Standup.script :node do self.default_params = { :rails_env => 'production', :name => 'webapp', :server_name => '_', :git_branch => 'master', :gem_manager => :bundler, :app_subdir => '' } def run install_package 'git-core' install_package params.additional_packages if params.additional_packages.present? unless file_exists? project_path sudo "mkdir -p #{project_path}" end sudo "chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu #{project_path}" ensure_github_access unless file_exists? "#{project_path}/.git" exec "rm -rf #{project_path}/*" exec "git clone{github_repo}.git #{project_path}" end checkout_branch sudo "chown -R www-data:www-data #{app_path}" remote_update '/etc/environment', "RAILS_ENV=#{params.rails_env}\n", :delimiter => '# standup script rails_env', :sudo => true install_gems bootstrap_db #TODO replace rvm ruby with wrapper!!! with_processed_file script_file('webapp.conf') do |file| scripts.passenger.add_server_conf file, "#{}.conf" end end def with_environment with_context(:user => 'www-data', :path => app_path, :prefix => "RAILS_ENV=#{params.rails_env} bundle exec") do yield end end def project_path "/opt/#{}" end def app_path File.join(project_path, params.app_subdir) end def db_name params.db_name || "#{}_#{params.rails_env}" end def db return scripts.postgresql if scripts.setup.has_script? 'postgresql' return scripts.mysql if scripts.setup.has_script? 'mysql' nil end def server_names params.server_names || params.server_name end def server_name server_names.split(' ').first end def install_gems with_context(:user => 'www-data', :path => app_path) do case params.gem_manager.to_sym when :bundler install_gem 'bundler' exec 'bundle install' when :rake_gems cmd = "RAILS_ENV=#{params.rails_env} rake gems:install" output = exec cmd if output.match(/Missing the Rails ([\d\.]+) gem/) || output.match(/RubyGem version error: rails\([\d\.]+ not = ([\d\.]+)\)/) install_gem 'rails', $1 exec cmd end end end end def checkout_branch in_dir project_path do exec "git checkout #{params.git_branch}" end end def restart in_dir app_path do sudo 'mkdir -p tmp' sudo 'touch tmp/restart.txt' scripts.delayed_job.restart if scripts.setup.has_script? 'delayed_job' scripts.resque.restart if scripts.setup.has_script? 'resque' end end protected def ensure_github_access unless file_exists? '~/.ssh/id_rsa' exec "ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -P '' -C `hostname`" end while exec('ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no', nil, 10) =~ /Permission denied \(publickey\)/ password = bright_ask("Enter GitGub password for user #{params.github_user}:", false) github_add_deploy_key params.github_user, password, github_repo, exec('hostname').strip, exec('cat ~/.ssh/').strip end end def bootstrap_db if db.create_database db_name with_environment do exec "rake db:schema:load" exec "rake db:seed" end end end def github_repo params.github_repo.include?('/') ? params.github_repo : "#{params.github_user}/#{params.github_repo}" end def github_add_deploy_key user, password, repo, title, key require 'net/http' Net::HTTP.start '' do |http| req = "/api/v2/json/repos/key/#{repo}/add" req.form_data = {'title' => title, 'key' => key} req.basic_auth user, password response = http.request req response.is_a? Net::HTTPSuccess end end end