{ "types": [ { "name": "problem", "displayName": "Possible Problems", "description": "These rules relate to possible logic errors in code:" }, { "name": "suggestion", "displayName": "Suggestions", "description": "These rules suggest alternate ways of doing things:" }, { "name": "layout", "displayName": "Layout & Formatting", "description": "These rules care about how the code looks rather than how it executes:" } ], "deprecated": { "name": "Deprecated", "description": "These rules have been deprecated in accordance with the deprecation policy, and replaced by newer rules:", "rules": [] }, "removed": { "name": "Removed", "description": "These rules from older versions of ESLint (before the deprecation policy existed) have been replaced by newer rules:", "rules": [ { "removed": "generator-star", "replacedBy": ["generator-star-spacing"] }, { "removed": "global-strict", "replacedBy": ["strict"] }, { "removed": "no-arrow-condition", "replacedBy": ["no-confusing-arrow", "no-constant-condition"] }, { "removed": "no-comma-dangle", "replacedBy": ["comma-dangle"] }, { "removed": "no-empty-class", "replacedBy": ["no-empty-character-class"] }, { "removed": "no-empty-label", "replacedBy": ["no-labels"] }, { "removed": "no-extra-strict", "replacedBy": ["strict"] }, { "removed": "no-reserved-keys", "replacedBy": ["quote-props"] }, { "removed": "no-space-before-semi", "replacedBy": ["semi-spacing"] }, { "removed": "no-wrap-func", "replacedBy": ["no-extra-parens"] }, { "removed": "space-after-function-name", "replacedBy": ["space-before-function-paren"] }, { "removed": "space-after-keywords", "replacedBy": ["keyword-spacing"] }, { "removed": "space-before-function-parentheses", "replacedBy": ["space-before-function-paren"] }, { "removed": "space-before-keywords", "replacedBy": ["keyword-spacing"] }, { "removed": "space-in-brackets", "replacedBy": ["object-curly-spacing", "array-bracket-spacing"] }, { "removed": "space-return-throw-case", "replacedBy": ["keyword-spacing"] }, { "removed": "space-unary-word-ops", "replacedBy": ["space-unary-ops"] }, { "removed": "spaced-line-comment", "replacedBy": ["spaced-comment"] } ] } }