#Based on patch from Wilson Bilkovich require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper.rb' class SomethingExpected attr_accessor :some_value end describe "should change(actual, message)" do before(:each) do @instance = SomethingExpected.new @instance.some_value = 5 end it "should pass when actual is modified by the block" do expect {@instance.some_value = 6}.to change(@instance, :some_value) end it "should fail when actual is not modified by the block" do expect do expect {}.to change(@instance, :some_value) end.to fail_with("some_value should have changed, but is still 5") end it "provides a #description" do change(@instance, :some_value).description.should == "change #some_value" end end describe "should_not change(actual, message)" do before(:each) do @instance = SomethingExpected.new @instance.some_value = 5 end it "should pass when actual is not modified by the block" do expect { }.to_not change(@instance, :some_value) end it "should fail when actual is not modified by the block" do expect do expect {@instance.some_value = 6}.to_not change(@instance, :some_value) end.to fail_with("some_value should not have changed, but did change from 5 to 6") end end describe "should change { block }" do before(:each) do @instance = SomethingExpected.new @instance.some_value = 5 end it "should pass when actual is modified by the block" do expect {@instance.some_value = 6}.to change { @instance.some_value } end it "should fail when actual is not modified by the block" do expect do expect {}.to change{ @instance.some_value } end.to fail_with("result should have changed, but is still 5") end it "should warn if passed a block using do/end instead of {}" do expect do expect {}.to change do; end end.to raise_error(Spec::Matchers::MatcherError, /block passed to should or should_not/) end it "provides a #description" do change { @instance.some_value }.description.should == "change #result" end end describe "should_not change { block }" do before(:each) do @instance = SomethingExpected.new @instance.some_value = 5 end it "should pass when actual is modified by the block" do expect {}.to_not change{ @instance.some_value } end it "should fail when actual is not modified by the block" do expect do expect {@instance.some_value = 6}.to_not change { @instance.some_value } end.to fail_with("result should not have changed, but did change from 5 to 6") end it "should warn if passed a block using do/end instead of {}" do expect do expect {}.to_not change do; end end.to raise_error(Spec::Matchers::MatcherError, /block passed to should or should_not/) end end describe "should change(actual, message).by(expected)" do before(:each) do @instance = SomethingExpected.new @instance.some_value = 5 end it "should pass when attribute is changed by expected amount" do expect { @instance.some_value += 1 }.to change(@instance, :some_value).by(1) end it "should fail when the attribute is changed by unexpected amount" do expect do expect { @instance.some_value += 2 }.to change(@instance, :some_value).by(1) end.to fail_with("some_value should have been changed by 1, but was changed by 2") end it "should fail when the attribute is changed by unexpected amount in the opposite direction" do expect do expect { @instance.some_value -= 1 }.to change(@instance, :some_value).by(1) end.to fail_with("some_value should have been changed by 1, but was changed by -1") end end describe "should change{ block }.by(expected)" do before(:each) do @instance = SomethingExpected.new @instance.some_value = 5 end it "should pass when attribute is changed by expected amount" do expect { @instance.some_value += 1 }.to change{@instance.some_value}.by(1) end it "should fail when the attribute is changed by unexpected amount" do expect do expect { @instance.some_value += 2 }.to change{@instance.some_value}.by(1) end.to fail_with("result should have been changed by 1, but was changed by 2") end it "should fail when the attribute is changed by unexpected amount in the opposite direction" do expect do expect { @instance.some_value -= 1 }.to change{@instance.some_value}.by(1) end.to fail_with("result should have been changed by 1, but was changed by -1") end end describe "should change(actual, message).by_at_least(expected)" do before(:each) do @instance = SomethingExpected.new @instance.some_value = 5 end it "should pass when attribute is changed by greater than the expected amount" do expect { @instance.some_value += 2 }.to change(@instance, :some_value).by_at_least(1) end it "should pass when attribute is changed by the expected amount" do expect { @instance.some_value += 2 }.to change(@instance, :some_value).by_at_least(2) end it "should fail when the attribute is changed by less than the expected amount" do expect do expect { @instance.some_value += 1 }.to change(@instance, :some_value).by_at_least(2) end.to fail_with("some_value should have been changed by at least 2, but was changed by 1") end end describe "should change{ block }.by_at_least(expected)" do before(:each) do @instance = SomethingExpected.new @instance.some_value = 5 end it "should pass when attribute is changed by greater than expected amount" do expect { @instance.some_value += 2 }.to change{@instance.some_value}.by_at_least(1) end it "should pass when attribute is changed by the expected amount" do expect { @instance.some_value += 2 }.to change{@instance.some_value}.by_at_least(2) end it "should fail when the attribute is changed by less than the unexpected amount" do expect do expect { @instance.some_value += 1 }.to change{@instance.some_value}.by_at_least(2) end.to fail_with("result should have been changed by at least 2, but was changed by 1") end end describe "should change(actual, message).by_at_most(expected)" do before(:each) do @instance = SomethingExpected.new @instance.some_value = 5 end it "should pass when attribute is changed by less than the expected amount" do expect { @instance.some_value += 2 }.to change(@instance, :some_value).by_at_most(3) end it "should pass when attribute is changed by the expected amount" do expect { @instance.some_value += 2 }.to change(@instance, :some_value).by_at_most(2) end it "should fail when the attribute is changed by greater than the expected amount" do expect do expect { @instance.some_value += 2 }.to change(@instance, :some_value).by_at_most(1) end.to fail_with("some_value should have been changed by at most 1, but was changed by 2") end end describe "should change{ block }.by_at_most(expected)" do before(:each) do @instance = SomethingExpected.new @instance.some_value = 5 end it "should pass when attribute is changed by less than expected amount" do expect { @instance.some_value += 2 }.to change{@instance.some_value}.by_at_most(3) end it "should pass when attribute is changed by the expected amount" do expect { @instance.some_value += 2 }.to change{@instance.some_value}.by_at_most(2) end it "should fail when the attribute is changed by greater than the unexpected amount" do expect do expect { @instance.some_value += 2 }.to change{@instance.some_value}.by_at_most(1) end.to fail_with("result should have been changed by at most 1, but was changed by 2") end end describe "should change(actual, message).from(old)" do before(:each) do @instance = SomethingExpected.new @instance.some_value = 'string' end it "should pass when attribute is == to expected value before executing block" do expect { @instance.some_value = "astring" }.to change(@instance, :some_value).from("string") end it "should fail when attribute is not == to expected value before executing block" do expect do expect { @instance.some_value = "knot" }.to change(@instance, :some_value).from("cat") end.to fail_with("some_value should have initially been \"cat\", but was \"string\"") end end describe "should change{ block }.from(old)" do before(:each) do @instance = SomethingExpected.new @instance.some_value = 'string' end it "should pass when attribute is == to expected value before executing block" do expect { @instance.some_value = "astring" }.to change{@instance.some_value}.from("string") end it "should fail when attribute is not == to expected value before executing block" do expect do expect { @instance.some_value = "knot" }.to change{@instance.some_value}.from("cat") end.to fail_with("result should have initially been \"cat\", but was \"string\"") end end describe "should change(actual, message).to(new)" do before(:each) do @instance = SomethingExpected.new @instance.some_value = 'string' end it "should pass when attribute is == to expected value after executing block" do expect { @instance.some_value = "cat" }.to change(@instance, :some_value).to("cat") end it "should fail when attribute is not == to expected value after executing block" do expect do expect { @instance.some_value = "cat" }.to change(@instance, :some_value).from("string").to("dog") end.to fail_with("some_value should have been changed to \"dog\", but is now \"cat\"") end end describe "should change{ block }.to(new)" do before(:each) do @instance = SomethingExpected.new @instance.some_value = 'string' end it "should pass when attribute is == to expected value after executing block" do expect { @instance.some_value = "cat" }.to change{@instance.some_value}.to("cat") end it "should fail when attribute is not == to expected value after executing block" do expect do expect { @instance.some_value = "cat" }.to change{@instance.some_value}.from("string").to("dog") end.to fail_with("result should have been changed to \"dog\", but is now \"cat\"") end end describe "should change(actual, message).from(old).to(new)" do before(:each) do @instance = SomethingExpected.new @instance.some_value = 'string' end it "should pass when #to comes before #from" do expect { @instance.some_value = "cat" }.to change(@instance, :some_value).to("cat").from("string") end it "should pass when #from comes before #to" do expect { @instance.some_value = "cat" }.to change(@instance, :some_value).from("string").to("cat") end it "should show the correct messaging when #after and #to are different" do expect do expect { @instance.some_value = "cat" }.to change(@instance, :some_value).from("string").to("dog") end.to fail_with("some_value should have been changed to \"dog\", but is now \"cat\"") end it "should show the correct messaging when #before and #from are different" do expect do expect { @instance.some_value = "cat" }.to change(@instance, :some_value).from("not_string").to("cat") end.to fail_with("some_value should have initially been \"not_string\", but was \"string\"") end end describe "should change{ block }.from(old).to(new)" do before(:each) do @instance = SomethingExpected.new @instance.some_value = 'string' end it "should pass when #to comes before #from" do expect { @instance.some_value = "cat" }.to change{@instance.some_value}.to("cat").from("string") end it "should pass when #from comes before #to" do expect { @instance.some_value = "cat" }.to change{@instance.some_value}.from("string").to("cat") end end describe Spec::Matchers::Change do it "should work when the receiver has implemented #send" do @instance = SomethingExpected.new @instance.some_value = "string" def @instance.send(*args); raise "DOH! Library developers shouldn't use #send!" end expect { expect { @instance.some_value = "cat" }.to change(@instance, :some_value) }.to_not raise_error end end