* Add a task that allows for modifying the number of instances of a certain backend, on-the-fly (without interruption of service). * Add support for one metadata file per service configuration: That would allow for specifying the name of a service configuration (currently inferred from the prefix *_start.sh) and most importantly, their single-instance nature. This would be a boolean value which determines whether to allow more than 1 instance of a service to be spawned. For example: - Rack-compatible applications like Rails and Sinatra apps can be spawned in multiple instances as nginx spreads requests across these instances. - However, it doesn't make sense for PHP (FCGI) backends to have more than 1 instance since nginx only connects to 1 FCGI server. The NUM_INSTANCES variables can still be used by the service configuration to spawn more instances its own way. In the case of PHP, both the PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN and PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS can be set accordingly. * Add a task for configuring mail clients: once a VPS has a mail server set up (mail:server:setup) it can send mails through itself, but other VPS's still need to be configured to go through that mail server mails coming from them. Such a task would take care of it. * Add a task for changing the hostname of a VPS. * In SshDetails::AccountBinding#check_for_presence_of_ssh, fix the invalid indentation of connection details.