
The search package provides an API for indexing documents and retrieving them using search queries.


Interface Summary
Index An Index allows synchronous adding and deleting of Documents as well as synchronous searching for Documents.
IndexManager A manager capable of listing available indexes, which can be queried about their metadata or have index/delete/search operations performed on them.

Class Summary
AddDocumentsResponse Represents a result of adding a list of Document to the index.
Document Represents a user generated document.
Document.Builder A builder of documents.
ExpressionTreeBuilder A generator of AST representation of an expression.
Field Represents a field of a Document, which is a name, an optional locale, and at most one value: text, HTML, atom or date.
Field.Builder A field builder.
FieldExpression Represents an expression bound to a returned Field with the given name.
FieldExpression.Builder A field expression builder.
IndexManagerFactory An factory that creates default implementation of IndexManager.
IndexSpec Represents information about an index.
IndexSpec.Builder A builder of IndexSpec.
ListDocumentsRequest A request to list documents in an index.
ListDocumentsRequest.Builder The builder of ListDocumentsRequests.
ListDocumentsResponse Represents a result of executing a ListDocumentsRequest.
ListIndexesRequest A request to list indexes.
ListIndexesRequest.Builder The builder of ListIndexesRequests.
ListIndexesResponse Represents a result of executing a ListIndexesRequest.
OperationResult The result of an operation involving the search service.
ParserFactory A factory which produces QueryParsers for a given token rewrite stream.
Schema Contains information about the kinds of document Fields which are supported by the Index.
SearchRequest A request to search an index for documents which match a query, restricting the document fields returned to those given, and scoring and sorting the results, whilst supporting pagination.
SearchRequest.Builder A builder which constructs SearchRequest objects.
SearchResponse Represents a result of executing a SearchRequest.
SearchResult Represents a single search result consisting of a scored document, a cursor to continue the search from, and any expression fields.
SortSpec Sorting specification for a single dimension.
SortSpec.Builder A builder that constructs SortSpecs.
Util A utility class that does various checks on search and indexing parameters.

Enum Summary
Consistency Supported consistency modes by indexes.
Field.FieldType The type of the field value.
SearchRequest.CursorType Use a cursor returned from a previous set of search results as a starting point to retrieve the next set of results.
SortSpec.SortDirection The direction search results are sorted by, either ascending or descending.
SortSpec.SortType The type of sorting to order documents in a search.
StatusCode Status code returned by various index operations.

Exception Summary
AddDocumentsException Thrown to indicate that a search service failure occurred while adding documents to the index.
InternalFailureException Thrown to indicate that a search service failure occurred.
ListDocumentsException Thrown to indicate that a search service failure occurred while performing a list documents request.
ListIndexesException Thrown to indicate that a search service failure occurred while listing indexes.
RemoveDocumentsException Thrown to indicate that a search service failure occurred while deleting documents.
SearchBaseException Thrown to indicate that a search service failure occurred.
SearchException Thrown to indicate that a search service failure occurred while performing a search request.
SearchQueryException Thrown to indicate that a search query was invalid.

Package Description

The search package provides an API for indexing documents and retrieving them using search queries. This is a low-level API that allows users to directly create Documents which can be indexed and retrieved with the help of Index. A Document is a collection of Fields. Each field is a named and typed value. A document is uniquely identified by its ID and may contain zero or more fields. A field with a given name can have multiple occurrences. Once documents are added to the Index, they can be retrieved via search queries. Typically, a program creates an index. This operation does nothing if the index was already created. Next, a number of documents are inserted into the index. Finally, index is searched and matching documents, or their snippets are returned to the user.

 public List<Document> indexAndSearch(String query, Document... docs) {
     IndexManager indexManager = IndexManagerFactory.newIndexManager();
     Index index = indexManager.getIndex(
     for (Document d : docs) {
       OperationResult result = index.addDocument(d);
       assert result.getCode().equals(StatusCode.OK);
     SearchResponse response =;
     List<Document> matched = new ArrayList<Document>(
     if (StatusCode.OK.equals(response.getOperationResult().getCode())) {
         for (SearchResult result : response) {
     return matched;