ_ONLY', // Hiding progess bar dispatch('overlayStore/showProgressOverlay', false, {root:true}) resolve() }) // ERROR .catch((error) => { // hiding loading bar dispatch('overlayStore/showProgressOverlay', false, {root:true}) // Notificating dispatch('overlayStore/pushNotification', {success: true, msg: 'Problème lors du fetch'}, {root:true}) reject() }) }) }, fetchSingleImage({ dispatch, rootDispatch, commit}, id) { dispatch('overlayStore/showProgressOverlay', true, {root:true}) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { axios.get(`/images/${id}`) .then((response) => { commit('UPDATE_READ_ONLY', dispatch('setCurrentImg', dispatch('overlayStore/showProgressOverlay', false, {root:true}) resolve() }) .catch(()=> { dispatch('overlayStore/showProgressOverlay', false, {root:true}) reject() }) }) }, clearCurrentImg({dispatch}){ let clearObject = { id:'', name:'', copyright:'', description:'', src:'', tags_list: [], errors: {} } dispatch('setCurrentImg', clearObject) }, fetchTags({commit, dispatch}){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { axios.get(`/tags.json`).then((response)=>{ commit('SET_TAGS_LIST', resolve() }) .catch((error) => { dispatch('overlayStore/pushNotification', {error: true, msg: 'Problème avec les tags'}, {root:true}) reject() }) }) }, deleteImg({commit, dispatch}, idImage) { dispatch('overlayStore/showProgressOverlay', true, {root:true}) return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { axios.delete(`/images`, {params: {id: idImage}}) .then((response)=>{ dispatch('overlayStore/showProgressOverlay', false, {root:true}) dispatch('overlayStore/pushNotification', {success: true, msg: 'Image supprimé avec succès'}, {root:true}) commit('SPLICE_IMG_LISTING', idImage) }) .catch((error) => { dispatch('overlayStore/showProgressOverlay', false, {root:true}) dispatch('overlayStore/pushNotification', {error: true, msg: 'Problème lors de la supression de l\'image'}, {root:true}) }) }) }, checkAddMediaPermission({commit}) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { axios.get(`/images/new`) .then(() => { resolve() }) .catch(() => { reject() }) }) }, setSearchPage({commit}, page) { commit('SET_PAGE', page) }, setSearchQuery({commit}, query) { commit('SET_QUERY', query) }, toggleFilter({commit, state}, type) { let term = (state.activeFilters[type] == 'ASC') ? 'DESC' : 'ASC' commit('SET_FILTER', [term, type]) }, clearImgListing({ commit }){ commit('CLEAR_IMG_LISTING') }, updateSrc ({commit, state}, src) { commit('UPDATE_CURRENT_IMG_SRC', src) }, updateImageName ({commit, state}, name) { commit('UPDATE_CURRENT_IMG_NAME', name) }, addToTagFilter({commit, state}, id) { commit('ADD_TO_TAG_FILTERS', id) }, removeFromTagFilter({commit, state}, id) { commit('REMOVE_FROM_TAG_FILTERS', id) }, addTag ({ commit }, string) { commit('ADD_CURRENT_IMG_TAG', string) }, removeTag ({ commit }, string) { commit('REMOVE_CURRENT_IMG_TAG', string) } } } export default mediasStore