# Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 class TwitterCldr.DateTimeFormatter constructor: -> @tokens = `{{{tokens}}}` @weekday_keys = ["sun", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat"] @methods = # ignoring u, l, g, j, A 'G': 'era' 'y': 'year' 'Y': 'year_of_week_of_year' 'Q': 'quarter' 'q': 'quarter_stand_alone' 'M': 'month' 'L': 'month_stand_alone' 'w': 'week_of_year' 'W': 'week_of_month' 'd': 'day' 'D': 'day_of_month' 'F': 'day_of_week_in_month' 'E': 'weekday' 'e': 'weekday_local' 'c': 'weekday_local_stand_alone' 'a': 'period' 'h': 'hour' 'H': 'hour' 'K': 'hour' 'k': 'hour' 'm': 'minute' 's': 'second' 'S': 'second_fraction' 'z': 'timezone' 'Z': 'timezone' 'v': 'timezone_generic_non_location' 'V': 'timezone_metazone' format: (obj, options) -> format_token = (token) => result = "" switch token.type when "pattern" this.result_for_token(token, obj) else if token.value.length > 0 && token.value[0] == "'" && token.value[token.value.length - 1] == "'" token.value.substring(1, token.value.length - 1) else token.value tokens = this.get_tokens(obj, options) (format_token(token) for token in tokens).join("") get_tokens: (obj, options) -> format = options.format || "date_time" type = options.type || "default" if format == "additional" @tokens["date_time"][format][this.additional_format_selector().find_closest(options.type)] else @tokens[format][type] result_for_token: (token, date) -> this[@methods[token.value[0]]](date, token.value, token.value.length) additional_format_selector: -> new TwitterCldr.AdditionalDateFormatSelector(@tokens["date_time"]["additional"]) @additional_formats: -> new TwitterCldr.DateTimeFormatter().additional_format_selector().patterns() era: (date, pattern, length) -> switch length when 0 choices = ["", ""] when 1, 2, 3 choices = TwitterCldr.Calendar.calendar["eras"]["abbr"] else choices = TwitterCldr.Calendar.calendar["eras"]["name"] index = if (date.getFullYear() < 0) then 0 else 1 result = choices[index] if result? then result else this.era(date, pattern[0..-2], length - 1) year: (date, pattern, length) -> year = date.getFullYear().toString() if length == 2 if year.length != 1 year = year.slice(-2) if length > 1 year = ("0000" + year).slice(-length) year year_of_week_of_year: (date, pattern, length) -> throw 'not implemented' day_of_week_in_month: (date, pattern, length) -> # e.g. 2nd Wed in July throw 'not implemented' quarter: (date, pattern, length) -> # the bitwise OR is used here to truncate the decimal produced by the / 3 quarter = ((date.getMonth() / 3) | 0) + 1 switch length when 1 quarter.toString() when 2 ("0000" + quarter.toString()).slice(-length) when 3 TwitterCldr.Calendar.calendar.quarters.format.abbreviated[quarter] when 4 TwitterCldr.Calendar.calendar.quarters.format.wide[quarter] quarter_stand_alone: (date, pattern, length) -> quarter = (date.getMonth() - 1) / 3 + 1 switch length when 1 quarter.toString() when 2 ("0000" + quarter.toString()).slice(-length) when 3 throw 'not yet implemented (requires cldr\'s "multiple inheritance")' when 4 throw 'not yet implemented (requires cldr\'s "multiple inheritance")' when 5 TwitterCldr.Calendar.calendar.quarters['stand-alone'].narrow[quarter] month: (date, pattern, length) -> month_str = (date.getMonth() + 1).toString() switch length when 1 month_str when 2 ("0000" + month_str).slice(-length) when 3 TwitterCldr.Calendar.calendar.months.format.abbreviated[month_str] when 4 TwitterCldr.Calendar.calendar.months.format.wide[month_str] when 5 throw 'not yet implemented (requires cldr\'s "multiple inheritance")' else throw "Unknown date format" month_stand_alone: (date, pattern, length) -> month_str = (date.getMonth() + 1).toString() switch length when 1 month_str when 2 ("0000" + month_str).slice(-length) when 3 TwitterCldr.Calendar.calendar.months['stand-alone'].abbreviated[month_str] when 4 TwitterCldr.Calendar.calendar.months['stand-alone'].wide[month_str] when 5 TwitterCldr.Calendar.calendar.months['stand-alone'].narrow[month_str] else throw "Unknown date format" day: (date, pattern, length) -> switch length when 1 date.getDate().toString() when 2 ("0000" + date.getDate().toString()).slice(-length) weekday: (date, pattern, length) -> key = @weekday_keys[date.getDay()] switch length when 1, 2, 3 TwitterCldr.Calendar.calendar.days.format.abbreviated[key] when 4 TwitterCldr.Calendar.calendar.days.format.wide[key] when 5 TwitterCldr.Calendar.calendar.days['stand-alone'].narrow[key] weekday_local: (date, pattern, length) -> # "Like E except adds a numeric value depending on the local starting day of the week" # CLDR does not contain data as to which day is the first day of the week, so we will assume Monday (Ruby default) switch length when 1, 2 day = date.getDay() if day == 0 then "7" else day.toString() else this.weekday(date, pattern, length) weekday_local_stand_alone: (date, pattern, length) -> switch length when 1 this.weekday_local(date, pattern, length) else this.weekday(date, pattern, length) period: (time, pattern, length) -> if time.getHours() > 11 TwitterCldr.Calendar.calendar.periods.format.wide["pm"] else TwitterCldr.Calendar.calendar.periods.format.wide["am"] hour: (time, pattern, length) -> hour = time.getHours() switch pattern[0] when 'h' if hour > 12 hour = hour - 12 else if hour == 0 hour = 12 when 'K' if hour > 11 hour = hour - 12 when 'k' if hour == 0 hour = 24 if length == 1 hour.toString() else ("000000" + hour.toString()).slice(-length) minute: (time, pattern, length) -> if length == 1 time.getMinutes().toString() else ("000000" + time.getMinutes().toString()).slice(-length) second: (time, pattern, length) -> if length == 1 time.getSeconds().toString() else ("000000" + time.getSeconds().toString()).slice(-length) second_fraction: (time, pattern, length) -> if length > 6 throw 'can not use the S format with more than 6 digits' ("000000" + Math.round(Math.pow(time.getMilliseconds() * 100.0, 6 - length)).toString()).slice(-length) timezone: (time, pattern, length) -> offset = time.getTimezoneOffset() hours = ("00" + (Math.floor(Math.abs(offset) / 60)).toString()).slice(-2) minutes = ("00" + (Math.abs(offset) % 60).toString()).slice(-2) sign = if offset > 0 then "-" else "+" # timezone sign is opposite to offset sign offsetString = sign + hours + ":" + minutes switch length when 1, 2, 3 offsetString else "UTC" + offsetString timezone_generic_non_location: (time, pattern, length) -> throw 'not yet implemented (requires timezone translation data")'