/*! * Ext JS Library 3.0.0 * Copyright(c) 2006-2009 Ext JS, LLC * licensing@extjs.com * http://www.extjs.com/license */ /** * @class Ext.QuickTips *

Provides attractive and customizable tooltips for any element. The QuickTips * singleton is used to configure and manage tooltips globally for multiple elements * in a generic manner. To create individual tooltips with maximum customizability, * you should consider either {@link Ext.Tip} or {@link Ext.ToolTip}.


Quicktips can be configured via tag attributes directly in markup, or by * registering quick tips programmatically via the {@link #register} method.


The singleton's instance of {@link Ext.QuickTip} is available via * {@link #getQuickTip}, and supports all the methods, and all the all the * configuration properties of Ext.QuickTip. These settings will apply to all * tooltips shown by the singleton.


Below is the summary of the configuration properties which can be used. * For detailed descriptions see {@link #getQuickTip}


QuickTips singleton configs (all are optional)


Target element configs (optional unless otherwise noted)


Here is an example showing how some of these config options could be used:


// Init the singleton.  Any tag-based quick tips will start working.

// Apply a set of config properties to the singleton
Ext.apply(Ext.QuickTips.getQuickTip(), {
    maxWidth: 200,
    minWidth: 100,
    showDelay: 50,
    trackMouse: true

// Manually register a quick tip for a specific element
    target: 'my-div',
    title: 'My Tooltip',
    text: 'This tooltip was added in code',
    width: 100,
    dismissDelay: 20

To register a quick tip in markup, you simply add one or more of the valid QuickTip attributes prefixed with * the ext: namespace. The HTML element itself is automatically set as the quick tip target. Here is the summary * of supported attributes (optional unless otherwise noted):

* *

Here is an example of configuring an HTML element to display a tooltip from markup:


// Add a quick tip to an HTML button
<input type="button" value="OK" ext:qtitle="OK Button" ext:qwidth="100"
     ext:qtip="This is a quick tip from markup!"></input>
* @singleton */ Ext.QuickTips = function(){ var tip, locks = []; return { /** * Initialize the global QuickTips instance and prepare any quick tips. * @param {Boolean} autoRender True to render the QuickTips container immediately to preload images. (Defaults to true) */ init : function(autoRender){ if(!tip){ if(!Ext.isReady){ Ext.onReady(function(){ Ext.QuickTips.init(autoRender); }); return; } tip = new Ext.QuickTip({elements:'header,body'}); if(autoRender !== false){ tip.render(Ext.getBody()); } } }, /** * Enable quick tips globally. */ enable : function(){ if(tip){ locks.pop(); if(locks.length < 1){ tip.enable(); } } }, /** * Disable quick tips globally. */ disable : function(){ if(tip){ tip.disable(); } locks.push(1); }, /** * Returns true if quick tips are enabled, else false. * @return {Boolean} */ isEnabled : function(){ return tip !== undefined && !tip.disabled; }, /** * Gets the global QuickTips instance. */ getQuickTip : function(){ return tip; }, /** * Configures a new quick tip instance and assigns it to a target element. See * {@link Ext.QuickTip#register} for details. * @param {Object} config The config object */ register : function(){ tip.register.apply(tip, arguments); }, /** * Removes any registered quick tip from the target element and destroys it. * @param {String/HTMLElement/Element} el The element from which the quick tip is to be removed. */ unregister : function(){ tip.unregister.apply(tip, arguments); }, /** * Alias of {@link #register}. * @param {Object} config The config object */ tips :function(){ tip.register.apply(tip, arguments); } } }();