Workarea Paypal 3.0.5 (2020-08-14)

*   Address Race Condition When Using PayPal's SDK

    It's possible that our modules that use the PayPal SDK will be
    initialized prior to `window.paypal` being available on the page, now
    that the JS is loaded in asynchronously, causing unnecessary loss in
    functionality. Additionally, there doesn't seem to be a way to bind to
    any kind of event given off by the SDK on `window` that would allow us
    to know whether the SDK is truly loaded or not. To address this, when
    the `window.paypal` object is not available yet, and there's a
    `<script>` tag on the page loading the PayPal SDK (indicating that we
    are indeed expecting the SDK to be there), the PayPal modules will
    re-try initializing every 5 seconds until `window.paypal` is available.


    Tom Scott

*   Load JavaScript From PayPal Asynchronously

    Using the `async` attribute in the `<script>` tag that loads PayPal's
    JavaScript code, Workarea can now prevent it blocking the page in case
    of a failure, and improve load time performance to boot.


    Fixes #10

    Tom Scott

Workarea Paypal 3.0.4 (2020-06-17)

*   Scope routes to include locale

    Ben Crouse

*   Corrected minor typo


Workarea Paypal 3.0.3 (2020-05-26)

*   Update Paypal BN

    Ben Crouse

Workarea Paypal 3.0.2 (2020-05-14)

*   Fix wrong protocol when using SSL

    Fixes #11

    Ben Crouse

*   Fix field name on #refund

    Alejandro Babio

Workarea Paypal 3.0.1 (2020-03-17)

*   Add upgrade guide

    Matt Duffy

Workarea Paypal 3.0.0 (2020-03-03)

*   Improve handling of failed captures

    Matt Duffy

*   Clean up NullAddress display, add partner id to all PayPal requests

    Matt Duffy

*   Update README

    Matt Duffy

*   Update PayPal integration for PayPal Commerce Platform API

    Matt Duffy

Workarea Paypal 2.0.9 (2019-10-30)

*   Fix Integration Test Failure When PO Box Config Changes

    When `config.allow_shipping_address_po_box` is set to `true`, an
    integration test in the PayPal plugin failed due to the shipping step
    raising an error since no shipping option is available for the address.
    To ensure the test is configured correctly, it's now wrapped in a
    `Workarea.with_config` block, with `config.allow_shipping_address_po_box`
    set to `false`. This allows the test to ensure that the proper redirect
    occurs when a shipping address coming back from PayPal is invalid.

    Tom Scott

Workarea Paypal 2.0.8 (2019-08-21)

*   Open Source!

Workarea Paypal 2.0.7 (2019-06-11)

*   Improve Accuracy Of `Paypal::Setup` Tests

    The test cases for `Paypal::Setup` mock out an `Order` without
    necessarily going through the entire pricing system to do so. Reading
    this code therefore doesn't make sense, because the price adjustments
    added to the mocked order don't accurately reflect what would happen in
    the real world. To remedy this, Workarea now creates an actual order in
    the database and uses the `#add_item` and `#adjust_pricing` methods to
    add items and price adjustments, respectively, so that not only will
    this test fail if any breaking changes in our orders system would cause
    a production-level problem in PayPal, but also reading the test code is
    a bit more straightforward, leading to better developer

    Tom Scott

Workarea Paypal 2.0.6 (2019-05-14)

*   Update README to Include Relevant Documentation

    The README for this gem has been rewritten to include relevant
    information on how to set the plugin up. All non-essential information
    has been removed, assuming that if you're reading this page, you already
    have set up with Bundler, and you already know to
    contact if you want to use the platform. Information
    on how to get the plugin up and running has been added in addition to
    the existing configuration example.

    Tom Scott

*   Update for workarea v3.4 compatibility

    Matt Duffy

Workarea Paypal 2.0.5 (2018-05-01)

*   Release version 2.0.5

    Curt Howard

*   Specify currency during PayPal payment operations

    When using PayPal as a payment tender in checkout, specify the currency
    as a 3-character uppercase String. If this is not done, all amounts are
    defaulted to USD. Supports sites that allow checkout from multiple
    different currencies.

    Tom Scott

*   Factor in shipping when pricing order for PayPal

    Shipping was being excluded from the order subtotal, resulting in an
    erroneous redirect back to the addresses step of checkout. We're now
    factoring in the shipping records for an order when pricing the order in
    `Paypal::Update` to remedy this.

    Tom Scott

*   Leverage Workarea Changelog task

    Curt Howard

WebLinc PayPal 2.0.4 (2018-02-20)

*   Fix test class name

    The `Workarea::Payment::Capture::PaypalTest` was named incorrectly, and
    thus impossible to decorate in case tests failed.

    Tom Scott

WebLinc PayPal 2.0.3 (2017-10-17)

*   Fix duplicate IDs

    Curt Howard

WebLinc PayPal 2.0.2 (2017-07-07)

*   Add proxy to gateway autoconfiguration

    Ben Crouse

*   Remove jshint and replace with eslint

    Dave Barnow

WebLinc PayPal 2.0.1 (2017-05-26)

* Update README

WebLinc PayPal 2.0.0 (2017-05-17)

*   Autoconfigure Paypal gateway based on secrets

    Eric Pigeon

*   Prevent saved credit cards being selected when returning from paypal

    Beresford, Jake

*   Removed paypal from credit_card_issuers configuration, render icon using inline_svg instead

    Beresford, Jake

*   Adds PayPal payment type to credit card issuers config and adds icon to be rendered.

    * Moved append points into initializer

    Beresford, Jake

*   Upgrade paypal for Workarea 3

    Eric Pigeon

WebLinc PayPal 1.1.0 (2017-03-28)

*   PAYPAL-57: Only use the PayPal e-mail address if the order does not already have an e-mail address
    Stephanie Staub

*   Change payment method messaging when paypal auth is complete.

    Beresford, Jake

*   Update checkout payment submit button when user selects paypal as payment method.

    Beresford, Jake

WebLinc PayPal 1.0.3 (2016-06-13)

*   Refactor store front spec

    Start with valid payment details and replace with
    invalid data as needed

    Kristen Ward

*   Fix paypal checkout after failed credit card

    After a user enters an invalid credit card, paypal
    checkout does not complete. instead users are brought
    through an infinite loop of going through the paypal gateway
    and returning to workarea checkout to try again.

    When setting the payment method to paypal, also clear any credit
    cards that might still exist.

    Add unit and request test

    Kristen Ward

*   Ensure correct order total on paypal completion

    Upon return from paypal gateway, users are given an error
    message due to the current checkout failing `purchasable?`
    at the payment step.

    Order.total_price is not matching the payment tendered amount
    due to shipping and tax being ignored.

    Run Pricing.perform at this step to include the shipping total
    and tax in order.total_price

    Kristen Ward

WebLinc PayPal 1.0.2 (2016-05-09)

*   Handle invalid address from paypal.

    Jeff Yucis

WebLinc PayPal 1.0.1 (2016-04-05)

WebLinc PayPal 1.0.0 (January 13, 2016)

*   Update for compatibility with WebLinc 2.0

*   Replace absolute URLs with relative paths

*   Send item level discounts as separate items to paypal

    Reference Jeffers commit 30a4a7c99e2

    Change order level adjustments included in subtotal to discounts only.
    All order level price adjustments were previously being applied.


*   Rename order_decorator to payment_decorator

    Update file path


*   Do not reset checkout when paypal start called from checkout


WebLinc PayPal 0.8.0 (October 6, 2015)

*   Update for compatibility with the WebLinc v0.12 Ruby API.


*   Clear PayPal tender when credit card tender is selected.



WebLinc PayPal 0.7.0 (July 12, 2015)

*   Fix checkout validation to not require an additional payment method with



*   Update for compatibility with workarea 0.10.0.


*   Send BN code to PayPal for revenue sharing on all PayPal transactions.

    ActiveMerchant sends the `Gateway.application_id` as the BN code. Set
    PayPal gateway `application_id` to WebLinc's affiliate code (BN code).


WebLinc PayPal 0.6.0 (June 1, 2015)

*   Update for compatibility and consistency with workarea 0.9.0.

*   Fix typos in paypal.rb.


WebLinc PayPal 0.5.0 (April 10, 2015)

*   Update testing environment for compatibility with WebLinc 0.8.0.

*   Use new decorator style for consistency with WebLinc 0.8.0.

*   Remove gems server secrets for consistency with WebLinc 0.8.0.

*   Update assets for compatibility with WebLinc 0.8.0.