# frozen_string_literal: true require 'open3' require_relative 'font_icon_map' module Asciidoctor module Epub3 # Public: The main converter for the epub3 backend that handles packaging the # EPUB3 or KF8 publication file. class Converter include ::Asciidoctor::Converter include ::Asciidoctor::Logging include ::Asciidoctor::Writer register_for 'epub3' def write output, target epub_file = @format == :kf8 ? %(#{::Asciidoctor::Helpers.rootname target}-kf8.epub) : target output.generate_epub epub_file logger.debug %(Wrote #{@format.upcase} to #{epub_file}) if @extract extract_dir = epub_file.sub EpubExtensionRx, '' ::FileUtils.remove_dir extract_dir if ::File.directory? extract_dir ::Dir.mkdir extract_dir ::Dir.chdir extract_dir do ::Zip::File.open epub_file do |entries| entries.each do |entry| next unless entry.file? unless (entry_dir = ::File.dirname entry.name) == '.' || (::File.directory? entry_dir) ::FileUtils.mkdir_p entry_dir end entry.extract end end end logger.debug %(Extracted #{@format.upcase} to #{extract_dir}) end if @format == :kf8 # QUESTION shouldn't we validate this epub file too? distill_epub_to_mobi epub_file, target, @compress, @kindlegen_path elsif @validate validate_epub epub_file, @epubcheck_path end end CsvDelimiterRx = /\s*,\s*/ DATA_DIR = ::File.expand_path ::File.join(__dir__, '..', '..', 'data') ImageMacroRx = /^image::?(.*?)\[(.*?)\]$/ ImgSrcScanRx = // TrailingPunctRx = /[[:punct:]]$/ FromHtmlSpecialCharsMap = { '<' => '<', '>' => '>', '&' => '&', } FromHtmlSpecialCharsRx = /(?:#{FromHtmlSpecialCharsMap.keys * '|'})/ ToHtmlSpecialCharsMap = { '&' => '&', '<' => '<', '>' => '>', } ToHtmlSpecialCharsRx = /[#{ToHtmlSpecialCharsMap.keys.join}]/ EpubExtensionRx = /\.epub$/i KindlegenCompression = ::Hash['0', '-c0', '1', '-c1', '2', '-c2', 'none', '-c0', 'standard', '-c1', 'huffdic', '-c2'] (QUOTE_TAGS = { monospaced: ['', '', true], emphasis: ['', '', true], strong: ['', '', true], double: ['“', '”'], single: ['‘', '’'], mark: ['', '', true], superscript: ['', '', true], subscript: ['', '', true], asciimath: ['', '', true], latexmath: ['', '', true], }).default = ['', ''] def initialize backend, opts = {} super basebackend 'html' outfilesuffix '.epub' # dummy outfilesuffix since it may be .mobi htmlsyntax 'xml' end def convert node, name = nil, _opts = {} method_name = %(convert_#{name ||= node.node_name}) if respond_to? method_name send method_name, node else logger.warn %(conversion missing in backend #{@backend} for #{name}) end end # See https://asciidoctor.org/docs/user-manual/#book-parts-and-chapters def get_chapter_name node if node.document.doctype != 'book' return Asciidoctor::Document === node ? node.attr('docname') || node.id : nil end return (node.id || 'preamble') if node.context == :preamble && node.level == 0 Asciidoctor::Section === node && node.level <= 1 ? node.id : nil end def get_numbered_title node doc_attrs = node.document.attributes level = node.level if node.caption title = node.captioned_title elsif node.respond_to?(:numbered) && node.numbered && level <= (doc_attrs['sectnumlevels'] || 3).to_i if level < 2 && node.document.doctype == 'book' if node.sectname == 'chapter' title = %(#{(signifier = doc_attrs['chapter-signifier']) ? "#{signifier} " : ''}#{node.sectnum} #{node.title}) elsif node.sectname == 'part' title = %(#{(signifier = doc_attrs['part-signifier']) ? "#{signifier} " : ''}#{node.sectnum nil, ':'} #{node.title}) else title = %(#{node.sectnum} #{node.title}) end else title = %(#{node.sectnum} #{node.title}) end else title = node.title end title end def convert_document node @format = node.attr('ebook-format').to_sym @validate = node.attr? 'ebook-validate' @extract = node.attr? 'ebook-extract' @compress = node.attr 'ebook-compress' @kindlegen_path = node.attr 'ebook-kindlegen-path' @epubcheck_path = node.attr 'ebook-epubcheck-path' @xrefs_seen = ::Set.new @icon_names = [] @images = [] @footnotes = [] @book = GEPUB::Book.new 'EPUB/package.opf' @book.epub_backward_compat = @format != :kf8 @book.language node.attr('lang', 'en'), id: 'pub-language' if node.attr? 'uuid' @book.primary_identifier node.attr('uuid'), 'pub-identifier', 'uuid' else @book.primary_identifier node.id, 'pub-identifier', 'uuid' end # replace with next line once the attributes argument is supported #unique_identifier doc.id, 'pub-id', 'uuid', 'scheme' => 'xsd:string' # NOTE we must use :plain_text here since gepub reencodes @book.add_title sanitize_doctitle_xml(node, :plain_text), id: 'pub-title' # see https://www.w3.org/publishing/epub3/epub-packages.html#sec-opf-dccreator (1..(node.attr 'authorcount', 1).to_i).map do |idx| author = node.attr(idx == 1 ? 'author' : %(author_#{idx})) @book.add_creator author, role: 'aut' unless author.nil_or_empty? end publisher = node.attr 'publisher' # NOTE Use producer as both publisher and producer if publisher isn't specified publisher = node.attr 'producer' if publisher.nil_or_empty? @book.publisher = publisher unless publisher.nil_or_empty? if node.attr? 'reproducible' # We need to set lastmodified to some fixed value. Otherwise, gepub will set it to current date. @book.lastmodified = (::Time.at 0).utc # Is it correct that we do not populate dc:date when 'reproducible' is set? else if node.attr? 'revdate' begin @book.date = node.attr 'revdate' rescue ArgumentError => e logger.error %(#{::File.basename node.attr('docfile')}: failed to parse revdate: #{e}) @book.date = node.attr 'docdatetime' end else @book.date = node.attr 'docdatetime' end @book.lastmodified = node.attr 'localdatetime' end @book.description = node.attr 'description' if node.attr? 'description' @book.source = node.attr 'source' if node.attr? 'source' @book.rights = node.attr 'copyright' if node.attr? 'copyright' (node.attr 'keywords', '').split(CsvDelimiterRx).each do |s| @book.metadata.add_metadata 'subject', s end if node.attr? 'series-name' series_name = node.attr 'series-name' series_volume = node.attr 'series-volume', 1 series_id = node.attr 'series-id' series_meta = @book.metadata.add_metadata 'meta', series_name, id: 'pub-collection', group_position: series_volume series_meta['property'] = 'belongs-to-collection' series_meta.refine 'dcterms:identifier', series_id unless series_id.nil? # Calibre only understands 'series' series_meta.refine 'collection-type', 'series' end add_cover_image node add_front_matter_page node if node.doctype == 'book' toc_items = [] node.sections.each do |section| toc_items << section section.sections.each do |subsection| next if get_chapter_name(node).nil? toc_items << subsection end end node.content else toc_items = [node] add_chapter node end nav_xhtml = @book.add_item 'nav.xhtml', content: postprocess_xhtml(nav_doc(node, toc_items)), id: 'nav' nav_xhtml.nav # NOTE gepub doesn't support building a ncx TOC with depth > 1, so do it ourselves toc_ncx = ncx_doc node, toc_items @book.add_item 'toc.ncx', content: toc_ncx.to_ios, id: 'ncx' docimagesdir = (node.attr 'imagesdir', '.').chomp '/' docimagesdir = (docimagesdir == '.' ? nil : %(#{docimagesdir}/)) @images.each do |image| if image[:name].start_with? %(#{docimagesdir}jacket/cover.) logger.warn %(image path is reserved for cover artwork: #{image[:name]}; skipping image found in content) elsif ::File.readable? image[:path] @book.add_item image[:name], content: image[:path] else logger.error %(#{File.basename node.attr('docfile')}: image not found or not readable: #{image[:path]}) end end #add_metadata 'ibooks:specified-fonts', true add_theme_assets node if node.doctype != 'book' usernames = [node].map {|item| item.attr 'username' }.compact.uniq add_profile_images node, usernames end @book end # FIXME: move to Asciidoctor::Helpers def sanitize_doctitle_xml doc, content_spec doctitle = doc.doctitle use_fallback: true sanitize_xml doctitle, content_spec end # FIXME: move to Asciidoctor::Helpers def sanitize_xml content, content_spec if content_spec != :pcdata && (content.include? '<') if (content = (content.gsub XmlElementRx, '').strip).include? ' ' content = content.tr_s ' ', ' ' end end case content_spec when :attribute_cdata content = content.gsub '"', '"' if content.include? '"' when :cdata, :pcdata # noop when :plain_text if content.include? ';' content = content.gsub(CharEntityRx) { [$1.to_i].pack 'U*' } if content.include? '&#' content = content.gsub FromHtmlSpecialCharsRx, FromHtmlSpecialCharsMap end else raise ::ArgumentError, %(Unknown content spec: #{content_spec}) end content end def add_chapter node docid = get_chapter_name node return nil if docid.nil? chapter_item = @book.add_ordered_item %(#{docid}.xhtml) if node.context == :document && (doctitle = node.doctitle partition: true, use_fallback: true).subtitle? title = %(#{doctitle.main} ) subtitle = doctitle.subtitle elsif node.title # HACK: until we get proper handling of title-only in CSS title = '' subtitle = get_numbered_title node else title = nil subtitle = nil end doctitle_sanitized = (node.document.doctitle sanitize: true, use_fallback: true).to_s # By default, Kindle does not allow the line height to be adjusted. # But if you float the elements, then the line height disappears and can be restored manually using margins. # See https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-epub3/issues/123 subtitle_formatted = subtitle ? subtitle.split.map {|w| %(#{w}) } * ' ' : nil if node.document.doctype == 'book' byline = '' else author = node.attr 'author' username = node.attr 'username', 'default' imagesdir = (node.document.attr 'imagesdir', '.').chomp '/' imagesdir = imagesdir == '.' ? '' : %(#{imagesdir}/) byline = %(


#{LF}) end mark_last_paragraph node unless node.document.doctype == 'book' @xrefs_seen.clear content = node.content # NOTE must run after content is resolved # TODO perhaps create dynamic CSS file? if @icon_names.empty? icon_css_head = '' else icon_defs = @icon_names.map {|name| %(.i-#{name}::before { content: "#{FontIconMap.unicode name}"; }) } * LF icon_css_head = %( ) end header = (title || subtitle) ? %(

#{title}#{subtitle ? %(#{subtitle_formatted}) : ''}

) : '' # TODO : support writing code highlighter CSS to a separate file linkcss = false # NOTE kindlegen seems to mangle the
element, so we wrap its content in a div lines = [%( #{doctitle_sanitized} #{icon_css_head})] if self.class.supports_highlighter_docinfo? && (syntax_hl = node.document.syntax_highlighter) && (syntax_hl.docinfo? :head) lines << (syntax_hl.docinfo :head, node, linkcss: linkcss, self_closing_tag_slash: '/') end lines << %(
#{header} #{content}) unless (fns = node.document.footnotes - @footnotes).empty? @footnotes += fns # NOTE kindlegen seems to mangle the
element, so we wrap its content in a div lines << '
' end lines << '
' lines << (syntax_hl.docinfo :footer, node.document, linkcss: linkcss, self_closing_tag_slash: '/') if syntax_hl && (syntax_hl.docinfo? :footer) lines << ' ' chapter_item.add_content postprocess_xhtml lines * LF epub_properties = node.attr 'epub-properties' chapter_item.add_property 'svg' if epub_properties&.include? 'svg' # # QUESTION reenable? # #linear 'yes' if i == 0 chapter_item end def convert_section node if add_chapter(node).nil? hlevel = node.level epub_type_attr = node.special ? %( epub:type="#{node.sectname}") : '' div_classes = [%(sect#{node.level}), node.role].compact title = get_numbered_title node title_sanitized = xml_sanitize title %(
#{title}#{(content = node.content).empty? ? '' : %( #{content})}
) end end # NOTE embedded is used for AsciiDoc table cell content def convert_embedded node node.content end # TODO: support use of quote block as abstract def convert_preamble node if add_chapter(node).nil? if (first_block = node.blocks[0]) && first_block.style == 'abstract' convert_abstract first_block # REVIEW: should we treat the preamble as an abstract in general? elsif first_block && node.blocks.size == 1 convert_abstract first_block else node.content end end end def convert_open node id_attr = node.id ? %( id="#{node.id}") : nil class_attr = node.role ? %( class="#{node.role}") : nil if id_attr || class_attr %( #{output_content node} ) else output_content node end end def convert_abstract node %(
#{output_content node}
) end def convert_paragraph node id_attr = node.id ? %( id="#{node.id}") : '' role = node.role # stack-head is the alternative to the default, inline-head (where inline means "run-in") head_stop = node.attr 'head-stop', (role && (node.has_role? 'stack-head') ? nil : '.') head = node.title? ? %(#{title = node.title}#{head_stop && title !~ TrailingPunctRx ? head_stop : ''} ) : '' if role node.set_option 'hardbreaks' if node.has_role? 'signature' %(#{head}#{node.content}

) else %(#{head}#{node.content}

) end end def convert_pass node content = node.content if content == '' '
' else content end end def convert_admonition node id_attr = node.id ? %( id="#{node.id}") : '' if node.title? title = node.title title_sanitized = xml_sanitize title title_attr = %( title="#{node.caption}: #{title_sanitized}") title_el = %(


) else title_attr = %( title="#{node.caption}") title_el = '' end type = node.attr 'name' epub_type = case type when 'tip' 'help' when 'note' 'note' when 'important', 'warning', 'caution' 'warning' else logger.warn %(unknown admonition type: #{type}) 'note' end %( #{title_el}
#{output_content node}
) end def convert_example node id_attr = node.id ? %( id="#{node.id}") : '' title_div = node.title? ? %(
) : '' %( #{title_div}
#{output_content node}
) end def convert_floating_title node tag_name = %(h#{node.level + 1}) id_attribute = node.id ? %( id="#{node.id}") : '' %(<#{tag_name}#{id_attribute} class="#{['discrete', node.role].compact * ' '}">#{node.title}) end def convert_listing node nowrap = (node.option? 'nowrap') || !(node.document.attr? 'prewrap') if node.style == 'source' lang = node.attr 'language' if self.class.supports_highlighter_docinfo? && (syntax_hl = node.document.syntax_highlighter) opts = syntax_hl.highlight? ? { css_mode: ((doc_attrs = node.document.attributes)[%(#{syntax_hl.name}-css)] || :class).to_sym, style: doc_attrs[%(#{syntax_hl.name}-style)], } : {} opts[:nowrap] = nowrap else pre_open = %(
            pre_close = '
' end else pre_open = %() pre_close = '' syntax_hl = nil end figure_classes = ['listing'] figure_classes << 'coalesce' if node.option? 'unbreakable' title_div = node.title? ? %(
#{get_numbered_title node}
) : '' %(
#{title_div} #{syntax_hl ? (syntax_hl.format node, lang, opts) : pre_open + (node.content || '') + pre_close}
) end # TODO: implement proper stem support. See https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-epub3/issues/10 alias convert_stem convert_listing # QUESTION should we wrap the
 in either 
? def convert_literal node %(
) end def convert_page_break _node '
' end def convert_thematic_break _node '
' end def convert_quote node id_attr = node.id ? %( id="#{node.id}") : '' class_attr = (role = node.role) ? %( class="blockquote #{role}") : ' class="blockquote"' footer_content = [] if (attribution = node.attr 'attribution') footer_content << attribution end if (citetitle = node.attr 'citetitle') citetitle_sanitized = xml_sanitize citetitle footer_content << %(#{citetitle}) end footer_content << %(#{node.title}) if node.title? footer_tag = footer_content.empty? ? '' : %(
~ #{footer_content * ' '}
) content = (output_content node).strip %(
) end def convert_verse node id_attr = node.id ? %( id="#{node.id}") : '' class_attr = (role = node.role) ? %( class="verse #{role}") : ' class="verse"' footer_content = [] if (attribution = node.attr 'attribution') footer_content << attribution end if (citetitle = node.attr 'citetitle') citetitle_sanitized = xml_sanitize citetitle footer_content << %(#{citetitle}) end footer_tag = !footer_content.empty? ? %( ~ #{footer_content * ', '}) : '' %(
) end def convert_sidebar node classes = ['sidebar'] if node.title? classes << 'titled' title = node.title title_sanitized = xml_sanitize title title_attr = %( title="#{title_sanitized}") title_el = %(


) else title_attr = title_el = '' end %() end def convert_table node lines = [%(
)] lines << %(
) table_id_attr = node.id ? %( id="#{node.id}") : '' frame_class = { 'all' => 'table-framed', 'topbot' => 'table-framed-topbot', 'sides' => 'table-framed-sides', 'none' => '', } grid_class = { 'all' => 'table-grid', 'rows' => 'table-grid-rows', 'cols' => 'table-grid-cols', 'none' => '', } table_classes = %W[table #{frame_class[node.attr 'frame'] || frame_class['topbot']} #{grid_class[node.attr 'grid'] || grid_class['rows']}] if (role = node.role) table_classes << role end table_class_attr = %( class="#{table_classes * ' '}") table_styles = [] table_styles << %(width: #{node.attr 'tablepcwidth'}%) unless (node.option? 'autowidth') && !(node.attr? 'width', nil, false) table_style_attr = !table_styles.empty? ? %( style="#{table_styles * '; '}") : '' lines << %() lines << %(#{node.captioned_title}) if node.title? if (node.attr 'rowcount') > 0 lines << '' #if node.option? 'autowidth' tag = %() node.columns.size.times do lines << tag end #else # node.columns.each do |col| # lines << %() # end #end lines << '' [:head, :body, :foot].reject {|tsec| node.rows[tsec].empty? }.each do |tsec| lines << %() node.rows[tsec].each do |row| lines << '' row.each do |cell| if tsec == :head cell_content = cell.text else case cell.style when :asciidoc cell_content = %(
) when :verse cell_content = %(
) when :literal cell_content = %(
) else cell_content = '' cell.content.each do |text| cell_content = %(#{cell_content}


) end end end cell_tag_name = tsec == :head || cell.style == :header ? 'th' : 'td' cell_classes = [] if (halign = cell.attr 'halign') && halign != 'left' cell_classes << 'halign-left' end if (halign = cell.attr 'valign') && halign != 'top' cell_classes << 'valign-top' end cell_class_attr = !cell_classes.empty? ? %( class="#{cell_classes * ' '}") : '' cell_colspan_attr = cell.colspan ? %( colspan="#{cell.colspan}") : '' cell_rowspan_attr = cell.rowspan ? %( rowspan="#{cell.rowspan}") : '' cell_style_attr = (node.document.attr? 'cellbgcolor') ? %( style="background-color: #{node.document.attr 'cellbgcolor'}") : '' lines << %(<#{cell_tag_name}#{cell_class_attr}#{cell_colspan_attr}#{cell_rowspan_attr}#{cell_style_attr}>#{cell_content}) end lines << '' end lines << %(
) end end lines << '
' lines * LF end def convert_colist node lines = ['
    '] num = CalloutStartNum node.items.each_with_index do |item, i| lines << %(
  1. #{num} #{item.text}
  2. ) num = num.next end lines << '
' end # TODO: add complex class if list has nested blocks def convert_dlist node lines = [] case (style = node.style) when 'itemized', 'ordered' list_tag_name = style == 'itemized' ? 'ul' : 'ol' role = node.role subject_stop = node.attr 'subject-stop', (role && (node.has_role? 'stack') ? nil : ':') # QUESTION should we just use itemized-list and ordered-list as the class here? or just list? div_classes = [%(#{style}-list), role].compact list_class_attr = (node.option? 'brief') ? ' class="brief"' : '' lines << %(
<#{list_tag_name}#{list_class_attr}#{list_tag_name == 'ol' && (node.option? 'reversed') ? ' reversed="reversed"' : ''}>) node.items.each do |subjects, dd| # consists of one term (a subject) and supporting content subject = [*subjects].first.text subject_plain = xml_sanitize subject, :plain subject_element = %(#{subject}#{subject_stop && subject_plain !~ TrailingPunctRx ? subject_stop : ''}) lines << '
  • ' if dd # NOTE: must wrap remaining text in a span to help webkit justify the text properly lines << %(#{subject_element}#{dd.text? ? %( #{dd.text}) : ''}) lines << dd.content if dd.blocks? else lines << %(#{subject_element}) end lines << '
  • ' end lines << %(
    ) else lines << '
    ' node.items.each do |terms, dd| [*terms].each do |dt| lines << %(
    ) end next unless dd lines << '
    ' if dd.blocks? lines << %(#{dd.text}) if dd.text? lines << dd.content else lines << %(#{dd.text}) end lines << '
    ' end lines << '
    ' end lines * LF end def convert_olist node complex = false div_classes = ['ordered-list', node.style, node.role].compact ol_classes = [node.style, ((node.option? 'brief') ? 'brief' : nil)].compact ol_class_attr = ol_classes.empty? ? '' : %( class="#{ol_classes * ' '}") ol_start_attr = (node.attr? 'start') ? %( start="#{node.attr 'start'}") : '' id_attribute = node.id ? %( id="#{node.id}") : '' lines = [%()] lines << %(


    ) if node.title? lines << %() node.items.each do |item| lines << %(
  • #{item.text}) if item.blocks? lines << item.content complex = true unless item.blocks.size == 1 && ::Asciidoctor::List === item.blocks[0] end lines << '
  • ' end if complex div_classes << 'complex' lines[0] = %(
    ) end lines << '
    ' lines * LF end def convert_ulist node complex = false div_classes = ['itemized-list', node.style, node.role].compact ul_classes = [node.style, ((node.option? 'brief') ? 'brief' : nil)].compact ul_class_attr = ul_classes.empty? ? '' : %( class="#{ul_classes * ' '}") id_attribute = node.id ? %( id="#{node.id}") : '' lines = [%()] lines << %(


    ) if node.title? lines << %() node.items.each do |item| lines << %(
  • #{item.text}) if item.blocks? lines << item.content complex = true unless item.blocks.size == 1 && ::Asciidoctor::List === item.blocks[0] end lines << '
  • ' end if complex div_classes << 'complex' lines[0] = %(
    ) end lines << '
    ' lines * LF end def doc_option document, key loop do value = document.options[key] return value unless value.nil? document = document.parent_document break if document.nil? end nil end def root_document document document = document.parent_document until document.parent_document.nil? document end def register_image node, target if target.end_with? '.svg' chapter = get_enclosing_chapter node chapter.set_attr 'epub-properties', [] unless chapter.attr? 'epub-properties' epub_properties = chapter.attr 'epub-properties' epub_properties << 'svg' unless epub_properties.include? 'svg' end out_dir = node.attr('outdir', nil, true) || doc_option(node.document, :to_dir) fs_path = (::File.join out_dir, target) unless ::File.exist? fs_path base_dir = root_document(node.document).base_dir fs_path = ::File.join base_dir, target end # We need *both* virtual and physical image paths. Unfortunately, references[:images] only has one of them. @images << { name: target, path: fs_path } end def resolve_image_attrs node img_attrs = [] img_attrs << %(alt="#{node.attr 'alt'}") if node.attr? 'alt' width = node.attr 'scaledwidth' width = node.attr 'width' if width.nil? # Unlike browsers, Calibre/Kindle *do* scale image if only height is specified # So, in order to match browser behavior, we just always omit height img_attrs << %(width="#{width}") unless width.nil? img_attrs end def convert_image node target = node.image_uri node.attr 'target' register_image node, target id_attr = node.id ? %( id="#{node.id}") : '' img_attrs = resolve_image_attrs node %(
    #{node.title? ? %(
    ) : ''} ) end def get_enclosing_chapter node loop do return nil if node.nil? return node unless get_chapter_name(node).nil? node = node.parent end end def convert_inline_anchor node case node.type when :xref doc, refid, target, text = node.document, node.attr('refid'), node.target, node.text id_attr = '' if (path = node.attributes['path']) # NOTE non-nil path indicates this is an inter-document xref that's not included in current document text = node.text || path elsif refid == '#' logger.warn %(#{::File.basename doc.attr('docfile')}: <> xref syntax isn't supported anymore. Use either <> or <>) elsif refid ref = doc.references[:refs][refid] our_chapter = get_enclosing_chapter node ref_chapter = get_enclosing_chapter ref if ref_chapter ref_docname = get_chapter_name ref_chapter if ref_chapter == our_chapter # ref within same chapter file id_attr = %( id="xref-#{refid}") target = %(##{refid}) elsif refid == ref_docname # ref to top section of other chapter file id_attr = %( id="xref--#{refid}") target = %(#{refid}.xhtml) else # ref to section within other chapter file id_attr = %( id="xref--#{ref_docname}--#{refid}") target = %(#{ref_docname}.xhtml##{refid}) end id_attr = '' unless @xrefs_seen.add? refid text ||= (ref.xreftext node.attr('xrefstyle', nil, true)) else logger.warn %(#{::File.basename doc.attr('docfile')}: invalid reference to unknown anchor: #{refid}) end end %(#{text || "[#{refid}]"}) when :ref # NOTE id is used instead of target starting in Asciidoctor 2.0.0 %() when :link %(#{node.text}) when :bibref # NOTE reftext is no longer enclosed in [] starting in Asciidoctor 2.0.0 # NOTE id is used instead of target starting in Asciidoctor 2.0.0 if (reftext = node.reftext) reftext = %([#{reftext}]) unless reftext.start_with? '[' else reftext = %([#{node.target || node.id}]) end %(#{reftext}) else logger.warn %(unknown anchor type: #{node.type.inspect}) nil end end def convert_inline_break node %(#{node.text}
    ) end def convert_inline_button node %([#{node.text}]) end def convert_inline_callout node num = CalloutStartNum int_num = node.text.to_i (int_num - 1).times { num = num.next } %(#{num}) end def convert_inline_footnote node if (index = node.attr 'index') %([#{index}]) elsif node.type == :xref %(#{node.text}) end end def convert_inline_image node if node.type == 'icon' @icon_names << (icon_name = node.target) i_classes = ['icon', %(i-#{icon_name})] i_classes << %(icon-#{node.attr 'size'}) if node.attr? 'size' i_classes << %(icon-flip-#{(node.attr 'flip')[0]}) if node.attr? 'flip' i_classes << %(icon-rotate-#{node.attr 'rotate'}) if node.attr? 'rotate' i_classes << node.role if node.role? %() else target = node.image_uri node.target register_image node, target img_attrs = resolve_image_attrs node img_attrs << %(class="inline#{prepend_space node.role}") %() end end def convert_inline_indexterm node node.type == :visible ? node.text : '' end def convert_inline_kbd node if (keys = node.attr 'keys').size == 1 %(#{keys[0]}) else key_combo = keys.map {|key| %(#{key}) }.join '+' %(#{key_combo}) end end def convert_inline_menu node menu = node.attr 'menu' # NOTE we swap right angle quote with chevron right from FontAwesome using CSS caret = %(#{NoBreakSpace}#{RightAngleQuote} ) if !(submenus = node.attr 'submenus').empty? submenu_path = submenus.map {|submenu| %(#{submenu}#{caret}) }.join.chop %(#{menu}#{caret}#{submenu_path} #{node.attr 'menuitem'}) elsif (menuitem = node.attr 'menuitem') %(#{menu}#{caret}#{menuitem}) else %(#{menu}) end end def convert_inline_quoted node open, close, tag = QUOTE_TAGS[node.type] # TODO: implement proper stem support. See https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-epub3/issues/10 node.add_role 'literal' if [:monospaced, :asciimath, :latexmath].include? node.type if node.id class_attr = class_string node if tag %(#{open.chop} id="#{node.id}"#{class_attr}>#{node.text}#{close}) else %(#{open}#{node.text}#{close}) end elsif role_valid_class? node.role class_attr = class_string node if tag %(#{open.chop}#{class_attr}>#{node.text}#{close}) else %(#{open}#{node.text}#{close}) end else %(#{open}#{node.text}#{close}) end end def output_content node node.content_model == :simple ? %(


    ) : node.content end # FIXME: merge into with xml_sanitize helper def xml_sanitize value, target = :attribute sanitized = (value.include? '<') ? value.gsub(XmlElementRx, '').strip.tr_s(' ', ' ') : value if target == :plain && (sanitized.include? ';') sanitized = sanitized.gsub(CharEntityRx) { [$1.to_i].pack 'U*' } if sanitized.include? '&#' sanitized = sanitized.gsub FromHtmlSpecialCharsRx, FromHtmlSpecialCharsMap elsif target == :attribute sanitized = sanitized.gsub '"', '"' if sanitized.include? '"' end sanitized end # TODO: make check for last content paragraph a feature of Asciidoctor def mark_last_paragraph root return unless (last_block = root.blocks[-1]) last_block = last_block.blocks[-1] while last_block.context == :section && last_block.blocks? if last_block.context == :paragraph last_block.attributes['role'] = last_block.role? ? %(#{last_block.role} last) : 'last' end nil end # Prepend a space to the value if it's non-nil, otherwise return empty string. def prepend_space value value ? %( #{value}) : '' end def add_theme_assets doc format = @format workdir = if doc.attr? 'epub3-stylesdir' stylesdir = doc.attr 'epub3-stylesdir' # FIXME: make this work for Windows paths!! if stylesdir.start_with? '/' stylesdir else docdir = doc.attr 'docdir', '.' docdir = '.' if docdir.empty? ::File.join docdir, stylesdir end else ::File.join DATA_DIR, 'styles' end # TODO: improve design/UX of custom theme functionality, including custom fonts if format == :kf8 # NOTE add layer of indirection so Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) doesn't strip font-related CSS rules @book.add_item 'styles/epub3.css', content: '@import url("epub3-proxied.css");'.to_ios @book.add_item 'styles/epub3-css3-only.css', content: '@import url("epub3-css3-only-proxied.css");'.to_ios @book.add_item 'styles/epub3-proxied.css', content: (postprocess_css_file ::File.join(workdir, 'epub3.css'), format) @book.add_item 'styles/epub3-css3-only-proxied.css', content: (postprocess_css_file ::File.join(workdir, 'epub3-css3-only.css'), format) else @book.add_item 'styles/epub3.css', content: (postprocess_css_file ::File.join(workdir, 'epub3.css'), format) @book.add_item 'styles/epub3-css3-only.css', content: (postprocess_css_file ::File.join(workdir, 'epub3-css3-only.css'), format) end font_files, font_css = select_fonts ::File.join(DATA_DIR, 'styles/epub3-fonts.css'), (doc.attr 'scripts', 'latin') @book.add_item 'styles/epub3-fonts.css', content: font_css unless font_files.empty? # NOTE metadata property in oepbs package manifest doesn't work; must use proprietary iBooks file instead #(@book.metadata.add_metadata 'meta', 'true')['property'] = 'ibooks:specified-fonts' unless format == :kf8 @book.add_optional_file 'META-INF/com.apple.ibooks.display-options.xml', ' '.to_ios unless format == :kf8 font_files.each do |font_file| @book.add_item font_file, content: File.join(DATA_DIR, font_file) end end nil end def add_cover_image doc return if (image_path = doc.attr 'front-cover-image').nil? imagesdir = (doc.attr 'imagesdir', '.').chomp '/' imagesdir = (imagesdir == '.' ? '' : %(#{imagesdir}/)) image_attrs = {} if (image_path.include? ':') && image_path =~ ImageMacroRx logger.warn %(deprecated block macro syntax detected in front-cover-image attribute) if image_path.start_with? 'image::' image_path = %(#{imagesdir}#{$1}) (::Asciidoctor::AttributeList.new $2).parse_into image_attrs, %w(alt width height) unless $2.empty? end image_href = %(#{imagesdir}jacket/cover#{::File.extname image_path}) workdir = doc.attr 'docdir' workdir = '.' if workdir.nil_or_empty? unless ::File.readable? ::File.join(workdir, image_path) logger.error %(#{::File.basename doc.attr('docfile')}: front cover image not found or readable: #{::File.expand_path image_path, workdir}) return end unless !image_attrs.empty? && (width = image_attrs['width']) && (height = image_attrs['height']) width, height = 1050, 1600 end @book.add_item(image_href, content: File.join(workdir, image_path)).cover_image unless @format == :kf8 # NOTE SVG wrapper maintains aspect ratio and confines image to view box content = %( #{sanitize_doctitle_xml doc, :cdata} ).to_ios # Gitden expects a cover.xhtml, so add it to the spine @book.add_ordered_item 'cover.xhtml', content: content, id: 'cover' end nil end def get_frontmatter_files doc, workdir if doc.attr? 'epub3-frontmatterdir' fmdir = doc.attr 'epub3-frontmatterdir' fmglob = 'front-matter.*\.html' fm_path = File.join workdir, fmdir unless Dir.exist? fm_path logger.warn %(#{File.basename doc.attr('docfile')}: directory specified by 'epub3-frontmattderdir' doesn't exist! Ignoring ...) return [] end fms = Dir.entries(fm_path).delete_if {|x| !x.match fmglob }.sort.map {|y| File.join fm_path, y } if fms && !fms.empty? fms else logger.warn %(#{File.basename doc.attr('docfile')}: directory specified by 'epub3-frontmattderdir' contains no suitable files! Ignoring ...) [] end elsif File.exist? File.join workdir, 'front-matter.html' [File.join(workdir, 'front-matter.html')] else [] end end def add_front_matter_page doc workdir = doc.attr 'docdir' workdir = '.' if workdir.nil_or_empty? get_frontmatter_files(doc, workdir).each do |front_matter| front_matter_content = ::File.read front_matter front_matter_file = File.basename front_matter, '.html' item = @book.add_ordered_item "#{front_matter_file}.xhtml", content: (postprocess_xhtml front_matter_content) item.add_property 'svg' if SvgImgSniffRx =~ front_matter_content front_matter_content.scan ImgSrcScanRx do @book.add_item $1, content: File.join(File.dirname(front_matter), $1) end end nil end def add_profile_images doc, usernames imagesdir = (doc.attr 'imagesdir', '.').chomp '/' imagesdir = (imagesdir == '.' ? nil : %(#{imagesdir}/)) @book.add_item %(#{imagesdir}avatars/default.jpg), content: ::File.join(DATA_DIR, 'images/default-avatar.jpg') @book.add_item %(#{imagesdir}headshots/default.jpg), content: ::File.join(DATA_DIR, 'images/default-headshot.jpg') workdir = (workdir = doc.attr 'docdir').nil_or_empty? ? '.' : workdir usernames.each do |username| avatar = %(#{imagesdir}avatars/#{username}.jpg) if ::File.readable? (resolved_avatar = (::File.join workdir, avatar)) @book.add_item avatar, content: resolved_avatar else logger.error %(avatar for #{username} not found or readable: #{avatar}; falling back to default avatar) @book.add_item avatar, content: ::File.join(DATA_DIR, 'images/default-avatar.jpg') end headshot = %(#{imagesdir}headshots/#{username}.jpg) if ::File.readable? (resolved_headshot = (::File.join workdir, headshot)) @book.add_item headshot, content: resolved_headshot elsif doc.attr? 'builder', 'editions' logger.error %(headshot for #{username} not found or readable: #{headshot}; falling back to default headshot) @book.add_item headshot, content: ::File.join(DATA_DIR, 'images/default-headshot.jpg') end end nil end # TODO: aggregate authors of chapters into authors attribute(s) on main document def nav_doc doc, items lines = [%( #{sanitize_doctitle_xml doc, :cdata}

    #{sanitize_doctitle_xml doc, :pcdata}

    ) lines * LF end def nav_level items, depth, state = {} lines = [] lines << '
      ' items.each do |item| #index = (state[:index] = (state.fetch :index, 0) + 1) if (chapter_name = get_chapter_name item).nil? item_label = sanitize_xml get_numbered_title(item), :pcdata item_href = %(#{state[:content_doc_href]}##{item.id}) else # NOTE we sanitize the chapter titles because we use formatting to control layout if item.context == :document item_label = sanitize_doctitle_xml item, :cdata else item_label = sanitize_xml get_numbered_title(item), :cdata end item_href = (state[:content_doc_href] = %(#{chapter_name}.xhtml)) end lines << %(
    1. #{item_label}) if depth == 0 || (child_sections = item.sections).empty? lines[-1] = %(#{lines[-1]}
    2. ) else lines << (nav_level child_sections, depth - 1, state) lines << '' end state.delete :content_doc_href unless chapter_name.nil? end lines << '
    ' lines * LF end def ncx_doc doc, items # TODO: populate docAuthor element based on unique authors in work lines = [%( %{depth} #{sanitize_doctitle_xml doc, :cdata} )] lines << (ncx_level items, [(doc.attr 'toclevels', 1).to_i, 0].max, state = {}) lines[0] = lines[0].sub '%{depth}', %() lines << %( ) lines * LF end def ncx_level items, depth, state = {} lines = [] state[:max_depth] = (state.fetch :max_depth, 0) + 1 items.each do |item| index = (state[:index] = (state.fetch :index, 0) + 1) item_id = %(nav_#{index}) if (chapter_name = get_chapter_name item).nil? item_label = sanitize_xml get_numbered_title(item), :cdata item_href = %(#{state[:content_doc_href]}##{item.id}) else if item.context == :document item_label = sanitize_doctitle_xml item, :cdata else item_label = sanitize_xml get_numbered_title(item), :cdata end item_href = (state[:content_doc_href] = %(#{chapter_name}.xhtml)) end lines << %() lines << %(#{item_label}) lines << %() unless depth == 0 || (child_sections = item.sections).empty? lines << (ncx_level child_sections, depth - 1, state) end lines << %() state.delete :content_doc_href unless chapter_name.nil? end lines * LF end # Swap fonts in CSS based on the value of the document attribute 'scripts', # then return the list of fonts as well as the font CSS. def select_fonts filename, scripts = 'latin' font_css = ::File.read filename font_css = font_css.gsub(/(?<=-)latin(?=\.ttf\))/, scripts) unless scripts == 'latin' # match CSS font urls in the forms of: # src: url(../fonts/notoserif-regular-latin.ttf); # src: url(../fonts/notoserif-regular-latin.ttf) format("truetype"); font_list = font_css.scan(/url\(\.\.\/([^)]+\.ttf)\)/).flatten [font_list, font_css.to_ios] end def postprocess_css_file filename, format return filename unless format == :kf8 postprocess_css ::File.read(filename), format end def postprocess_css content, format return content.to_ios unless format == :kf8 # TODO: convert regular expressions to constants content .gsub(/^ -webkit-column-break-.*\n/, '') .gsub(/^ max-width: .*\n/, '') .to_ios end # NOTE Kindle requires that # # be converted to # def postprocess_xhtml content return content.to_ios unless @format == :kf8 # TODO: convert regular expressions to constants content .gsub(//, '') .gsub(/]+) style="width: (\d\d)%;"/, '.*?<\/script>\n?/m, '') .to_ios end def get_kindlegen_command kindlegen_path unless kindlegen_path.nil? logger.debug %(Using ebook-kindlegen-path attribute: #{kindlegen_path}) return [kindlegen_path] end unless (result = ENV['KINDLEGEN']).nil? logger.debug %(Using KINDLEGEN env variable: #{result}) return [result] end begin require 'kindlegen' unless defined? ::Kindlegen result = ::Kindlegen.command.to_s logger.debug %(Using KindleGen from gem: #{result}) [result] rescue LoadError => e logger.debug %(#{e}; Using KindleGen from PATH) [%(kindlegen#{::Gem.win_platform? ? '.exe' : ''})] end end def distill_epub_to_mobi epub_file, target, compress, kindlegen_path mobi_file = ::File.basename target.sub(EpubExtensionRx, '.mobi') compress_flag = KindlegenCompression[compress ? (compress.empty? ? '1' : compress.to_s) : '0'] argv = get_kindlegen_command(kindlegen_path) + ['-dont_append_source', compress_flag, '-o', mobi_file, epub_file].compact begin # This duplicates Kindlegen.run, but we want to override executable out, err, res = Open3.capture3(*argv) do |r| r.force_encoding 'UTF-8' if ::Gem.win_platform? && r.respond_to?(:force_encoding) end rescue Errno::ENOENT => e raise 'Unable to run KindleGen. Either install the kindlegen gem or place `kindlegen` executable on PATH or set KINDLEGEN environment variable with path to it', cause: e end out.each_line do |line| log_line line end err.each_line do |line| log_line line end output_file = ::File.join ::File.dirname(epub_file), mobi_file if res.success? logger.debug %(Wrote MOBI to #{output_file}) else logger.error %(KindleGen failed to write MOBI to #{output_file}) end end def get_epubcheck_command epubcheck_path unless epubcheck_path.nil? logger.debug %(Using ebook-epubcheck-path attribute: #{epubcheck_path}) return [epubcheck_path] end unless (result = ENV['EPUBCHECK']).nil? logger.debug %(Using EPUBCHECK env variable: #{result}) return [result] end begin result = ::Gem.bin_path 'epubcheck-ruby', 'epubcheck' logger.debug %(Using EPUBCheck from gem: #{result}) [::Gem.ruby, result] rescue ::Gem::Exception => e logger.debug %(#{e}; Using EPUBCheck from PATH) ['epubcheck'] end end def validate_epub epub_file, epubcheck_path argv = get_epubcheck_command(epubcheck_path) + ['-w', epub_file] begin out, err, res = Open3.capture3(*argv) rescue Errno::ENOENT => e raise 'Unable to run EPUBCheck. Either install epubcheck-ruby gem or place `epubcheck` executable on PATH or set EPUBCHECK environment variable with path to it', cause: e end out.each_line do |line| logger.info line end err.each_line do |line| log_line line end logger.error %(EPUB validation failed: #{epub_file}) unless res.success? end def log_line line line = line.strip if line =~ /^fatal/i logger.fatal line elsif line =~ /^error/i logger.error line elsif line =~ /^warning/i logger.warn line else logger.info line end end private def class_string node role = node.role return '' unless role_valid_class? role %( class="#{role}") end # Handles asciidoctor 1.5.6 quirk when role can be parent def role_valid_class? role role.is_a? String end class << self def supports_highlighter_docinfo? # Asciidoctor only got pluggable syntax highlighters since 2.0: # https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor/commit/23ddbaed6818025cbe74365fec7e8101f34eadca Asciidoctor::Document.method_defined? :syntax_highlighter end end end class DocumentIdGenerator ReservedIds = %w(cover nav ncx) CharRefRx = /&(?:([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]+\d{0,2})|#(\d\d\d{0,4})|#x([\da-fA-F][\da-fA-F][\da-fA-F]{0,3}));/ if defined? __dir__ InvalidIdCharsRx = /[^\p{Word}]+/ LeadingDigitRx = /^\p{Nd}/ else InvalidIdCharsRx = /[^[:word:]]+/ LeadingDigitRx = /^[[:digit:]]/ end class << self def generate_id doc, pre = nil, sep = nil synthetic = false unless (id = doc.id) # NOTE we assume pre is a valid ID prefix and that pre and sep only contain valid ID chars pre ||= '_' sep = sep ? sep.chr : '_' if doc.header? id = doc.doctitle sanitize: true id = id.gsub CharRefRx do $1 ? ($1 == 'amp' ? 'and' : sep) : ((d = $2 ? $2.to_i : $3.hex) == 8217 ? '' : ([d].pack 'U*')) end if id.include? '&' id = id.downcase.gsub InvalidIdCharsRx, sep if id.empty? id, synthetic = nil, true else unless sep.empty? if (id = id.tr_s sep, sep).end_with? sep if id == sep id, synthetic = nil, true else id = (id.start_with? sep) ? id[1..-2] : id.chop end elsif id.start_with? sep id = id[1..-1] end end unless synthetic if pre.empty? id = %(_#{id}) if LeadingDigitRx =~ id elsif !(id.start_with? pre) id = %(#{pre}#{id}) end end end elsif (first_section = doc.first_section) id = first_section.id else synthetic = true end id = %(#{pre}document#{sep}#{doc.object_id}) if synthetic end logger.error %(chapter uses a reserved ID: #{id}) if !synthetic && (ReservedIds.include? id) id end end end Extensions.register do if (document = @document).backend == 'epub3' document.set_attribute 'listing-caption', 'Listing' # TODO: bw theme for CodeRay document.set_attribute 'pygments-style', 'bw' unless document.attr? 'pygments-style' document.set_attribute 'rouge-style', 'bw' unless document.attr? 'rouge-style' unless Converter.supports_highlighter_docinfo? document.set_attribute 'coderay-css', 'style' document.set_attribute 'pygments-css', 'style' document.set_attribute 'rouge-css', 'style' end case (ebook_format = document.attributes['ebook-format']) when 'epub3', 'kf8' # all good when 'mobi' ebook_format = document.attributes['ebook-format'] = 'kf8' else # QUESTION should we display a warning? ebook_format = document.attributes['ebook-format'] = 'epub3' end document.attributes[%(ebook-format-#{ebook_format})] = '' treeprocessor do process do |doc| doc.id = DocumentIdGenerator.generate_id doc, (doc.attr 'idprefix'), (doc.attr 'idseparator') nil end end end end end end