module Effective class Datatable attr_accessor :total_records, :display_records, :view, :attributes delegate :render, :link_to, :mail_to, :to => :@view class << self def all { |klass| } end def find(obj, attributes = nil) obj = obj.respond_to?(:to_param) ? obj.to_param : obj EffectiveDatatables.datatables.find { |klass| == obj }.try(:new, attributes.presence || {}) end def table_column(name, options = {}, proc = nil, &block) if block_given? raise "You cannot use :partial => '' with the block syntax" if options[:partial] raise "You cannot use :proc => ... with the block syntax" if options[:proc] options[:block] = block end raise "You cannot use both :partial => '' and proc => ..." if options[:partial] && options[:proc] send(:attr_accessor, name) (@table_columns ||=[name] = options end def table_columns(*names) names.each { |name| table_column(name) } end def array_column(name, options = {}, proc = nil, &block) table_column(name, options.merge!({:array_column => true}), proc, &block) end def actions_column(options = {}, proc = nil, &block) show = options.fetch(:show, false) edit = options.fetch(:edit, true) destroy = options.fetch(:destroy, true) name = options.fetch(:name, 'actions') opts = { sortable: false, filter: false, partial_local: :resource, partial_locals: { show_action: show, edit_action: edit, destroy_action: destroy } } opts[:partial] = '/effective/datatables/actions_column' unless (block_given? || proc.present?) table_column(name, opts, proc, &block) end def array_columns(*names) names.each { |name| array_column(name) } end def default_order(name, direction = :asc) @default_order = {name => direction} end def default_entries(entries) @default_entries = entries end def model_name # Searching & Filters @model_name ||= end end def initialize(*args) if args.present? raise ' can only be called with a Hash like arguments' unless args.first.kind_of?(Hash) args.first.each { |k, v| self.attributes[k] = v } end unless active_record_collection? || (collection.kind_of?(Array) && collection.first.kind_of?(Array)) raise "Unsupported collection type. Should be ActiveRecord class, ActiveRecord relation, or an Array of Arrays [[1, 'something'], [2, 'something else']]" end # Any pre-selected search terms should be assigned now search_terms.each { |column, term| self.send("#{column}=", term) } end # Any attributes set on initialize will be echoed back and available to the class def attributes @attributes ||= end def to_key; []; end # Searching & Filters # Instance method. In Rails 4.2 this needs to be defined on the instance, before it was on the class def model_name # Searching & Filters @model_name ||= end def to_param end def collection raise "You must define a collection. Something like an ActiveRecord User.all or an Array of Arrays [[1, 'something'], [2, 'something else']]" end def collection_class collection.respond_to?(:klass) ? collection.klass : self.class end def finalize(collection) # Override me if you like collection end # Select only col[:if] == true columns, and then set the col[:index] accordingly def table_columns @table_columns ||= table_columns_with_defaults().select do |_, col| col[:if] == nil || (col[:if].respond_to?(:call) ? (view || self).instance_exec(&col[:if]) : col[:if]) end.each_with_index { |(_, col), index| col[:index] = index } end # This is for the ColReorder plugin # It sends us a list of columns that are different than our table_columns order # So this method just returns an array of column names, as per ColReorder def display_table_columns if params[:columns].present? do |display_columns| params[:columns].each do |_, values| display_columns[values[:name]] = table_columns[values[:name]] end end end end def to_json raise 'Effective::Datatable to_json called with a nil view. Please call render_datatable(@datatable) or @datatable.view = view before this method' unless view.present? @json ||= { :draw => (params[:draw] || 0), :data => (table_data || []), :recordsTotal => (total_records || 0), :recordsFiltered => (display_records || 0) } end def present? total_records.to_i > 0 end def empty? total_records.to_i == 0 end def order_name @order_name ||= begin if params[:order] && params[:columns] order_column_index = (params[:order].first[1][:column] rescue '0') (params[:columns][order_column_index] || {})[:name] elsif default_order.present? default_order.keys.first end || table_columns.keys.first end end def order_direction @order_direction ||= if params[:order].present? params[:order].first[1][:dir] == 'desc' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC' elsif default_order.present? default_order.values.first.to_s.downcase == 'desc' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC' else 'ASC' end end def default_order self.class.instance_variable_get(:@default_order) end def default_entries @default_entries ||= begin entries = (self.class.instance_variable_get(:@default_entries).presence || EffectiveDatatables.default_entries) entries = -1 if entries.to_s.downcase == 'all' [10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 1000, -1].include?(entries) ? entries : 25 end end def search_terms @search_terms ||= do |terms| if params[:columns].present? # This is an AJAX request from the DataTable (params[:columns] || {}).each do |_, column| next if table_columns[column[:name]].blank? || (column[:search] || {})[:value].blank? terms[column[:name]] = column[:search][:value] end else # This is the initial render, and we have to apply default search terms only table_columns.each do |name, values| terms[name] = values[:filter][:selected] if values[:filter][:selected].present? end end end end # This is here so classes that inherit from Datatables can can override the specific where clauses on a search column def search_column(collection, table_column, search_term) if table_column[:array_column] array_tool.search_column_with_defaults(collection, table_column, search_term) else table_tool.search_column_with_defaults(collection, table_column, search_term) end end def per_page length = (params[:length].presence || default_entries).to_i if length == -1 9999999 elsif length > 0 length else 25 end end def per_page=(length) case length when Integer params[:length] = length when :all params[:length] = -1 end end def page params[:start].to_i / per_page + 1 end def total_records @total_records ||= ( if active_record_collection? && collection_class.connection.respond_to?(:unprepared_statement) # collection_sql = collection_class.connection.unprepared_statement { collection.to_sql } (collection_class.connection.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (#{collection_sql}) AS datatables_total_count").first['count'] rescue 1).to_i elsif active_record_collection? (collection_class.connection.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (#{collection.to_sql}) AS datatables_total_count").first['count'] rescue 1).to_i else collection.size end ) end def view=(view_context) @view = view_context @view.formats = [:html] # 'Just work' with attributes @view.class.send(:attr_accessor, :attributes) @view.attributes = self.attributes # Delegate any methods defined on the datatable directly to our view @view.class.send(:attr_accessor, :effective_datatable) @view.effective_datatable = self (self.class.instance_methods(false) - [:collection, :search_column]).each do |view_method| @view.class_eval { delegate view_method, :to => :@effective_datatable } end # Clear the search_terms memoization @search_terms = nil @order_name = nil @order_direction = nil end protected # So the idea here is that we want to do as much as possible on the database in ActiveRecord # And then run any array_columns through in post-processed results def table_data col = collection if active_record_collection? col = table_tool.order(col) col = if table_tool.search_terms.present? && array_tool.search_terms.blank? if collection_class.connection.respond_to?(:unprepared_statement) # col_sql = collection_class.connection.unprepared_statement { col.to_sql } self.display_records = (collection_class.connection.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (#{col_sql}) AS datatables_filtered_count").first['count'] rescue 1).to_i else self.display_records = (collection_class.connection.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (#{col.to_sql}) AS datatables_filtered_count").first['count'] rescue 1).to_i end end end if array_tool.search_terms.present? col = self.arrayize(col) col = self.display_records = col.size end if array_tool.order_column.present? col = self.arrayize(col) col = array_tool.order(col) end self.display_records ||= total_records if col.kind_of?(Array) col = array_tool.paginate(col) else col = table_tool.paginate(col) col = self.arrayize(col) end col = self.finalize(col) end def arrayize(collection) return collection if @arrayized # Prevent the collection from being arrayized more than once @arrayized = true # We want to use the render :collection for each column that renders partials rendered = {} table_columns.each do |name, opts| if opts[:partial] locals = { datatable: self, table_column: table_columns[name], controller_namespace: view.controller_path.split('/')[0...-1].map { |path| path.downcase.to_sym if path.present? }.compact, show_action: (opts[:partial_locals] || {})[:show_action], edit_action: (opts[:partial_locals] || {})[:edit_action], destroy_action: (opts[:partial_locals] || {})[:destroy_action] } locals.merge!(opts[:partial_locals]) if opts[:partial_locals] rendered[name] = (render( :partial => opts[:partial], :as => opts[:partial_local], :collection => collection, :formats => :html, :locals => locals, :spacer_template => '/effective/datatables/spacer_template', ) || '').split('EFFECTIVEDATATABLESSPACER') end end do |obj, index| (display_table_columns || table_columns).map do |name, opts| value = if opts[:partial] rendered[name][index] elsif opts[:block] view.instance_exec(obj, collection, self, &opts[:block]) elsif opts[:proc] view.instance_exec(obj, collection, self, &opts[:proc]) elsif opts[:type] == :belongs_to val = (obj.send(name) rescue nil).to_s elsif opts[:type] == :obfuscated_id (obj.send(:to_param) rescue nil).to_s else val = (obj.send(name) rescue nil) val = (obj[opts[:array_index]] rescue nil) if val == nil val end # Last minute formatting of dates case value when Date value.strftime(EffectiveDatatables.date_format) when Time value.strftime(EffectiveDatatables.datetime_format) when DateTime value.strftime(EffectiveDatatables.datetime_format) else value.to_s end end end end private def params view.try(:params) || end def table_tool @table_tool ||=, { |_, col| col[:array_column] == false }) end def array_tool @array_tool ||=, { |_, col| col[:array_column] == true }) end def active_record_collection? if @active_record_collection.nil? @active_record_collection = (collection.ancestors.include?(ActiveRecord::Base) rescue false) else @active_record_collection end end def table_columns_with_defaults unless self.class.instance_variable_get(:@table_columns_initialized) self.class.instance_variable_set(:@table_columns_initialized, true) initalize_table_columns(self.class.instance_variable_get(:@table_columns)) end self.class.instance_variable_get(:@table_columns) end def initalize_table_columns(cols) sql_table = (collection.table rescue nil) # Here we identify all belongs_to associations and build up a Hash like: # {:user => {:foreign_key => 'user_id', :klass => User}, :order => {:foreign_key => 'order_id', :klass => Effective::Order}} belong_tos = (collection.ancestors.first.reflect_on_all_associations(:belongs_to) rescue []).inject( do |retval, bt| unless bt.options[:polymorphic] begin klass = bt.klass || bt.foreign_type.sub('_type', '').classify.constantize rescue => e klass = nil end retval[] = {:foreign_key => bt.foreign_key, :klass => klass} if bt.foreign_key.present? && klass.present? end retval end cols.each_with_index do |(name, _), index| # If this is a belongs_to, add an :if clause specifying a collection scope if if belong_tos.key?(name) cols[name][:if] ||= { attributes[belong_tos[name][:foreign_key]].blank? } # :if => { attributes[:user_id].blank? } end sql_column = (collection.columns rescue []).find do |column| == name.to_s || (belong_tos.key?(name) && == belong_tos[name][:foreign_key]) end cols[name][:array_column] ||= false cols[name][:array_index] = index # The index of this column in the collection, regardless of hidden table_columns cols[name][:name] ||= name cols[name][:label] ||= name.titleize cols[name][:column] ||= (sql_table && sql_column) ? "\"#{}\".\"#{}\"" : name cols[name][:width] ||= nil cols[name][:sortable] = true if cols[name][:sortable] == nil cols[name][:type] ||= (belong_tos.key?(name) ? :belongs_to : (sql_column.try(:type).presence || :string)) cols[name][:class] = "col-#{cols[name][:type]} col-#{name} #{cols[name][:class]}".strip if name == 'id' && collection.respond_to?(:deobfuscate) cols[name][:sortable] = false cols[name][:type] = :obfuscated_id end if sql_table.present? && sql_column.blank? # This is a SELECT AS column cols[name][:sql_as_column] = true end cols[name][:filter] = initialize_table_column_filter(cols[name][:filter], cols[name][:type], belong_tos[name]) if cols[name][:partial] cols[name][:partial_local] ||= (sql_table.try(:name) || cols[name][:partial].split('/').last(2).first.presence || 'obj').singularize.to_sym end end end def initialize_table_column_filter(filter, col_type, belongs_to) return {:type => :null} if filter == false if filter.kind_of?(Symbol) filter = => filter) elsif filter.kind_of?(String) filter = => filter.to_sym) elsif filter.kind_of?(Hash) == false filter = end # This is a fix for passing filter[:selected] == false, it needs to be 'false' filter[:selected] = filter[:selected].to_s unless filter[:selected].nil? filter = case col_type when :belongs_to :type => :select, :values => { belongs_to[:klass] { |obj| [obj.to_s,] }.sort { |x, y| x[1] <=> y[1] } } ).merge(filter) when :integer => :number).merge(filter) when :boolean => :boolean, :values => [true, false]).merge(filter) else => :string).merge(filter) end if filter[:type] == :boolean filter = => [true, false]).merge(filter) end filter end end end