require 'swiftrail'

module Danger
  # This is your plugin class. Any attributes or methods you expose here will
  # be available from within your Dangerfile.
  # To be published on the Danger plugins site, you will need to have
  # the public interface documented. Danger uses [YARD](
  # for generating documentation from your plugin source, and you can verify
  # by running `danger plugins lint` or `bundle exec rake spec`.
  # You should replace these comments with a public description of your library.
  # @example Ensure people are well warned about merging on Mondays
  #          my_plugin.warn_on_mondays
  # @see  Slavko Krucaj/danger-swiftrail
  # @tags monday, weekends, time, rattata
  class DangerSwiftrail < Plugin

    # An attribute that you can read/write from your Dangerfile
    # @return   [Array<String>]
    attr_accessor :failures

    def lint(test_patterns)
      @failures =