# frozen_string_literal: true
# :markup: markdown
module ActionText
module Attribute
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
class_methods do
# Provides access to a dependent RichText model that holds the body and
# attachments for a single named rich text attribute. This dependent attribute
# is lazily instantiated and will be auto-saved when it's been changed. Example:
# class Message < ActiveRecord::Base
# has_rich_text :content
# end
# message = Message.create!(content: "
Funny times!
# message.content? #=> true
# message.content.to_s # => "Funny times!
# message.content.to_plain_text # => "Funny times!"
# The dependent RichText model will also automatically process attachments links
# as sent via the Trix-powered editor. These attachments are associated with the
# RichText model using Active Storage.
# If you wish to preload the dependent RichText model, you can use the named
# scope:
# Message.all.with_rich_text_content # Avoids N+1 queries when you just want the body, not the attachments.
# Message.all.with_rich_text_content_and_embeds # Avoids N+1 queries when you just want the body and attachments.
# Message.all.with_all_rich_text # Loads all rich text associations.
# #### Options
# * `:encrypted` - Pass true to encrypt the rich text attribute. The
# encryption will be non-deterministic. See
# `ActiveRecord::Encryption::EncryptableRecord.encrypts`. Default: false.
# * `:strict_loading` - Pass true to force strict loading. When omitted,
# `strict_loading:` will be set to the value of the
# `strict_loading_by_default` class attribute (false by default).
# Note: Action Text relies on polymorphic associations, which in turn store
# class names in the database. When renaming classes that use `has_rich_text`,
# make sure to also update the class names in the
# `action_text_rich_texts.record_type` polymorphic type column of the
# corresponding rows.
def has_rich_text(name, encrypted: false, strict_loading: strict_loading_by_default)
class_eval <<-CODE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
def #{name}
rich_text_#{name} || build_rich_text_#{name}
def #{name}?
def #{name}=(body)
self.#{name}.body = body
rich_text_class_name = encrypted ? "ActionText::EncryptedRichText" : "ActionText::RichText"
has_one :"rich_text_#{name}", -> { where(name: name) },
class_name: rich_text_class_name, as: :record, inverse_of: :record, autosave: true, dependent: :destroy,
strict_loading: strict_loading
scope :"with_rich_text_#{name}", -> { includes("rich_text_#{name}") }
scope :"with_rich_text_#{name}_and_embeds", -> { includes("rich_text_#{name}": { embeds_attachments: :blob }) }
# Eager load all dependent RichText models in bulk.
def with_all_rich_text
# Returns the names of all rich text associations.
def rich_text_association_names
reflect_on_all_associations(:has_one).collect(&:name).select { |n| n.start_with?("rich_text_") }