#-- # (c) Copyright 2007 Nick Sieger # See the file LICENSES.txt included with the distribution for # software license details. #++ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe Warbler::Task do before(:each) do @rake = Rake::Application.new Rake.application = @rake mkdir_p "public" touch "public/index.html" @config = Warbler::Config.new do |config| config.staging_dir = "pkg/tmp/war" config.war_name = "warbler" config.gems = ["rake"] config.dirs = %w(bin generators lib) config.public_html = FileList["public/**/*", "tasks/**/*"] config.webxml.pool.maxActive = 5 end verbose(false) end after(:each) do define_tasks "clean" Rake::Task["warble:clean"].invoke rm_rf "public" rm_rf "config" end def define_tasks(*tasks) options = tasks.last.kind_of?(Hash) ? tasks.pop : {} @defined_tasks ||= [] tasks.each do |task| unless @defined_tasks.include?(task) Warbler::Task.new "warble", @config, "define_#{task}_task".to_sym do |t| options.each {|k,v| t.send "#{k}=", v } end @defined_tasks << task end end end def file_list(regex) FileList["#{@config.staging_dir}/**/*"].select {|f| f =~ regex } end it "should define a clean task for removing the staging directory" do define_tasks "clean" mkdir_p @config.staging_dir Rake::Task["warble:clean"].invoke File.exist?(@config.staging_dir).should == false end it "should define a public task for copying the public files" do define_tasks "public" Rake::Task["warble:public"].invoke file_list(%r{^#{@config.staging_dir}/index\.html}).should_not be_empty file_list(%r{tasks/warbler\.rake}).should_not be_empty end it "should define a gems task for unpacking gems" do define_tasks "gems" Rake::Task["warble:gems"].invoke file_list(%r{WEB-INF/gems/gems/rake.*/lib/rake.rb}).should_not be_empty file_list(%r{WEB-INF/gems/specifications/rake.*\.gemspec}).should_not be_empty end it "should define a webxml task for creating web.xml" do define_tasks "webxml" Rake::Task["warble:webxml"].invoke file_list(%r{WEB-INF/web.xml$}).should_not be_empty require 'rexml/document' elements = File.open("#{@config.staging_dir}/WEB-INF/web.xml") do |f| REXML::Document.new(f).root.elements end elements.to_a( "context-param/param-name[text()='jruby.pool.maxActive']" ).should_not be_empty elements.to_a( "context-param/param-name[text()='jruby.pool.maxActive']/../param-value" ).first.text.should == "5" end it "should use a config/web.xml if it exists" do define_tasks "webxml" mkdir_p "config" File.open("config/web.xml", "w") {|f| f << "Hi there" } Rake::Task["warble:webxml"].invoke files = file_list(%r{WEB-INF/web.xml$}) files.should_not be_empty File.open(files.first) {|f| f.read}.should == "Hi there" end it "should use a config/web.xml.erb if it exists" do define_tasks "webxml" mkdir_p "config" File.open("config/web.xml.erb", "w") {|f| f << "Hi <%= webxml.standalone %>" } Rake::Task["warble:webxml"].invoke files = file_list(%r{WEB-INF/web.xml$}) files.should_not be_empty File.open(files.first) {|f| f.read}.should == "Hi true" end it "should define a java_libs task for copying java libraries" do define_tasks "java_libs" Rake::Task["warble:java_libs"].invoke file_list(%r{WEB-INF/lib/jruby-complete.*\.jar$}).should_not be_empty end it "should define an app task for copying application files" do gems_ran = false task "warble:gems" do gems_ran = true end define_tasks "app" Rake::Task["warble:app"].invoke file_list(%r{WEB-INF/bin/warble$}).should_not be_empty file_list(%r{WEB-INF/generators/warble/warble_generator\.rb$}).should_not be_empty file_list(%r{WEB-INF/lib/warbler\.rb$}).should_not be_empty gems_ran.should == true end it "should define a jar task for creating the .war" do define_tasks "jar" mkdir_p @config.staging_dir touch "#{@config.staging_dir}/file.txt" Rake::Task["warble:jar"].invoke File.exist?("warbler.war").should == true end it "should define a war task for bundling up everything" do app_ran = false; task "warble:app" do; app_ran = true; end public_ran = false; task "warble:public" do; public_ran = true; end jar_ran = false; task "warble:jar" do; jar_ran = true; end webxml_ran = false; task "warble:webxml" do; webxml_ran = true; end define_tasks "main" Rake::Task["warble"].invoke app_ran.should == true public_ran.should == true jar_ran.should == true webxml_ran.should == true end it "should be able to exclude files from the .war" do @config.dirs << "spec" @config.excludes += FileList['spec/spec_helper.rb'] task "warble:gems" do; end define_tasks "app" Rake::Task["warble:app"].invoke file_list(%r{spec/spec_helper.rb}).should be_empty end it "should be able to define all tasks successfully" do Warbler::Task.new "warble", @config end it "should read configuration from #{Warbler::Config::FILE}" do mkdir_p "config" File.open(Warbler::Config::FILE, "w") do |dest| contents = File.open("#{Warbler::WARBLER_HOME}/generators/warble/templates/warble.rb") do |src| src.read end dest << contents.sub(/# config\.war_name/, 'config.war_name' ).sub(/# config.gems << "tzinfo"/, 'config.gems = []') end t = Warbler::Task.new "warble" t.config.war_name.should == "mywar" end it "should fail if a gem is requested that is not installed" do @config.gems = ["nonexistent-gem"] lambda { Warbler::Task.new "warble", @config }.should raise_error end it "should handle platform-specific gems" do spec = mock "gem spec" spec.stub!(:name).and_return "hpricot" spec.stub!(:version).and_return "0.6.157" spec.stub!(:platform).and_return "java" spec.stub!(:original_platform).and_return "java" spec.stub!(:loaded_from).and_return "hpricot.gemspec" spec.stub!(:dependencies).and_return [] Gem.source_index.should_receive(:search).with("hpricot", nil).and_return [spec] File.should_receive(:exist?).with(File.join(Gem.dir, 'cache', "hpricot-0.6.157-java.gem")).and_return true @config.gems = ["hpricot"] define_tasks "gems" end it "should define a java_classes task for copying loose java classes" do @config.java_classes = FileList["Rakefile"] define_tasks "java_classes" Rake::Task["warble:java_classes"].invoke file_list(%r{WEB-INF/classes/Rakefile$}).should_not be_empty end end describe "The warbler.rake file" do it "should be able to list its contents" do output = `#{FileUtils::RUBY} -S rake -f #{Warbler::WARBLER_HOME}/tasks/warbler.rake -T` output.should =~ /war\s/ output.should =~ /war:app/ output.should =~ /war:clean/ output.should =~ /war:gems/ output.should =~ /war:jar/ output.should =~ /war:java_libs/ output.should =~ /war:java_classes/ output.should =~ /war:public/ end end describe "Debug targets" do before(:each) do @rake = Rake::Application.new Rake.application = @rake verbose(false) silence { Warbler::Task.new :war, Object.new } end it "should print out lists of files" do capture { Rake::Task["war:debug:public"].invoke }.should =~ /public/ capture { Rake::Task["war:debug:gems"].invoke }.should =~ /gems/ capture { Rake::Task["war:debug:java_libs"].invoke }.should =~ /java_libs/ capture { Rake::Task["war:debug:java_classes"].invoke }.should =~ /java_classes/ capture { Rake::Task["war:debug:app"].invoke }.should =~ /app/ capture { Rake::Task["war:debug:includes"].invoke }.should =~ /include/ capture { Rake::Task["war:debug:excludes"].invoke }.should =~ /exclude/ capture { Rake::Task["war:debug"].invoke }.should =~ /Config/ end end