/*! * Stickyfill -- `position: sticky` polyfill * v. 1.1.4 | https://github.com/wilddeer/stickyfill * Copyright Oleg Korsunsky | http://wd.dizaina.net/ * * MIT License */ (function(doc, win) { var watchArray = [], scroll, initialized = false, html = doc.documentElement, noop = function() {}, checkTimer, //visibility API strings hiddenPropertyName = 'hidden', visibilityChangeEventName = 'visibilitychange'; //fallback to prefixed names in old webkit browsers if (doc.webkitHidden !== undefined) { hiddenPropertyName = 'webkitHidden'; visibilityChangeEventName = 'webkitvisibilitychange'; } //test getComputedStyle if (!win.getComputedStyle) { seppuku(); } //test for native support var prefixes = ['', '-webkit-', '-moz-', '-ms-'], block = document.createElement('div'); for (var i = prefixes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { try { block.style.position = prefixes[i] + 'sticky'; } catch(e) {} if (block.style.position != '') { seppuku(); } } updateScrollPos(); //commit seppuku! function seppuku() { init = add = rebuild = pause = stop = kill = noop; } function mergeObjects(targetObj, sourceObject) { for (var key in sourceObject) { if (sourceObject.hasOwnProperty(key)) { targetObj[key] = sourceObject[key]; } } } function parseNumeric(val) { return parseFloat(val) || 0; } function updateScrollPos() { scroll = { top: win.pageYOffset, left: win.pageXOffset }; } function onScroll() { if (win.pageXOffset != scroll.left) { updateScrollPos(); rebuild(); return; } if (win.pageYOffset != scroll.top) { updateScrollPos(); recalcAllPos(); } } //fixes flickering function onWheel(event) { setTimeout(function() { if (win.pageYOffset != scroll.top) { scroll.top = win.pageYOffset; recalcAllPos(); } }, 0); } function recalcAllPos() { for (var i = watchArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { recalcElementPos(watchArray[i]); } } function recalcElementPos(el) { if (!el.inited) return; var currentMode = (scroll.top <= el.limit.start? 0: scroll.top >= el.limit.end? 2: 1); if (el.mode != currentMode) { switchElementMode(el, currentMode); } } //checks whether stickies start or stop positions have changed function fastCheck() { for (var i = watchArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!watchArray[i].inited) continue; var deltaTop = Math.abs(getDocOffsetTop(watchArray[i].clone) - watchArray[i].docOffsetTop), deltaHeight = Math.abs(watchArray[i].parent.node.offsetHeight - watchArray[i].parent.height); if (deltaTop >= 2 || deltaHeight >= 2) return false; } return true; } function initElement(el) { if (isNaN(parseFloat(el.computed.top)) || el.isCell || el.computed.display == 'none') return; el.inited = true; if (!el.clone) clone(el); if (el.parent.computed.position != 'absolute' && el.parent.computed.position != 'relative') el.parent.node.style.position = 'relative'; recalcElementPos(el); el.parent.height = el.parent.node.offsetHeight; el.docOffsetTop = getDocOffsetTop(el.clone); } function deinitElement(el) { var deinitParent = true; el.clone && killClone(el); mergeObjects(el.node.style, el.css); //check whether element's parent is used by other stickies for (var i = watchArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (watchArray[i].node !== el.node && watchArray[i].parent.node === el.parent.node) { deinitParent = false; break; } }; if (deinitParent) el.parent.node.style.position = el.parent.css.position; el.mode = -1; } function initAll() { for (var i = watchArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { initElement(watchArray[i]); } } function deinitAll() { for (var i = watchArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { deinitElement(watchArray[i]); } } function switchElementMode(el, mode) { var nodeStyle = el.node.style; switch (mode) { case 0: nodeStyle.position = 'absolute'; nodeStyle.left = el.offset.left + 'px'; nodeStyle.right = el.offset.right + 'px'; nodeStyle.top = el.offset.top + 'px'; nodeStyle.bottom = 'auto'; nodeStyle.width = 'auto'; nodeStyle.marginLeft = 0; nodeStyle.marginRight = 0; nodeStyle.marginTop = 0; break; case 1: nodeStyle.position = 'fixed'; nodeStyle.left = el.box.left + 'px'; nodeStyle.right = el.box.right + 'px'; nodeStyle.top = el.css.top; nodeStyle.bottom = 'auto'; nodeStyle.width = 'auto'; nodeStyle.marginLeft = 0; nodeStyle.marginRight = 0; nodeStyle.marginTop = 0; break; case 2: nodeStyle.position = 'absolute'; nodeStyle.left = el.offset.left + 'px'; nodeStyle.right = el.offset.right + 'px'; nodeStyle.top = 'auto'; nodeStyle.bottom = 0; nodeStyle.width = 'auto'; nodeStyle.marginLeft = 0; nodeStyle.marginRight = 0; break; } el.mode = mode; } function clone(el) { el.clone = document.createElement('div'); var refElement = el.node.nextSibling || el.node, cloneStyle = el.clone.style; cloneStyle.height = el.height + 'px'; cloneStyle.width = el.width + 'px'; cloneStyle.marginTop = el.computed.marginTop; cloneStyle.marginBottom = el.computed.marginBottom; cloneStyle.marginLeft = el.computed.marginLeft; cloneStyle.marginRight = el.computed.marginRight; cloneStyle.padding = cloneStyle.border = cloneStyle.borderSpacing = 0; cloneStyle.fontSize = '1em'; cloneStyle.position = 'static'; cloneStyle.cssFloat = el.computed.cssFloat; el.node.parentNode.insertBefore(el.clone, refElement); } function killClone(el) { el.clone.parentNode.removeChild(el.clone); el.clone = undefined; } function getElementParams(node) { var computedStyle = getComputedStyle(node), parentNode = node.parentNode, parentComputedStyle = getComputedStyle(parentNode), cachedPosition = node.style.position; node.style.position = 'relative'; var computed = { top: computedStyle.top, marginTop: computedStyle.marginTop, marginBottom: computedStyle.marginBottom, marginLeft: computedStyle.marginLeft, marginRight: computedStyle.marginRight, cssFloat: computedStyle.cssFloat, display: computedStyle.display }, numeric = { top: parseNumeric(computedStyle.top), marginBottom: parseNumeric(computedStyle.marginBottom), paddingLeft: parseNumeric(computedStyle.paddingLeft), paddingRight: parseNumeric(computedStyle.paddingRight), borderLeftWidth: parseNumeric(computedStyle.borderLeftWidth), borderRightWidth: parseNumeric(computedStyle.borderRightWidth) }; node.style.position = cachedPosition; var css = { position: node.style.position, top: node.style.top, bottom: node.style.bottom, left: node.style.left, right: node.style.right, width: node.style.width, marginTop: node.style.marginTop, marginLeft: node.style.marginLeft, marginRight: node.style.marginRight }, nodeOffset = getElementOffset(node), parentOffset = getElementOffset(parentNode), parent = { node: parentNode, css: { position: parentNode.style.position }, computed: { position: parentComputedStyle.position }, numeric: { borderLeftWidth: parseNumeric(parentComputedStyle.borderLeftWidth), borderRightWidth: parseNumeric(parentComputedStyle.borderRightWidth), borderTopWidth: parseNumeric(parentComputedStyle.borderTopWidth), borderBottomWidth: parseNumeric(parentComputedStyle.borderBottomWidth) } }, el = { node: node, box: { left: nodeOffset.win.left, right: html.clientWidth - nodeOffset.win.right }, offset: { top: nodeOffset.win.top - parentOffset.win.top - parent.numeric.borderTopWidth, left: nodeOffset.win.left - parentOffset.win.left - parent.numeric.borderLeftWidth, right: -nodeOffset.win.right + parentOffset.win.right - parent.numeric.borderRightWidth }, css: css, isCell: computedStyle.display == 'table-cell', computed: computed, numeric: numeric, width: nodeOffset.win.right - nodeOffset.win.left, height: nodeOffset.win.bottom - nodeOffset.win.top, mode: -1, inited: false, parent: parent, limit: { start: nodeOffset.doc.top - numeric.top, end: parentOffset.doc.top + parentNode.offsetHeight - parent.numeric.borderBottomWidth - node.offsetHeight - numeric.top - numeric.marginBottom } }; return el; } function getDocOffsetTop(node) { var docOffsetTop = 0; while (node) { docOffsetTop += node.offsetTop; node = node.offsetParent; } return docOffsetTop; } function getElementOffset(node) { var box = node.getBoundingClientRect(); return { doc: { top: box.top + win.pageYOffset, left: box.left + win.pageXOffset }, win: box }; } function startFastCheckTimer() { checkTimer = setInterval(function() { !fastCheck() && rebuild(); }, 500); } function stopFastCheckTimer() { clearInterval(checkTimer); } function handlePageVisibilityChange() { if (!initialized) return; if (document[hiddenPropertyName]) { stopFastCheckTimer(); } else { startFastCheckTimer(); } } function init() { if (initialized) return; updateScrollPos(); initAll(); win.addEventListener('scroll', onScroll); win.addEventListener('wheel', onWheel); //watch for width changes win.addEventListener('resize', rebuild); win.addEventListener('orientationchange', rebuild); //watch for page visibility doc.addEventListener(visibilityChangeEventName, handlePageVisibilityChange); startFastCheckTimer(); initialized = true; } function rebuild() { if (!initialized) return; deinitAll(); for (var i = watchArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { watchArray[i] = getElementParams(watchArray[i].node); } initAll(); } function pause() { win.removeEventListener('scroll', onScroll); win.removeEventListener('wheel', onWheel); win.removeEventListener('resize', rebuild); win.removeEventListener('orientationchange', rebuild); doc.removeEventListener(visibilityChangeEventName, handlePageVisibilityChange); stopFastCheckTimer(); initialized = false; } function stop() { pause(); deinitAll(); } function kill() { stop(); //empty the array without loosing the references, //the most performant method according to http://jsperf.com/empty-javascript-array while (watchArray.length) { watchArray.pop(); } } function add(node) { //check if Stickyfill is already applied to the node for (var i = watchArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (watchArray[i].node === node) return; }; var el = getElementParams(node); watchArray.push(el); if (!initialized) { init(); } else { initElement(el); } } function remove(node) { for (var i = watchArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (watchArray[i].node === node) { deinitElement(watchArray[i]); watchArray.splice(i, 1); } }; } //expose Stickyfill win.Stickyfill = { stickies: watchArray, add: add, remove: remove, init: init, rebuild: rebuild, pause: pause, stop: stop, kill: kill }; })(document, window); //if jQuery is available -- create a plugin if (window.jQuery) { (function($) { $.fn.Stickyfill = function(options) { this.each(function() { Stickyfill.add(this); }); return this; }; })(window.jQuery); }