#------------------------------------------------------------------------ # (The MIT License) # # Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Rhomobile, Inc. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # http://rhomobile.com #------------------------------------------------------------------------ require 'find' require 'erb' #require 'rdoc/task' require 'digest/sha2' require 'rexml/document' #Look, another big fat hack. Make it so we can remove tasks from rake -T by setting comment to nil module Rake class Task attr_accessor :comment end end $app_basedir = pwd chdir File.dirname(__FILE__) require File.join(pwd, 'lib/build/jake.rb') load File.join(pwd, 'platform/bb/build/bb.rake') load File.join(pwd, 'platform/android/build/android.rake') load File.join(pwd, 'platform/iphone/rbuild/iphone.rake') load File.join(pwd, 'platform/wm/build/wm.rake') load File.join(pwd, 'platform/linux/tasks/linux.rake') load File.join(pwd, 'platform/wp7/build/wp.rake') load File.join(pwd, 'platform/symbian/build/symbian.rake') load File.join(pwd, 'platform/osx/build/osx.rake') def get_dir_hash(dir, init = nil) hash = init hash = Digest::SHA2.new if hash.nil? Dir.glob(dir + "/**/*").each do |f| hash << f hash.file(f) if File.file? f end hash end namespace "framework" do task :spec do loadpath = $LOAD_PATH.inject("") { |load_path,pe| load_path += " -I" + pe } rhoruby = "" if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/ rhoruby = 'res\\build-tools\\RhoRuby' elsif RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ rhoruby = 'res/build-tools/RubyMac' else rhoruby = 'res/build-tools/rubylinux' end puts `#{rhoruby} -I#{File.expand_path('spec/framework_spec/app/')} -I#{File.expand_path('lib/framework')} -I#{File.expand_path('lib/test')} -Clib/test framework_test.rb` end end $application_build_configs_keys = ['security_token', 'encrypt_database', 'android_title', 'iphone_db_in_approot', 'iphone_set_approot', 'iphone_userpath_in_approot'] def make_application_build_config_header_file f = StringIO.new("", "w+") f.puts "// WARNING! THIS FILE IS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY! DO NOT EDIT IT MANUALLY!" #f.puts "// Generated #{Time.now.to_s}" f.puts "" f.puts "#include " f.puts "" f.puts '#include "app_build_configs.h"' f.puts "" f.puts 'static const char* keys[] = { ""' $application_build_configs.keys.each do |key| f.puts ',"'+key+'"' end f.puts '};' f.puts '' count = 1 f.puts 'static const char* values[] = { ""' $application_build_configs.keys.each do |key| f.puts ',"'+$application_build_configs[key].to_s+'"' count = count + 1 end f.puts '};' f.puts '' f.puts '#define APP_BUILD_CONFIG_COUNT '+count.to_s f.puts '' f.puts 'const char* get_app_build_config_item(const char* key) {' f.puts ' int i;' f.puts ' for (i = 1; i < APP_BUILD_CONFIG_COUNT; i++) {' f.puts ' if (strcmp(key, keys[i]) == 0) {' f.puts ' return values[i];' f.puts ' }' f.puts ' }' f.puts ' return 0;' f.puts '}' f.puts '' Jake.modify_file_if_content_changed(File.join($startdir, "platform", "shared", "common", "app_build_configs.c"), f) end def make_application_build_capabilities_header_file f = StringIO.new("", "w+") f.puts "// WARNING! THIS FILE IS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY! DO NOT EDIT IT MANUALLY!" #f.puts "// Generated #{Time.now.to_s}" f.puts "" caps = [] capabilities = $app_config["capabilities"] if capabilities != nil && capabilities.is_a?(Array) capabilities.each do |cap| caps << cap end end caps.sort.each do |cap| f.puts '#define APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_'+cap.upcase end f.puts '' Jake.modify_file_if_content_changed(File.join($startdir, "platform", "shared", "common", "app_build_capabilities.h"), f) end def make_application_build_config_java_file f = StringIO.new("", "w+") f.puts "// WARNING! THIS FILE IS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY! DO NOT EDIT IT MANUALLY!" #f.puts "// Generated #{Time.now.to_s}" f.puts "package com.rho;" f.puts "" f.puts "public class AppBuildConfig {" f.puts 'static final String keys[] = { ""' $application_build_configs.keys.each do |key| f.puts ',"'+key+'"' end f.puts '};' f.puts '' count = 1 f.puts 'static final String values[] = { ""' $application_build_configs.keys.each do |key| f.puts ',"'+$application_build_configs[key]+'"' count = count + 1 end f.puts '};' f.puts '' f.puts 'static final int APP_BUILD_CONFIG_COUNT = '+count.to_s + ';' f.puts '' f.puts 'public static String getItem(String key){' f.puts ' for (int i = 1; i < APP_BUILD_CONFIG_COUNT; i++) {' f.puts ' if ( key.compareTo( keys[i]) == 0) {' f.puts ' return values[i];' f.puts ' }' f.puts ' }' f.puts ' return null;' f.puts '}' f.puts "}" Jake.modify_file_if_content_changed( File.join( $startdir, "platform/bb/RubyVM/src/com/rho/AppBuildConfig.java" ), f ) end namespace "config" do task :common do $startdir = File.dirname(__FILE__) $startdir.gsub!('\\', '/') $binextensions = [] buildyml = 'rhobuild.yml' buildyml = ENV["RHOBUILD"] unless ENV["RHOBUILD"].nil? $config = Jake.config(File.open(buildyml)) $config["platform"] = $current_platform if $current_platform if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/ $all_files_mask = "*.*" $rubypath = "res/build-tools/RhoRuby.exe" else $all_files_mask = "*" if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ $rubypath = "res/build-tools/RubyMac" else $rubypath = "res/build-tools/rubylinux" end end if $app_path.nil? #if we are called from the rakefile directly, this wont be set #load the apps path and config $app_path = $config["env"]["app"] unless File.exists? $app_path puts "Could not find rhodes application. Please verify your application setting in #{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/rhobuild.yml" exit 1 end end ENV["ROOT_PATH"] = $app_path.to_s + '/app/' ENV["APP_TYPE"] = "rhodes" $app_config = Jake.config(File.open(File.join($app_path, "build.yml"))) Jake.set_bbver($app_config["bbver"].to_s) extpaths = [] extpaths << $app_config["paths"]["extensions"] if $app_config["paths"] and $app_config["paths"]["extensions"] extpaths << $config["env"]["paths"]["extensions"] if $config["env"]["paths"]["extensions"] extpaths << File.join($app_path, "extensions") extpaths << File.join($startdir, "lib","extensions") $app_config["extpaths"] = extpaths if $app_config["build"] and $app_config["build"] == "release" $debug = false else $debug = true end extensions = [] extensions += $app_config["extensions"] if $app_config["extensions"] and $app_config["extensions"].is_a? Array extensions += $app_config[$config["platform"]]["extensions"] if $app_config[$config["platform"]] and $app_config[$config["platform"]]["extensions"] and $app_config[$config["platform"]]["extensions"].is_a? Array $app_config["extensions"] = extensions capabilities = [] capabilities += $app_config["capabilities"] if $app_config["capabilities"] and $app_config["capabilities"].is_a? Array capabilities += $app_config[$config["platform"]]["capabilities"] if $app_config[$config["platform"]] and $app_config[$config["platform"]]["capabilities"] and $app_config[$config["platform"]]["capabilities"].is_a? Array $app_config["capabilities"] = capabilities #Process motorola extensions if capabilities.index("motorola") $app_config["capabilities"] += ["webkit_browser"] if $app_config["extensions"].index("webkit-browser") $app_config["extensions"] += ["rhoelements"] idx_barcode = $app_config["extensions"].index("barcode") $app_config["extensions"][idx_barcode] = "barcode-moto" if idx_barcode $app_config["capabilities"] += ["barcode"] if $app_config["extensions"].index("barcode-moto") end puts "$app_config['extensions'] : #{$app_config['extensions']}" puts "$app_config['capabilities'] : #{$app_config['capabilities']}" $hidden_app = $app_config["hidden_app"].nil?() ? "0" : $app_config["hidden_app"] #application build configs application_build_configs = {} $application_build_configs_keys.each do |key| value = $app_config[key] if $app_config[$config["platform"]] != nil if $app_config[$config["platform"]][key] != nil value = $app_config[$config["platform"]][key] end end if value != nil application_build_configs[key] = value end end $application_build_configs = application_build_configs if $current_platform == "bb" make_application_build_config_java_file else make_application_build_config_header_file make_application_build_capabilities_header_file end $rhologhostport = $config["log_host_port"] $rhologhostport = 52363 unless $rhologhostport $rhologhostaddr = Jake.localip() end task :qt do $qtdir = ENV['QTDIR'] unless (!$qtdir.nil?) and ($qtdir !~/^\s*$/) and File.directory?($qtdir) puts "\nPlease, set QTDIR environment variable to Qt root directory path" exit 1 end $qmake = File.join($qtdir, 'bin/qmake') $macdeployqt = File.join($qtdir, 'bin/macdeployqt') end out = `javac -version 2>&1` puts "\n\nYour java bin folder does not appear to be on your path.\nThis is required to use rhodes.\n\n" unless $? == 0 end def copy_assets(asset) dest = File.join($srcdir,'apps/public') cp_r asset + "/.", dest, :preserve => true, :remove_destination => true end def clear_linker_settings if $config["platform"] == "iphone" # outfile = "" # IO.read($startdir + "/platform/iphone/rhorunner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj").each_line do |line| # if line =~ /EXTENSIONS_LDFLAGS = / # outfile << line.gsub(/EXTENSIONS_LDFLAGS = ".*"/, 'EXTENSIONS_LDFLAGS = ""') # else # outfile << line # end # end # File.open($startdir + "/platform/iphone/rhorunner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj","w") {|f| f.write outfile} # ENV["EXTENSIONS_LDFLAGS"] = "" $ldflags = "" end end def add_linker_library(libraryname) # if $config["platform"] == "iphone" # outfile = "" # IO.read($startdir + "/platform/iphone/rhorunner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj").each_line do |line| # if line =~ /EXTENSIONS_LDFLAGS = / # outfile << line.gsub(/";/, " $(TARGET_TEMP_DIR)/#{libraryname}\";") # else # outfile << line # end # end # File.open($startdir + "/platform/iphone/rhorunner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj","w") {|f| f.write outfile} # end simulator = $sdk =~ /iphonesimulator/ if ENV["TARGET_TEMP_DIR"] and ENV["TARGET_TEMP_DIR"] != "" tmpdir = ENV["TARGET_TEMP_DIR"] else tmpdir = $startdir + "/platform/iphone/build/rhorunner.build/#{$configuration}-" + ( simulator ? "iphonesimulator" : "iphoneos") + "/rhorunner.build" end $ldflags << "#{tmpdir}/#{libraryname}\n" unless $ldflags.nil? end def set_linker_flags if $config["platform"] == "iphone" simulator = $sdk =~ /iphonesimulator/ if ENV["TARGET_TEMP_DIR"] and ENV["TARGET_TEMP_DIR"] != "" tmpdir = ENV["TARGET_TEMP_DIR"] else tmpdir = $startdir + "/platform/iphone/build/rhorunner.build/#{$configuration}-" + ( simulator ? "iphonesimulator" : "iphoneos") + "/rhorunner.build" end mkdir_p tmpdir unless File.exist? tmpdir File.open(tmpdir + "/rhodeslibs.txt","w") { |f| f.write $ldflags } # ENV["EXTENSIONS_LDFLAGS"] = $ldflags # puts `export $EXTENSIONS_LDFLAGS` end end def add_extension(path,dest) start = pwd chdir path if File.directory?(path) Dir.glob("*").each { |f| cp_r f,dest unless f =~ /^ext(\/|(\.yml)?$)/ } chdir start end def init_extensions(startdir, dest) extentries = [] nativelib = [] extlibs = [] extpaths = $app_config["extpaths"] puts 'init extensions' $app_config["extensions"].each do |extname| extpath = nil extpaths.each do |p| ep = File.join(p, extname) if File.exists? ep extpath = ep break end end if extpath.nil? begin $rhodes_extensions = nil require extname extpath = $rhodes_extensions[0] unless $rhodes_extensions.nil? $app_config["extpaths"] << extpath rescue Exception => e puts "exception" end end unless extpath.nil? add_extension(extpath, dest) unless dest.nil? if $config["platform"] != "bb" extyml = File.join(extpath, "ext.yml") puts "extyml " + extyml if File.file? extyml extconf = Jake.config(File.open(extyml)) entry = extconf["entry"] nlib = extconf["nativelibs"] type = extconf["exttype"] if nlib != nil nlib.each do |libname| nativelib << libname end end extentries << entry unless entry.nil? if type.to_s() != "nativelib" libs = extconf["libraries"] libs = [] unless libs.is_a? Array if $config["platform"] == "wm" || $config["platform"] == "win32" libs.map! { |lib| lib + ".lib" } else libs.map! { |lib| "lib" + lib + ".a" } end extlibs += libs end end end end end exts = File.join($startdir, "platform", "shared", "ruby", "ext", "rho", "extensions.c") puts "exts " + exts if $config["platform"] != "bb" exists = [] if ( File.exists?(exts) ) File.new(exts, "r").read.split("\n").each do |line| next if line !~ /^\s*extern\s+void\s+([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)/ exists << $1 end end #if (exists.sort! != extentries.sort! ) || (!File.exists?(exts)) File.open(exts, "w") do |f| puts "MODIFY : #{exts}" f.puts "// WARNING! THIS FILE IS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY! DO NOT EDIT IT MANUALLY!" #f.puts "// Generated #{Time.now.to_s}" if $config["platform"] == "wm" || $config["platform"] == "win32" # Add libraries through pragma extlibs.each do |lib| f.puts "#pragma comment(lib, \"#{lib}\")" end nativelib.each do |lib| f.puts "#pragma comment(lib, \"#{lib}\")" end end extentries.each do |entry| f.puts "extern void #{entry}(void);" end f.puts "void Init_Extensions(void) {" extentries.each do |entry| f.puts " #{entry}();" end f.puts "}" end #end extlibs.each { |lib| add_linker_library(lib) } nativelib.each { |lib| add_linker_library(lib) } set_linker_flags end unless $app_config["constants"].nil? File.open("rhobuild.rb","w") do |file| file << "module RhoBuild\n" $app_config["constants"].each do |key,value| value.gsub!(/"/,"\\\"") file << " #{key.upcase} = \"#{value}\"\n" end file << "end\n" end end if $excludeextlib and (not dest.nil?) chdir dest $excludeextlib.each {|e| Dir.glob(e).each {|f| rm f}} end end def common_bundle_start(startdir, dest) puts "common_bundle_start" app = $app_path rhodeslib = "lib/framework" rm_rf $srcdir mkdir_p $srcdir mkdir_p dest if not File.exists? dest mkdir_p File.join($srcdir,'apps') start = pwd chdir rhodeslib Dir.glob("*").each { |f| cp_r f,dest, :preserve => true } chdir dest Dir.glob("**/rhodes-framework.rb").each {|f| rm f} Dir.glob("**/erb.rb").each {|f| rm f} Dir.glob("**/find.rb").each {|f| rm f} $excludelib.each {|e| Dir.glob(e).each {|f| rm f}} chdir start clear_linker_settings init_extensions(startdir, dest) chdir startdir #throw "ME" cp_r app + '/app',File.join($srcdir,'apps'), :preserve => true cp_r app + '/public', File.join($srcdir,'apps'), :preserve => true if File.exists? app + '/public' cp app + '/rhoconfig.txt', File.join($srcdir,'apps'), :preserve => true app_version = "\r\napp_version='#{$app_config["version"]}'" File.open(File.join($srcdir,'apps/rhoconfig.txt'), "a"){ |f| f.write(app_version) } File.open(File.join($srcdir,'apps/rhoconfig.txt.timestamp'), "w"){ |f| f.write(Time.now.to_f().to_s()) } unless $debug rm_rf $srcdir + "/apps/app/test" rm_rf $srcdir + "/apps/app/SpecRunner" rm_rf $srcdir + "/apps/app/mspec" rm_rf $srcdir + "/apps/app/mspec.rb" rm_rf $srcdir + "/apps/app/spec_runner.rb" end copy_assets($assetfolder) if ($assetfolder and File.exists? $assetfolder) replace_platform = $config['platform'] replace_platform = "bb6" if $bb6 replace_platform = "wm" if replace_platform == 'win32' [File.join($srcdir,'apps'), ($current_platform == "bb" ? File.join($srcdir,'res') : File.join($srcdir,'lib/res'))].each do |folder| chdir folder Dir.glob("**/*.#{replace_platform}.*").each do |file| oldfile = file.gsub(Regexp.new(Regexp.escape('.') + replace_platform + Regexp.escape('.')),'.') rm oldfile if File.exists? oldfile mv file,oldfile end Dir.glob("**/*.wm.*").each { |f| rm f } Dir.glob("**/*.wp7.*").each { |f| rm f } Dir.glob("**/*.iphone.*").each { |f| rm f } Dir.glob("**/*.bb.*").each { |f| rm f } Dir.glob("**/*.bb6.*").each { |f| rm f } Dir.glob("**/*.android.*").each { |f| rm f } Dir.glob("**/.svn").each { |f| rm_rf f } Dir.glob("**/CVS").each { |f| rm_rf f } end end def create_manifest require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib/framework/rhoappmanifest' fappManifest = Rho::AppManifest.enumerate_models(File.join($srcdir, 'apps/app')) content = fappManifest.read(); File.open( File.join($srcdir,'apps/app_manifest.txt'), "w"){|file| file.write(content)} end def process_exclude_folders excl = [] exclude_platform = $config['platform'] exclude_platform = "bb6" if $bb6 exclude_platform = "wm" if exclude_platform == 'win32' if $app_config["excludedirs"] excl << $app_config["excludedirs"]['all'] if $app_config["excludedirs"]['all'] excl << $app_config["excludedirs"][exclude_platform] if $app_config["excludedirs"][exclude_platform] end if $config["excludedirs"] excl << $config["excludedirs"]['all'] if $config["excludedirs"]['all'] excl << $config["excludedirs"][exclude_platform] if $config["excludedirs"][exclude_platform] end if excl chdir File.join($srcdir, 'apps') excl.each do |mask| Dir.glob(mask).each {|f| rm_rf f} end end end namespace "build" do namespace "bundle" do task :xruby do #needs $config, $srcdir, $excludelib, $bindir app = $app_path jpath = $config["env"]["paths"]["java"] startdir = pwd dest = $srcdir xruby = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/res/build-tools/xruby-0.3.3.jar' compileERB = "lib/build/compileERB/bb.rb" rhodeslib = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/lib/framework" common_bundle_start(startdir,dest) process_exclude_folders() cp_r File.join(startdir, "platform/shared/db/res/db"), File.join($srcdir, 'apps') chdir startdir #create manifest create_manifest #"compile ERB" #ext = ".erb" #Find.find($srcdir) do |path| # if File.extname(path) == ext # rbText = ERB.new( IO.read(path) ).src # newName = File.basename(path).sub('.erb','_erb.rb') # fName = File.join(File.dirname(path), newName) # frb = File.new(fName, "w") # frb.write( rbText ) # frb.close() # end #end cp compileERB, $srcdir puts "Running bb.rb" puts `#{$rubypath} -I#{rhodeslib} "#{$srcdir}/bb.rb"` unless $? == 0 puts "Error interpreting erb code" exit 1 end rm "#{$srcdir}/bb.rb" chdir $bindir # -n#{$bundleClassName} output = `java -jar "#{xruby}" -v -c RhoBundle 2>&1` output.each_line { |x| puts ">>> " + x } unless $? == 0 puts "Error interpreting ruby code" exit 1 end chdir startdir chdir $srcdir Dir.glob("**/*.rb") { |f| rm f } Dir.glob("**/*.erb") { |f| rm f } =begin # RubyIDContainer.* files takes half space of jar why we need it? Jake.unjar("../RhoBundle.jar", $tmpdir) Dir.glob($tmpdir + "/**/RubyIDContainer.class") { |f| rm f } rm "#{$bindir}/RhoBundle.jar" chdir $tmpdir puts `jar cf #{$bindir}/RhoBundle.jar #{$all_files_mask}` rm_rf $tmpdir mkdir_p $tmpdir chdir $srcdir =end puts `"#{File.join(jpath,'jar')}" uf ../RhoBundle.jar apps/#{$all_files_mask}` unless $? == 0 puts "Error creating Rhobundle.jar" exit 1 end chdir startdir end task :noxruby do app = $app_path rhodeslib = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/lib/framework" compileERB = "lib/build/compileERB/default.rb" compileRB = "lib/build/compileRB/compileRB.rb" startdir = pwd dest = $srcdir + "/lib" common_bundle_start(startdir,dest) process_exclude_folders chdir startdir create_manifest cp compileERB, $srcdir puts "Running default.rb" puts `#{$rubypath} -I#{rhodeslib} "#{$srcdir}/default.rb"` unless $? == 0 puts "Error interpreting erb code" exit 1 end rm "#{$srcdir}/default.rb" cp compileRB, $srcdir puts "Running compileRB" puts `#{$rubypath} -I#{rhodeslib} "#{$srcdir}/compileRB.rb"` unless $? == 0 puts "Error interpreting ruby code" exit 1 end chdir $srcdir Dir.glob("**/*.rb") { |f| rm f } Dir.glob("**/*.erb") { |f| rm f } chdir startdir cp_r "platform/shared/db/res/db", $srcdir end task :upgrade_package do $bindir = File.join($app_path, "bin") $current_platform = 'empty' $srcdir = File.join($bindir, "RhoBundle") $targetdir = File.join($bindir, "target") $excludelib = ['**/builtinME.rb','**/ServeME.rb','**/dateME.rb','**/rationalME.rb'] $tmpdir = File.join($bindir, "tmp") $appname = $app_config["name"] $appname = "Rhodes" if $appname.nil? $vendor = $app_config["vendor"] $vendor = "rhomobile" if $vendor.nil? $vendor = $vendor.gsub(/^[^A-Za-z]/, '_').gsub(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/, '_').gsub(/_+/, '_').downcase $appincdir = File.join $tmpdir, "include" Rake::Task["config:common"].invoke Rake::Task["build:bundle:noxruby"].invoke new_zip_file = File.join($srcdir, "apps", "upgrade_bundle.zip") if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/ begin require 'rubygems' require 'zip/zip' require 'find' require 'fileutils' include FileUtils root = $srcdir new_zip_file = File.join($srcdir, "upgrade_bundle.zip") Zip::ZipFile.open(new_zip_file, Zip::ZipFile::CREATE)do |zipfile| Find.find(root) do |path| Find.prune if File.basename(path)[0] == ?. dest = /apps\/(\w.*)/.match(path) if dest puts ' add file to zip : '+dest[1].to_s zipfile.add(dest[1],path) end end end rescue puts 'ERROR !' puts 'Require "rubyzip" gem for make zip file !' puts 'Install gem by "gem install rubyzip"' end else chdir File.join($srcdir, "apps") sh %{zip -r upgrade_bundle.zip .} end cp new_zip_file, $bindir rm new_zip_file end task :noiseq do app = $app_path rhodeslib = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/lib/framework" compileERB = "lib/build/compileERB/bb.rb" startdir = pwd dest = $srcdir + "/lib" common_bundle_start(startdir,dest) process_exclude_folders chdir startdir create_manifest cp compileERB, $srcdir puts "Running bb.rb" puts `#{$rubypath} -I#{rhodeslib} "#{$srcdir}/bb.rb"` unless $? == 0 puts "Error interpreting erb code" exit 1 end rm "#{$srcdir}/bb.rb" chdir $srcdir Dir.glob("**/*.erb") { |f| rm f } chdir startdir cp_r "platform/shared/db/res/db", $srcdir end end end # Simple rakefile that loads subdirectory 'rhodes' Rakefile # run "rake -T" to see list of available tasks #desc "Get versions" task :get_version do #genver = "unknown" iphonever = "unknown" #symver = "unknown" wmver = "unknown" androidver = "unknown" # File.open("res/generators/templates/application/build.yml","r") do |f| # file = f.read # if file.match(/version: (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/) # genver = $1 # end # end File.open("platform/iphone/Info.plist","r") do |f| file = f.read if file.match(/CFBundleVersion<\/key>\s+(\d+\.\d+\.*\d*)<\/string>/) iphonever = $1 end end # File.open("platform/symbian/build/release.properties","r") do |f| # file = f.read # major = "" # minor = "" # build = "" # # if file.match(/release\.major=(\d+)/) # major = $1 # end # if file.match(/release\.minor=(\d+)/) # minor = $1 # end # if file.match(/build\.number=(\d+)/) # build = $1 # end # # symver = major + "." + minor + "." + build # end File.open("platform/android/Rhodes/AndroidManifest.xml","r") do |f| file = f.read if file.match(/versionName="(\d+\.\d+\.*\d*)"/) androidver = $1 end end gemver = "unknown" rhodesver = "unknown" frameworkver = "unknown" File.open("lib/rhodes.rb","r") do |f| file = f.read if file.match(/VERSION = '(\d+\.\d+\.*\d*)'/) gemver = $1 end end File.open("lib/framework/rhodes.rb","r") do |f| file = f.read if file.match(/VERSION = '(\d+\.\d+\.*\d*)'/) rhodesver = $1 end end File.open("lib/framework/version.rb","r") do |f| file = f.read if file.match(/VERSION = '(\d+\.\d+\.*\d*)'/) frameworkver = $1 end end puts "Versions:" #puts " Generator: " + genver puts " iPhone: " + iphonever #puts " Symbian: " + symver #puts " WinMo: " + wmver puts " Android: " + androidver puts " Gem: " + gemver puts " Rhodes: " + rhodesver puts " Framework: " + frameworkver end #desc "Set version" task :set_version, [:version] do |t,args| throw "You must pass in version" if args.version.nil? ver = args.version.split(/\./) major = ver[0] minor = ver[1] build = ver[2] throw "Invalid version format. Must be in the format of: major.minor.build" if major.nil? or minor.nil? or build.nil? verstring = major+"."+minor+"."+build origfile = "" # File.open("res/generators/templates/application/build.yml","r") { |f| origfile = f.read } # File.open("res/generators/templates/application/build.yml","w") do |f| # f.write origfile.gsub(/version: (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/, "version: #{verstring}") # end File.open("platform/iphone/Info.plist","r") { |f| origfile = f.read } File.open("platform/iphone/Info.plist","w") do |f| f.write origfile.gsub(/CFBundleVersion<\/key>(\s+)(\d+\.\d+\.*\d*)<\/string>/, "CFBundleVersion\n\t#{verstring}") end # File.open("platform/symbian/build/release.properties","r") { |f| origfile = f.read } # File.open("platform/symbian/build/release.properties","w") do |f| # origfile.gsub!(/release\.major=(\d+)/,"release.major=#{major}") # origfile.gsub!(/release\.minor=(\d+)/,"release.minor=#{minor}") # origfile.gsub!(/build\.number=(\d+)/,"build.number=#{build}") # f.write origfile # end File.open("platform/android/Rhodes/AndroidManifest.xml","r") { |f| origfile = f.read } File.open("platform/android/Rhodes/AndroidManifest.xml","w") do |f| origfile.match(/versionCode="(\d+)"/) vercode = $1.to_i + 1 origfile.gsub!(/versionCode="(\d+)"/,"versionCode=\"#{vercode}\"") origfile.gsub!(/versionName="(\d+\.\d+\.*\d*)"/,"versionName=\"#{verstring}\"") f.write origfile end ["lib/rhodes.rb","lib/framework/rhodes.rb","lib/framework/version.rb"].each do |versionfile| File.open(versionfile,"r") { |f| origfile = f.read } File.open(versionfile,"w") do |f| origfile.gsub!(/^(\s*VERSION) = '(\d+\.\d+\.*\d*)'/, '\1 = \''+ verstring + "'") f.write origfile end end Rake::Task[:get_version].invoke end namespace "buildall" do namespace "bb" do # desc "Build all jdk versions for blackberry" task :production => "config:common" do $config["env"]["paths"].each do |k,v| if k.to_s =~ /^4/ puts "BUILDING VERSION: #{k}" $app_config["bbver"] = k # Jake.reconfig($config) #reset all tasks used for building Rake::Task["config:bb"].reenable Rake::Task["build:bb:rhobundle"].reenable Rake::Task["build:bb:rhodes"].reenable Rake::Task["build:bb:rubyvm"].reenable Rake::Task["device:bb:dev"].reenable Rake::Task["device:bb:production"].reenable Rake::Task["device:bb:rhobundle"].reenable Rake::Task["package:bb:dev"].reenable Rake::Task["package:bb:production"].reenable Rake::Task["package:bb:rhobundle"].reenable Rake::Task["package:bb:rhodes"].reenable Rake::Task["package:bb:rubyvm"].reenable Rake::Task["device:bb:production"].reenable Rake::Task["clean:bb:preverified"].reenable Rake::Task["clean:bb:preverified"].invoke Rake::Task["device:bb:production"].invoke end end end end end task :gem do puts "Removing old gem" rm_rf Dir.glob("rhodes*.gem") puts "Copying Rakefile" cp "Rakefile", "rakefile.rb" puts "Building manifest" out = "" Dir.glob("**/*") do |fname| # TODO: create exclusion list out << fname + "\n" if File.file? fname and not fname =~ /rhoconnect-client/ end File.open("Manifest.txt",'w') {|f| f.write(out)} puts "Loading gemspec" require 'rubygems' spec = Gem::Specification.load('rhodes.gemspec') puts "Building gem" gemfile = Gem::Builder.new(spec).build end namespace "rhomobile-debug" do task :gem do puts "Removing old gem" rm_rf Dir.glob("rhomobile-debug*.gem") rm_rf "rhomobile-debug" mkdir_p "rhomobile-debug" mkdir_p "rhomobile-debug/lib" cp 'lib/extensions/debugger/debugger.rb', "rhomobile-debug/lib", :preserve => true cp 'lib/extensions/debugger/README.md', "rhomobile-debug", :preserve => true cp 'lib/extensions/debugger/LICENSE', "rhomobile-debug", :preserve => true cp 'lib/extensions/debugger/CHANGELOG', "rhomobile-debug", :preserve => true cp 'rhomobile-debug.gemspec', "rhomobile-debug", :preserve => true startdir = pwd chdir 'rhomobile-debug' puts "Loading gemspec" require 'rubygems' spec = Gem::Specification.load('rhomobile-debug.gemspec') puts "Building gem" gemfile = Gem::Builder.new(spec).build Dir.glob("rhomobile-debug*.gem").each do |f| cp f, startdir, :preserve => true end chdir startdir rm_rf "rhomobile-debug" end end task :tasks do Rake::Task.tasks.each {|t| puts t.to_s.ljust(27) + "# " + t.comment.to_s} end task :switch_app => "config:common" do rhobuildyml = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/rhobuild.yml" if File.exists? rhobuildyml config = YAML::load_file(rhobuildyml) else puts "Cant find rhobuild.yml" exit 1 end config["env"]["app"] = $app_path.gsub(/\\/,"/") File.open( rhobuildyml, 'w' ) do |out| YAML.dump( config, out ) end end #Rake::RDocTask.new do |rd| #RDoc::Task.new do |rd| # rd.main = "README.textile" # rd.rdoc_files.include("README.textile", "lib/framework/**/*.rb") #end #Rake::Task["rdoc"].comment=nil #Rake::Task["rerdoc"].comment=nil #task :rdocpush => :rdoc do # puts "Pushing RDOC. This may take a while" # `scp -r html/* dev@dev.rhomobile.com:dev.rhomobile.com/rhodes/` #end namespace "build" do # desc "Build rhoconnect-client package" task :rhoconnect_client do ver = File.read("rhoconnect-client/version").chomp #.gsub(".", "_") zip_name = "rhoconnect-client-"+ver+".zip" bin_dir = "rhoconnect-client-bin" src_dir = bin_dir + "/rhoconnect-client-"+ver #"/src" shared_dir = src_dir + "/platform/shared" rm_rf bin_dir rm zip_name if File.exists? zip_name mkdir_p bin_dir mkdir_p src_dir cp_r 'rhoconnect-client', src_dir, :preserve => true mv src_dir+"/rhoconnect-client/license", src_dir mv src_dir+"/rhoconnect-client/README.textile", src_dir mv src_dir+"/rhoconnect-client/version", src_dir mv src_dir+"/rhoconnect-client/changelog", src_dir Dir.glob(src_dir+"/rhoconnect-client/**/*").each do |f| #puts f rm_rf f if f.index("/build/") || f.index(".DS_Store") end mkdir_p shared_dir Dir.glob("platform/shared/*").each do |f| next if f == "platform/shared/ruby" || f == "platform/shared/rubyext" || f == "platform/shared/xruby" || f == "platform/shared/shttpd" || f == "platform/shared/stlport" || f == "platform/shared/qt" #puts f cp_r f, shared_dir #, :preserve => true end startdir = pwd chdir bin_dir puts `zip -r #{File.join(startdir, zip_name)} *` chdir startdir rm_rf bin_dir end end namespace "run" do desc "Run application on RhoSimulator" task :rhosimulator_base => "config:common" do puts "rho_reload_app_changes : #{ENV['rho_reload_app_changes']}" $path = "" $args = ["-approot='#{$app_path}'", "-rhodespath='#{$startdir}'"] cmd = nil if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/ if $config['env']['paths']['rhosimulator'] and $config['env']['paths']['rhosimulator'].length() > 0 $path = File.join( $config['env']['paths']['rhosimulator'], "rhosimulator.exe" ) else $path = File.join( $startdir, "platform/win32/RhoSimulator/rhosimulator.exe" ) end elsif RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ if $config['env']['paths']['rhosimulator'] and $config['env']['paths']['rhosimulator'].length() > 0 $path = File.join( $config['env']['paths']['rhosimulator'], "RhoSimulator.app" ) else $path = File.join( $startdir, "platform/osx/bin/RhoSimulator/RhoSimulator.app" ) end cmd = 'open' $args.unshift($path, '--args') else if $config['env']['paths']['rhosimulator'] and $config['env']['paths']['rhosimulator'].length() > 0 # $path = File.join( $config['env']['paths']['rhosimulator'], "RhoSimulator" ) else # $path = File.join( $startdir, "platform/linux/bin/RhoSimulator/RhoSimulator" ) end $args << ">/dev/null" $args << "2>/dev/null" end $appname = $app_config["name"].nil? ? "Rhodes" : $app_config["name"] if !File.exists?($path) puts "Cannot find RhoSimulator: '#{$path}' does not exists" puts "Check sdk path in build.yml - it should point to latest rhodes (run 'set-rhodes-sdk' in application folder) OR" if $config['env']['paths']['rhosimulator'] and $config['env']['paths']['rhosimulator'].length() > 0 puts "Check 'env:paths:rhosimulator' path in '/rhobuild.yml' OR" end puts "Install Rhodes gem OR" puts "Install RhoSimulator and modify 'env:paths:rhosimulator' section in '/rhobuild.yml'" exit 1 end sim_conf = "rhodes_path='#{$startdir}'\r\n" sim_conf += "app_version='#{$app_config["version"]}'\r\n" sim_conf += "app_name='#{$appname}'\r\n" if ( ENV['rho_reload_app_changes'] ) sim_conf += "reload_app_changes=#{ENV['rho_reload_app_changes']}\r\n" else sim_conf += "reload_app_changes=1\r\n" end if $config['debug'] sim_conf += "debug_port=#{$config['debug']['port']}\r\n" else sim_conf += "debug_port=\r\n" end if $config['debug'] && $config['debug']['host'] && $config['debug']['host'].length() > 0 sim_conf += "debug_host='#{$config['debug']['host']}'\r\n" else sim_conf += "debug_host=''\r\n" end sim_conf += $rhosim_config if $rhosim_config #check gem extensions config_ext_paths = "" extpaths = $app_config["extpaths"] $app_config["extensions"].each do |extname| extpath = nil extpaths.each do |p| ep = File.join(p, extname) if File.exists? ep extpath = ep break end end if extpath.nil? begin $rhodes_extensions = nil require extname extpath = $rhodes_extensions[0] unless $rhodes_extensions.nil? config_ext_paths += "#{extpath};" if extpath && extpath.length() > 0 rescue Exception => e end else if $config["platform"] != "bb" extyml = File.join(extpath, "ext.yml") next if File.file? extyml end config_ext_paths += "#{extpath};" if extpath && extpath.length() > 0 end end sim_conf += "ext_path=#{config_ext_paths}\r\n" if config_ext_paths && config_ext_paths.length() > 0 fdir = File.join($app_path, 'rhosimulator') mkdir fdir unless File.exist?(fdir) fname = File.join(fdir, 'rhosimconfig.txt') File.open(fname, "wb") do |fconf| fconf.write( sim_conf ) end if not cmd.nil? $path = cmd end end task :rhosimulator => "run:rhosimulator_base" do puts 'start rhosimulator' Jake.run2 $path, $args, {:nowait => true} end task :rhosimulator_debug => "run:rhosimulator_base" do puts 'start rhosimulator debug' Jake.run2 $path, $args, {:nowait => true} if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ while 1 end end end end namespace "build" do task :rhosimulator => "config:common" do $rhodes_version = File.read(File.join($startdir,'version')).chomp File.open(File.join($startdir, 'platform/shared/qt/rhodes/RhoSimulatorVersion.h'), "wb") do |fversion| fversion.write( "#define RHOSIMULATOR_VERSION \"#{$rhodes_version}\"\n" ) end if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/ Rake::Task["build:win32:rhosimulator"].invoke elsif RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ Rake::Task["build:osx:rhosimulator"].invoke else puts "Sorry, at this time RhoSimulator can be built for Windows and Mac OS X only" exit 1 end end end