h1. rb-libsvm -- Ruby language bindings for LIBSVM This is a module which provides a Ruby API to the LIBSVM [1] library. SVM is a machine learning and classification algorithm, and LIBSVM is a popular free implementation of it, written by Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin, of National Taiwan University, Taipei. See "Programming Collective Intelligence," [2] among others, for a usage example. Note: There exists another Ruby binding for LIBSVM, named Ruby SVM, [3] written by Rudi Cilibrasi. (That's the one mentioned in the libsvm documentation.) This package is not related but written independently and from scratch. h2. Dependencies None. Libsvm is bundled with the project. Just clone and go! Currently using libsvm version 3.1 h2. Author, License Written by C. Florian Ebeling. This software can be freely used under the terms of the MIT license, see file MIT-LICENSE. h2. Contributors Rimas Silkaitis h3. Notes fn1. http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvm/ fn2. http://books.google.com/books?id=fEsZ3Ey-Hq4C fn3. http://rubysvm.cilibrar.com/