<p align="center"><img src="logo.svg" align="center" width="100"/></p> <h1 align="center">Filestack Ruby SDK</h1> <p align="center"> <a href="https://travis-ci.org/filestack/filestack-ruby.svg?branch=master"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/travis/filestack/filestack-ruby/master.svg?longCache=true&style=flat-square"> </a> <a href="https://coveralls.io/github/filestack/filestack-ruby?branch=master"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/coveralls/github/filestack/filestack-ruby/master.svg?longCache=true&style=flat-square"> </a> </p> <p align="center"> Ruby SDK for Filestack API and content management system. </p> **Important: This is the readme for 2.1.0.** A recent change (2.1.0) has renamed the `Client` to `FilestackClient`, and the `Filelink` to `FilestackFilelink`. Please make neccessary changes before upgrading to newest release if you run 2.0.1 or 2.0.0. This was to address namespace concerns by users with models and attributes named `Client`, and to be more consistent. ## Overview * A multi-part uploader powered on the backend by the [Filestack CIN](https://www.filestack.com/products/content-ingestion-network). * An interface to the [Filestack Processing Engine](https://www.filestack.com/docs/image-transformations) for transforming assets via URLs. * The Filestack Picker - an upload widget for the web that integrates over a dozen cloud providers and provides pre-upload image editing. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'filestack' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install filestack ## Dependencies We use the gem `mimemagic` which requires a copy of the Freedesktop.org shared-mime-info database. macOS users can install the database via Homebrew with `brew install shared-mime-info`. If you are unable to use a package manager, you can obtain a copy of the needed file by extracting it from the Debian package. This process will also work on a Windows machine. 1. Download the package from https://packages.debian.org/sid/amd64/shared-mime-info/download 2. Ensure the command line version of 7-Zip is installed 3. `7z x -so shared-mime-info_2.0-1_amd64.deb data.tar | 7z e -sidata.tar "./usr/share/mime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml"` 4. Place the file `freedesktop.org.xml` in an appropriate location, and then set the environment variable `FREEDESKTOP_MIME_TYPES_PATH` to that path. Once that has been done the gem should install successfully. Please note that the gem will depend upon the file remaining in that location at run time. ## Usage ### Import ```ruby require 'filestack' ``` Intialize the client using your API key, and security if you are using it. ```ruby client = FilestackClient.new('YOUR_API_KEY', security: security_object) ``` ### Uploading ```ruby filelink = client.upload(filepath: '/path/to/localfile') # OR filelink = client.upload(external_url: 'http://domain.com/image.png') # OR file = StringIO.new filelink = client.upload(io: file) ``` To upload a local, an IO object and an external file with following optional options: ```ruby options = { filename: 'string', location: 'string', path: 'string', container: 'string', mimetype: 'string', region: 'string', workflows: ['workflow-id-1', 'workflow-id-2'], upload_tags: { key: 'value', key2: 'value' } } filelink = client.upload(filepath: '/path/to/localfile', options: { mimetype: 'image/png', filename: 'custom_filename.png' }) filelink = client.upload(external_url: 'http://domain.com/image.png', options: { mimetype: 'image/jpeg', filename: 'custom_filename.png' }) ``` To store file on `dropbox`, `azure`, `gcs` or `rackspace`, you must have the chosen provider configured in the developer portal to enable this feature. By default the file is stored on `s3`. You can add more details of the storage in `options`. ```ruby filelink = client.upload(filepath: '/path/to/file', storage: 's3', options: { path: 'folder_name/', container: 'container_name', location: 's3', region: 'region_name' }) filelink = client.upload(external_url: 'http://someurl.com/image.png', options: { location: 'dropbox', path: 'folder_name' }) ``` ### Workflows Workflows allow you to wire up conditional logic and image processing to enforce business processes, automate ingest, and save valuable development time. In order to trigger the workflow job for each upload: ```ruby filelink = client.upload(filepath: '/path/to/file', options: { workflows: ["workflow_id_1", "workflow_id_2"] }) #OR filelink = client.upload(external_url: 'http://someurl.com/image.png', options: { workflows: ["workflow_id_1"] }) ``` ### Security If security is enabled on your account, or if you are using certain actions that require security (delete, overwrite and certain transformations), you will need to create a security object and pass it into the client on instantiation. ```ruby security = FilestackSecurity.new('YOUR_APP_SECRET', options: {call: %w[read store pick runWorkflow]}) client = FilestackClient.new('YOUR_API_KEY', security: security) ``` ### Using FilestackFilelinks FilestackFilelink objects are representation of a file handle. You can download, get raw file content, delete and overwrite file handles directly. Security is required for overwrite and delete methods. Initialize the filelink using the file handle, your API key, and security if required. The file handle is the string following the last slash `/` in the file URL. ```ruby filelink = FilestackFilelink.new(handle, apikey: 'YOUR_API_KEY', security: security_object) ``` ### Deletion You can delete a file by simply calling `delete` on the filelink. ```ruby filelink.delete ``` ### Transformations Transforms can be initiated one of two ways. The first, by calling ```transform``` on a filelink: ```ruby transform = filelink.transform ``` Or by using an external URL via the client: ```ruby transform = client.transform_external('https://someurl.com') ``` Transformations can be chained together as you please. ```ruby transform = filelink.transform.resize(width: 100, height: 100).flip.enhance ``` You can retrieve the URL of a transform object: ```ruby transform.url ``` Or you can store (upload) the transformation as a new filelink: ```ruby new_filelink = transform.store ``` For a list of valid transformations, please see [here](https://www.filestack.com/docs/image-transformations). ### Fallback Return `default` file if the source of the transformation does not work or the transformation fails. To use fallback, you should provide `handle` of the file that should be returned. Optionally, you can add `cache`, which means number of seconds fallback response should be cached in CDN. ```ruby transform = client.transform_external('https://someurl.com/file.png').fallback(file: 'DEFAULT_HANDLE_OR_FILEPATH') ``` If you are using fallback handle that belongs to different application than the one which runs transformation (APIKEY) and it is secured with security policy, appropriate signature and policy with read call should be used: ```ruby transform = client.transform_external('https://someurl.com/file.png').fallback(file: 'DEFAULT_HANDLE_OR_FILEPATH?policy=HANDLE_APIKEY_POLICY&signature=HANDLE_APIKEY_SIGNATURE', cache: 10) ``` ### Content Sets `Content-Disposition` header for given file. ```ruby transform = filelink.transform.content(filename: 'DEFAULT_FILENAME', type: 'TYPE') ``` ### Tagging If you have auto-tagging enabled onto your account, it can be called on any filelink object (tags don't work on external URLs). ```ruby tags = filelink.tags ``` This will return a hash with labels and their associated confidence: ```ruby { "auto" => { "art"=>73, "big cats"=>79, "carnivoran"=>80, "cartoon"=>93, "cat like mammal"=>92, "fauna"=>86, "mammal"=>92, "small to medium sized cats"=>89, "tiger"=>92, "vertebrate"=>90}, "user" => nil } ``` SFW is called the same way, but returns a boolean value (true == safe-for-work, false == not-safe-for-work). ```ruby sfw = filelink.sfw ``` ## Versioning Filestack Ruby SDK follows the [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## Issues If you have problems, please create a [Github Issue](https://github.com/filestack/filestack-ruby/issues).