require 'helper' describe Lelylan::Client::Statuses do let(:client) do a_client end describe '.status' do let(:path) do '/statuses/4dcb9e23d033a9088900000a' end let(:uri) do "{path}" end before do stub_get(path).to_return(body: fixture('status.json')) end let!(:status) do client.status(uri) end it 'returns the status' do status.uri.should_not be_nil end it 'sends the request' do a_get(path).should have_been_made end end describe '.statuses' do let(:path) do '/statuses' end before do stub_get('/statuses').to_return(body: fixture('statuses.json')) end let!(:statuses) do client.statuses end it 'returns a list of statuses' do statuses.should have(1).item end it 'sends the request' do a_get(path).should have_been_made end context 'with params' do before do stub_get(path).with(query: {per: '25'}).to_return(body: fixture('status.json')) end before do client.statuses(per: 25) end it 'sends the params' do a_get(path).with(query: {per: '25'}).should have_been_made end end end describe '.public_statuses' do let(:path) do '/statuses/public' end before do client.user = nil client.password = nil end before do stub_get(path).to_return(body: fixture('statuses.json')) end let!(:statuses) do client.public_statuses end it 'returns a list of statuses' do statuses.should have(1).item end it 'sends the request' do a_get('').should have_been_made end end describe '.create_status' do let(:path) do '/statuses' end before do stub_post(path).with(body: {name: 'Setting intensity'}).to_return(body: fixture('status.json')) end let!(:status) do client.create_status(name: 'Setting intensity') end it 'returns the status' do status.uri.should_not be_nil end it 'sends the request' do a_post(path).with(body: {name: 'Setting intensity'}).should have_been_made end end describe '.update_status' do let(:path) do '/statuses/4dcb9e23d033a9088900000a' end let(:uri) do "{path}" end before do stub_put(path).with(body: {name: 'Setting intensity'}).to_return(body: fixture('status.json')) end let!(:status) do client.update_status(uri, name: 'Setting intensity') end it 'returns the status' do status.uri.should_not be_nil end it 'sends the request' do a_put(path).with(body: {name: 'Setting intensity'}).should have_been_made end end describe '.delete_status' do let(:path) do '/statuses/4dcb9e23d033a9088900000a' end let(:uri) do "{path}" end before do stub_delete(path).to_return(body: fixture('status.json')) end let!(:status) do client.delete_status(uri) end it 'returns the status' do status.uri.should_not be_nil end it 'sends the request' do a_delete(path).should have_been_made end end end