module OS def (/cygwin|mswin|mingw|bccwin|wince|emx/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM) != nil end def OS.mac? (/darwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM) != nil end def OS.unix? ! end def OS.linux? OS.unix? and not OS.mac? end end module Curses # # Add some methods that allow accessing a window by PPPoint. # class Window def cur_point, cury) end def set_pos_by_point( p ) setpos(p.y, p.x) end def move_to_point( p ) move(p.y, p.x) end end end module PPCurses # Screen initializes the Curses screen # Pass a code block to the run method to start things # # noinspection RubyResolve class Screen def setup_curses Curses.init_screen Curses.raw # Can't implement regardless as this can cause an unsupportedOperationException on some configurations # like cygwin. if OS.unix? Curses.ESCDELAY=0 end # Otherwise arrow keys, etc can't be read from the main screen and cause the # program to stop. Curses.stdscr.keypad(true) Curses.clear Curses.curs_set(INVISIBLE) Curses.noecho Curses.cbreak Curses.start_color end def print_with_attribute( toPrint, attribute ) Curses.stdscr.attron( attribute ) Curses.stdscr.addstr( toPrint ) Curses.stdscr.attroff( attribute ) end def get_ch Curses.stdscr.getch end def width Curses.cols end def height Curses.lines end def set_pos_by_point( p ) setpos(p.y, p.x) end def setpos(y, x) Curses.stdscr.setpos(y, x) end def clrtoeol Curses.stdscr.clrtoeol end def attron(attributes) Curses.stdscr.attron(attributes) end def attroff(attributes) Curses.stdscr.attroff(attributes) end def addstr(string) Curses.stdscr.addstr(string) end def getch Curses.stdscr.getch end def cur_point, Curses.stdscr.cury) end def curs_set(value) Curses.curs_set(value) end def shutdown_curses Curses.close_screen end # Creates a curses session # # Example: # >> { displayMenu() } # def run begin setup_curses return yield rescue SystemExit, Interrupt # Empty Catch block so ruby doesn't puke out # a stack trace when CTRL-C is used ensure shutdown_curses end end end end