system = require('system'); #console.log system.args # Set default values options = url: system.args[1] || 'http://localhost:3000/jasmine' timeout: parseInt(system.args[2] || 10000) # Create the web page. page = require('webpage').create() # Catch JavaScript errors # abort the request and return the error page.onError = (message, trace) -> reportError "Javascript error encountered on Jasmine test page: #{ message }", trace page.onResourceError = (error)-> page.reason = error.errorString page.reason_url = error.url # Once the page is initialized, setup the script for # the GuardReporter class page.onInitialized = -> page.injectJs 'guard-reporter.js' page.evaluate -> window.onload = -> window.reporter = new GuardReporter() window.jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(window.reporter) if window.jasmine # Once the page is finished loading page.onLoadFinished = (status)-> if status isnt 'success' reportError "Unable to access Jasmine specs at #{page.reason_url}. #{page.reason}" else waitFor reporterReady, jasmineAvailable, options.timeout, reporterMissing # Open web page, which will kick off the Jasmine test runner options.url # Test if Jasmine and guard has been loaded reporterReady = -> page.evaluate -> window.jasmine && window.reporter # Start specs after they are have been loaded jasmineAvailable = -> waitFor specsDone, exitSuccessfully, options.timeout, specsTimedout # Error message for when jasmine never loaded asynchronously reporterMissing = -> text = page.evaluate -> document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]?.innerText reportError """ The reporter is not available! Perhaps the url ( #{ options.url } ) is incorrect? #{ text } """ # tests if the resultComplete flag is set on the reporter specsDone = -> result = page.evaluate -> window.reporter.resultComplete # Workaround for since # it doesn't seem like there will be another 1.9.x release fixing this phantomExit = (exitCode)-> page.close() setTimeout( -> phantom.exit(exitCode) ,0) # We should end up here. Logs the results as JSON and exits exitSuccessfully = -> results = page.evaluate -> window.reporter.results() console.log JSON.stringify( results ) phantomExit() exitError = (message)-> console.log JSON.stringify({error: message}) phantomExit(1) # Error message for when specs time out specsTimedout = -> text = page.evaluate -> document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]?.innerText reportError """ Timeout waiting for the Jasmine test results! #{ text } """ return phantomExit(1) # Wait until the test condition is true or a timeout occurs. # # @param [Function] test the test that returns true if condition is met # @param [Function] ready the action when the condition is fulfilled # @param [Number] timeout the max amount of time to wait in milliseconds # waitFor = (test, ready, timeout = 10000, timeoutFunction)-> condition = false interval = undefined start = wait = -> if !condition && ( - start < timeout) try condition = test() catch e exitError(e) else clearInterval interval if condition ready() else timeoutFunction() interval = setInterval( wait, 250 ) # Logs the error to the console as JSON and exits with status '1' reportError = (msg, trace=[])-> if 0 == trace.length err = new Error(); trace = err.stack console.log JSON.stringify({ error: msg, trace: trace }) return phantomExit(1)