module Softcover module Mathjax # Returns the MathJax configuration. def self.config(options = {}) chapter_number = if options[:chapter_number] options[:chapter_number].inspect.inspect else '#{chapter_number}' end <<-EOS MathJax.Hub.Config({ "HTML-CSS": { availableFonts: ["TeX"], }, TeX: { extensions: ["AMSmath.js", "AMSsymbols.js"], equationNumbers: { autoNumber: "AMS", formatNumber: function (n) { return #{chapter_number} + '.' + n } }, Macros: { PolyTeX: "Poly{\\\\TeX}", PolyTeXnic: "Poly{\\\\TeX}nic", #{custom_macros} } }, showProcessingMessages: false, messageStyle: "none", imageFont: null }); EOS end # Rerturns a version of the MathJax configuration escaped for the server. # There's an extra interpolation somewhere between here and the server, # which this method corrects for. def self.escaped_config self.config.gsub('\\', '\\\\\\\\') end MATHJAX = 'MathJax/MathJax.js?config=' AMS_HTML = '/' + MATHJAX + 'TeX-AMS_HTML' AMS_SVG = MATHJAX + 'TeX-AMS-MML_SVG' private # Returns the custom macros as defined in the custom style file. def self.custom_macros extract_macros(Softcover.custom_styles) end # Extracts and formats the macros from the given string of style commands. # The output format is compatible with the macro configuration described # at def self.extract_macros(styles) # For some reason, \ensuremath doesn't work in MathJax, so remove it. styles.gsub!('\ensuremath', '') # First extract commands with no arguments. cmd_no_args = /^\s*\\newcommand\{\\(.*?)\}\{(.*)\}/ cna = styles.scan(cmd_no_args).map do |name, definition| escaped_definition = definition.gsub('\\', '\\\\\\\\') %(#{name}: "#{escaped_definition}") end # Then grab the commands with arguments. cmd_with_args = /^\s*\\newcommand\{\\(.*?)\}\[(\d+)\]\{(.*)\}/ cwa = styles.scan(cmd_with_args).map do |name, number, definition| escaped_definition = definition.gsub('\\', '\\\\\\\\') %(#{name}: ["#{escaped_definition}", #{number}]) end (cna + cwa).join(",\n") end end end