;;;; song.scm --- Festival singing mode output ;;;; ;;;; This file is part of LilyPond, the GNU music typesetter. ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (C) 2006--2022 Brailcom, o.p.s. ;;;; Author: Milan Zamazal ;;;; ;;;; LilyPond is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;;;; (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; LilyPond is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;;; along with LilyPond. If not, see . (define-module (lily song) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-39) #:use-module (ice-9 optargs) #:use-module (ice-9 receive) #:use-module (lily) #:use-module (lily song-util)) ;;; Configuration ;; The word to be sung in places where notes are played without lyrics. ;; If it is #f, the places without lyrics are omitted on the output. (define-public *skip-word* (make-parameter "-skip-")) ;; If true, use syllables in the Festival XML file. ;; If false, use whole words instead; this is necessary in languages like ;; English, were the phonetic form cannot be deduced from syllables well enough. (define-public *syllabify* (make-parameter #f)) ;; Base Festival octave to which LilyPond notes are mapped. (define-public *base-octave* (make-parameter 5)) ;; The resulting base octave is sum of *base-octave* and ;; *base-octave-shift*. This is done to work around a Festival bug ;; causing Festival to segfault or produce invalid pitch on higher pitches. ;; (define *base-octave-shift* -2) (define *base-octave-shift* (make-parameter 0)) ;; The coefficient by which the notes just before \breathe are shortened. (define-public *breathe-shortage* (make-parameter 0.8)) ;;; LilyPond interface (define-public (output-file music tempo filename) (if *debug* (debug-enable 'backtrace)) (ly:message "Writing Festival XML file ~a..." filename) (let ((port (open-output-file filename))) (set-port-encoding! port "UTF-8") (write-header port tempo) (write-lyrics port music) (write-footer port) (close-port port)) #f) ;;; Utility functions (define pp-pitch-names '((0 . "c") (1 . "des") (2 . "d") (3 . "es") (4 . "e") (5 . "f") (6 . "ges") (7 . "g") (8 . "as") (9 . "a") (10 . "bes") (11 . "b"))) (define (pp object) (cond ((list? object) (format #f "[~{~a ~}]" (map pp object))) ((skip? object) (format #f "skip(~a)" (skip-duration object))) ((lyrics? object) (format #f "~a(~a)~a" (lyrics-text object) (lyrics-duration object) (if (lyrics-unfinished object) "-" ""))) ((note? object) (let ((pitch (ly:pitch-semitones (note-pitch object)))) (format #f "~a~a~a~a" (assoc-get (modulo pitch 12) pp-pitch-names) (let ((octave (+ (inexact->exact (floor (/ pitch 12))) 1))) (cond ((= octave 0) "") ((> octave 0) (make-string octave #\')) ((< octave 0) (make-string (- octave) #\,)))) (pp-duration (note-duration object)) (if (> (note-joined object) 0) "-" "")))) ((rest? object) (format #f "r~a" (pp-duration (rest-duration object)))) (else object))) (define (pp-duration duration) (set! duration (/ 4 duration)) (if (< (abs (- duration (inexact->exact duration))) 0.0001) (inexact->exact duration) (/ (round (* duration 100)) 100))) (define-public (warning object-with-origin message . args) (let ((origin (cond ((not object-with-origin) #f) ((note? object-with-origin) (note-origin object-with-origin)) ((rest? object-with-origin) (rest-origin object-with-origin)) ((ly:input-location? object-with-origin) object-with-origin) ((ly:music? object-with-origin) (ly:music-property object-with-origin 'origin)) (else (format #t "Minor programming error: ~a~%" object-with-origin) #f)))) (if origin (ly:input-message origin "***Song Warning***") (format #t "~%***Song Warning***")) (apply ly:message message (map pp args)))) ;;; Analysis functions (define *default-tempo* #f) (define *tempo-compression* #f) (define (duration->number duration) (exact->inexact (ly:moment-main (ly:duration-length duration)))) (define (tempo->beats music) (let* ((tempo-spec (find-child-named music 'SequentialMusic)) (tempo (cond (tempo-spec (let ((tempo-event (find-child-named tempo-spec 'TempoChangeEvent))) (and tempo-event (let ((count (ly:music-property tempo-event 'metronome-count))) (* (if (pair? count) (round (/ (+ (car count) (cdr count)) 2)) count) (duration->number (ly:music-property tempo-event 'tempo-unit))))))) (else (format #t "Programming error (tempo->beats): ~a~%" tempo-spec))))) (debug-enable 'backtrace) (and tempo (set! *default-tempo* (property-value (find-child tempo-spec (lambda (elt) (music-property? elt 'tempoWholesPerMinute))))) (round (* tempo (expt 2 (+ 2 (*base-octave-shift*)))))))) (defstruct music-context music context) (define (collect-lyrics-music music) ;; Returns list of music-context instances. (let ((music-context-list '())) (process-music music (lambda (music*) (cond ((music-name? music* 'LyricCombineMusic) (push! (make-music-context #:music music* #:context (ly:music-property music* 'associated-context)) music-context-list) #t) ((and (music-name? music* 'ContextSpeccedMusic) (music-property-value? music* 'context-type 'Lyrics) (not (find-child-named music* 'LyricCombineMusic))) (let ((name-node (find-child music* (lambda (node) (music-property? node 'associatedVoice))))) (if name-node (push! (make-music-context #:music music* #:context (property-value name-node)) music-context-list))) #t) (else #f)))) (debug "Lyrics contexts" (reverse music-context-list)))) (defstruct lyrics text duration unfinished ignore-melismata context) (defstruct skip duration context) (define (get-lyrics music context) ;; Returns list of lyrics and skip instances. (let ((lyrics-list '()) (next-ignore-melismata #f) (ignore-melismata #f) (next-current-voice context) (current-voice context)) (process-music music (lambda (music) (cond ;; true lyrics ((music-name? music '(EventChord LyricEvent)) (let ((lyric-event (find-child-named music 'LyricEvent))) (push! (make-lyrics #:text (ly:music-property lyric-event 'text) #:duration (* (duration->number (ly:music-property lyric-event 'duration)) 4) #:unfinished (and (not (*syllabify*)) (find-child-named music 'HyphenEvent)) #:ignore-melismata ignore-melismata #:context current-voice) lyrics-list)) ;; LilyPond delays applying settings (set! ignore-melismata next-ignore-melismata) (set! current-voice next-current-voice) #t) ;; skipping ((music-name? music 'SkipMusic) (push! (make-skip #:duration (* (duration->number (ly:music-property music 'duration)) 4) #:context current-voice) lyrics-list) #t) ;; parameter change ((music-property? music 'ignoreMelismata) (set! next-ignore-melismata (property-value music)) #t) ((music-property? music 'associatedVoice) (set! next-current-voice (property-value music)) #t) ;; anything else (else #f)))) (debug "Raw lyrics" (reverse lyrics-list)))) (defstruct score-voice context elements ; list of score-* instances ) (defstruct score-choice lists ; of lists of score-* instances (n-assigned 0) ; number of lists having a verse-block ) (defstruct score-repetice count ; number of repetitions elements ; list of score-* instances ) (defstruct score-notes note/rest-list ; list of note and rest instances (verse-block-list '()) ; lyrics attached to notes -- multiple ; elements are possible for ; multiple stanzas ) (defstruct note pitch duration joined ; to the next note origin ) (defstruct rest duration origin ) (define (get-notes music) ;; Returns list of score-* instances. (get-notes* music #t)) (define (get-notes* music autobeaming*) ;; Returns list of score-* instances. (let* ((result-list '()) (in-slur 0) (autobeaming autobeaming*) (last-note-spec #f)) (process-music music (lambda (music) (cond ;; context change ((music-has-property? music 'context-id) (let ((context (ly:music-property music 'context-id)) (children (music-elements music))) (add! (make-score-voice #:context (debug "Changing context" context) #:elements (append-map (lambda (elt) (get-notes* elt autobeaming)) children)) result-list)) #t) ;; timing change ((music-property? music 'timeSignatureFraction) (let ((value (property-value music))) (debug "Timing change" value))) ;; simultaneous notes ((music-name? music 'SimultaneousMusic) (let ((simultaneous-lists (map (lambda (child) (get-notes* child autobeaming)) (ly:music-property music 'elements)))) (debug "Simultaneous lists" simultaneous-lists) (add! (make-score-choice #:lists simultaneous-lists) result-list)) #t) ;; repetice ((music-name? music 'VoltaRepeatedMusic) (let ((repeat-count (ly:music-property music 'repeat-count)) (children (music-elements music))) (add! (make-score-repetice #:count repeat-count #:elements (append-map (lambda (elt) (get-notes* elt autobeaming)) children)) result-list)) #t) ;; a note or rest ((or (music-name? music 'EventChord) (music-name? music 'MultiMeasureRestMusic)) ; 2.10 (debug "Simple music event" music) (if *tempo-compression* (set! music (ly:music-compress (ly:music-deep-copy music) *tempo-compression*))) (let ((note (find-child-named music 'NoteEvent)) (rest (if (music-name? music 'MultiMeasureRestMusic) ; 2.10 music (or (find-child-named music 'RestEvent) (find-child-named music 'MultiMeasureRestEvent) ; 2.8 )))) (cond (note (debug "Note" note) (let* ((pitch (ly:music-property note 'pitch)) (duration (* (duration->number (ly:music-property note 'duration)) 4)) (events (filter identity (list (find-child-named music 'SlurEvent) (find-child-named music 'ManualMelismaEvent) (and (not autobeaming) (find-child-named music 'BeamEvent))))) (slur-start (length (filter (lambda (e) (music-property-value? e 'span-direction -1)) events))) (slur-end (length (filter (lambda (e) (music-property-value? e 'span-direction 1)) events)))) (set! in-slur (+ in-slur slur-start (- slur-end))) (let ((note-spec (make-note #:pitch pitch #:duration duration #:joined in-slur #:origin (ly:music-property note 'origin))) (last-result (and (not (null? result-list)) (last result-list)))) (set! last-note-spec note-spec) (if (and last-result (score-notes? last-result)) (set-score-notes-note/rest-list! last-result (append (score-notes-note/rest-list last-result) (list note-spec))) (add! (make-score-notes #:note/rest-list (list note-spec)) result-list))))) (rest (debug "Rest" rest) (let* ((duration (* (duration->number (ly:music-property rest 'duration)) 4)) (rest-spec (make-rest #:duration duration #:origin (ly:music-property rest 'origin))) (last-result (and (not (null? result-list)) (last result-list)))) (if (and last-result (score-notes? last-result)) (set-score-notes-note/rest-list! last-result (append (score-notes-note/rest-list last-result) (list rest-spec))) (add! (make-score-notes #:note/rest-list (list rest-spec)) result-list)))))) (filter (lambda (m) (not (music-name? m '(RestEvent NoteEvent LyricEvent MultiMeasureRestEvent)))) (ly:music-property music 'elements))) ((music-name? music '(RestEvent NoteEvent LyricEvent MultiMeasureRestEvent)) (make-music 'EventChord 'elements (cons music (ly:music-property music 'articulations)))) ;; autobeaming change ((music-property? music 'autoBeaming) (set! autobeaming (property-value music)) #t) ;; melisma change ((music-property? music 'melismaBusy) ; 2.10 (let ((change (if (property-value music) 1 -1))) (set! in-slur (+ in-slur change)) (if last-note-spec (set-note-joined! last-note-spec (+ (note-joined last-note-spec) change)))) #t) ;; tempo change ((music-property? music 'tempoWholesPerMinute) (set! *tempo-compression* (ly:moment-div *default-tempo* (property-value music))) #t) ;; breathe ((music-name? music 'BreathingEvent) (if last-note-spec (let* ((note-duration (note-duration last-note-spec)) (rest-spec (make-rest #:duration (* note-duration (- 1 (*breathe-shortage*))) #:origin (ly:music-property music 'origin)))) (set-note-duration! last-note-spec (* note-duration (*breathe-shortage*))) (add! (make-score-notes #:note/rest-list (list rest-spec)) result-list)) (warning music "\\\\breathe without previous note known")) #t) ;; anything else (else #f)))) (debug "Raw notes" result-list))) (defstruct verse-block ; lyrics for a given piece of music verse-list (fresh #t) ; if #t, this block hasn't been yet included in the final output ) (defstruct parallel-blocks ; several parallel blocks (e.g. stanzas) block-list ; list of verse-blocks ) (defstruct sequential-blocks block-list ; list of verse-blocks ) (defstruct repeated-blocks block-list ; list of verse-blocks count ; number of repetitions ) (defstruct verse ; text ; separate text element (syllable or word) notelist/rests ; list of note lists (slurs) and rests (unfinished #f) ; whether to be merged with the following verse ) (define (find-lyrics-score score-list context accept-default) ;; Returns score-* element of context or #f (if there's no such any). (and (not (null? score-list)) (or (find-lyrics-score* (car score-list) context accept-default) (find-lyrics-score (cdr score-list) context accept-default)))) (define (find-lyrics-score* score context accept-default) (cond ((and (score-voice? score) (equal? (score-voice-context score) context)) score) ((score-voice? score) (find-lyrics-score (score-voice-elements score) context #f)) ((score-choice? score) (letrec ((lookup (lambda (lists) (if (null? lists) #f (or (find-lyrics-score (car lists) context accept-default) (lookup (cdr lists))))))) (lookup (score-choice-lists score)))) ((score-repetice? score) (if accept-default score (find-lyrics-score (score-repetice-elements score) context accept-default))) ((score-notes? score) (if accept-default score #f)) (else (error "Unknown score element" score)))) (define (insert-lyrics! lyrics/skip-list score-list context) ;; Add verse-block-lists to score-list. ;; Each processed score-notes instance must receive at most one block in each ;; insert-lyrics! call. (It can get other blocks if more pieces of ;; lyrics are attached to the same score part.) (let ((lyrics-score-list (find-lyrics-score score-list context #f))) (debug "Lyrics+skip list" lyrics/skip-list) (debug "Corresponding score-* list" score-list) (if lyrics-score-list (insert-lyrics*! lyrics/skip-list (list lyrics-score-list) context) (warning #f "Lyrics context not found: ~a" context)))) (define (insert-lyrics*! lyrics/skip-list score-list context) (debug "Processing lyrics" lyrics/skip-list) (debug "Processing score" score-list) (cond ((and (null? lyrics/skip-list) (null? score-list)) #f) ((null? lyrics/skip-list) (warning #f "Extra notes: ~a ~a" context score-list)) ((null? score-list) (warning #f "Extra lyrics: ~a ~a" context lyrics/skip-list)) (else (let* ((lyrics/skip (car lyrics/skip-list)) (lyrics-context ((if (lyrics? lyrics/skip) lyrics-context skip-context) lyrics/skip)) (score (car score-list))) (cond ((score-voice? score) (let ((new-context (score-voice-context score))) (if (equal? new-context lyrics-context) (insert-lyrics*! lyrics/skip-list (append (score-voice-elements score) (if (null? (cdr score-list)) '() (list (make-score-voice #:context context #:elements (cdr score-list))))) new-context) (insert-lyrics*! lyrics/skip-list (cdr score-list) context)))) ((score-choice? score) (let* ((lists* (score-choice-lists score)) (lists lists*) (n-assigned (score-choice-n-assigned score)) (n 0) (allow-default #f) (score* #f)) (while (and (not score*) (not (null? lists))) (set! score* (find-lyrics-score (car lists) lyrics-context allow-default)) (set! lists (cdr lists)) (if (not score*) (set! n (+ n 1))) (if (and (null? lists) (not allow-default) (equal? lyrics-context context)) (begin (set! allow-default #t) (set! n 0) (set! lists (score-choice-lists score))))) (debug "Selected score" score*) (if (and score* (>= n n-assigned)) (begin (if (> n n-assigned) (receive (assigned-elts unassigned-elts) (split-at lists* n-assigned) (set-score-choice-lists! score (append assigned-elts (list (list-ref lists* n)) (take unassigned-elts (- n n-assigned)) lists)))) (set-score-choice-n-assigned! score (+ n-assigned 1)))) (insert-lyrics*! lyrics/skip-list (append (if score* (list score*) '()) (cdr score-list)) context))) ((score-repetice? score) (insert-lyrics*! lyrics/skip-list (append (score-repetice-elements score) (cdr score-list)) context)) ((score-notes? score) ;; This is the only part which actually attaches the processed lyrics. ;; The subsequent calls return verses which we collect into a verse block. ;; We add the block to the score element. (if (equal? lyrics-context context) (set! lyrics/skip-list (really-insert-lyrics! lyrics/skip-list score context))) (insert-lyrics*! lyrics/skip-list (cdr score-list) context)) (else (error "Unknown score element in lyrics processing" score))))))) (define (really-insert-lyrics! lyrics/skip-list score context) ;; Return new lyrics/skip-list. ;; Score is modified by side effect. (debug "Assigning notes" score) (let ((note-list (score-notes-note/rest-list score)) (unfinished-verse #f) (verse-list '())) (while (not (null? note-list)) (if (null? lyrics/skip-list) (let ((final-rests '())) (while (and (not (null? note-list)) (rest? (car note-list))) (push! (car note-list) final-rests) (set! note-list (cdr note-list))) (if (not (null? final-rests)) (set! verse-list (append verse-list (list (make-verse #:text "" #:notelist/rests (reverse! final-rests)))))) (if (not (null? note-list)) (begin (warning (car note-list) "Missing lyrics: ~a ~a" context note-list) (set! note-list '())))) (let ((lyrics/skip (car lyrics/skip-list))) (receive (notelist/rest note-list*) (if (lyrics? lyrics/skip) (consume-lyrics-notes lyrics/skip note-list context) (consume-skip-notes lyrics/skip note-list context)) (debug "Consumed notes" (list lyrics/skip notelist/rest)) (set! note-list note-list*) (cond ((null? notelist/rest) #f) ;; Lyrics ((and (lyrics? lyrics/skip) unfinished-verse) (set-verse-text! unfinished-verse (string-append (verse-text unfinished-verse) (lyrics-text lyrics/skip))) (set-verse-notelist/rests! unfinished-verse (append (verse-notelist/rests unfinished-verse) (list notelist/rest))) (if (not (lyrics-unfinished lyrics/skip)) (set! unfinished-verse #f))) ((lyrics? lyrics/skip) (let ((verse (make-verse #:text (if (rest? notelist/rest) "" (lyrics-text lyrics/skip)) #:notelist/rests (list notelist/rest)))) (add! verse verse-list) (set! unfinished-verse (if (lyrics-unfinished lyrics/skip) verse #f)))) ;; Skip ((skip? lyrics/skip) (cond ((rest? notelist/rest) (if (null? verse-list) (set! verse-list (list (make-verse #:text "" #:notelist/rests (list notelist/rest)))) (let ((last-verse (last verse-list))) (set-verse-notelist/rests! last-verse (append (verse-notelist/rests last-verse) (list notelist/rest)))))) ((pair? notelist/rest) (add! (make-verse #:text (*skip-word*) #:notelist/rests (list notelist/rest)) verse-list)) (else (error "Unreachable branch reached"))) (set! unfinished-verse #f))) (if (not (rest? notelist/rest)) (set! lyrics/skip-list (cdr lyrics/skip-list))))))) (if unfinished-verse (set-verse-unfinished! unfinished-verse #t)) (set-score-notes-verse-block-list! score (append (score-notes-verse-block-list score) (list (make-verse-block #:verse-list verse-list))))) lyrics/skip-list) (define (consume-lyrics-notes lyrics note-list context) ;; Returns list of note instances + new note-list. (assert (lyrics? lyrics)) (if (and (not (null? note-list)) (rest? (car note-list))) (values (car note-list) (cdr note-list)) (let ((ignore-melismata (lyrics-ignore-melismata lyrics)) (join #t) (consumed '())) (while (and join (not (null? note-list))) (let ((note (car note-list))) (push! note consumed) (let ((note-slur (note-joined note))) (if (< note-slur 0) (warning note "Slur underrun")) (set! join (and (not ignore-melismata) (> note-slur 0))))) (set! note-list (cdr note-list))) (if join (warning (safe-car (if (null? note-list) consumed note-list)) "Unfinished slur: ~a ~a" context consumed)) (values (reverse consumed) note-list)))) (define (consume-skip-notes skip note-list context) ;; Returns either note list (skip word defined) or rest instance (no skip word) + new note-list. (assert (skip? skip)) (let ((duration (skip-duration skip)) (epsilon 0.001) (consumed '())) (while (and (> duration epsilon) (not (null? note-list))) (let ((note (car note-list))) (assert (note? note)) (push! note consumed) (set! duration (- duration (note-duration note)))) (set! note-list (cdr note-list))) (set! consumed (reverse! consumed)) (cond ((> duration epsilon) (warning (if (null? note-list) (safe-last consumed) (safe-car note-list)) "Excessive skip: ~a ~a ~a ~a" context skip duration consumed)) ((< duration (- epsilon)) (warning (if (null? note-list) (safe-last consumed) (safe-car note-list)) "Skip misalignment: ~a ~a ~a ~a" context skip duration consumed))) (values (if (*skip-word*) consumed '()) note-list))) (define (extract-verse-blocks score) ;; Returns list of blocks and parallel blocks. (debug "Extracting verse blocks" score) (cond ((score-voice? score) (append-map extract-verse-blocks (score-voice-elements score))) ((score-choice? score) (list (make-parallel-blocks #:block-list (map (lambda (block-list) (make-sequential-blocks #:block-list (append-map extract-verse-blocks block-list))) (score-choice-lists score))))) ((score-repetice? score) (list (make-repeated-blocks #:count (score-repetice-count score) #:block-list (append-map extract-verse-blocks (score-repetice-elements score))))) ((score-notes? score) (list (make-parallel-blocks #:block-list (score-notes-verse-block-list score)))) (else (error "Invalid score element" score)))) (define (extract-verses score-list) ;; Returns (final) list of verses. ;; The primary purpose of this routine is to build complete stanzas from ;; lists of verse blocks. ;; Extract verse-blocks and process them until no unprocessed stanzas remain. (debug "Final score list" score-list) (let ((verse-block-list (debug "Verse blocks" (append-map extract-verse-blocks score-list)))) (letrec ((combine (lambda (lst-1 lst-2) (debug "Combining lists" (list lst-1 lst-2)) (if (null? lst-2) lst-1 (let ((diff (- (length lst-1) (length lst-2)))) (if (< diff 0) (let ((last-elt (last lst-1))) (while (< diff 0) (add! last-elt lst-1) (set! diff (+ diff 1)))) (let ((last-elt (last lst-2))) (while (> diff 0) (add! last-elt lst-2) (set! diff (- diff 1))))) (debug "Combined" (map append lst-1 lst-2)))))) (expand* (lambda (block) (cond ((parallel-blocks? block) (append-map (lambda (block) (expand (list block))) (parallel-blocks-block-list block))) ((sequential-blocks? block) (expand (sequential-blocks-block-list block))) ((repeated-blocks? block) ;; Only simple repetice without nested parallel sections is supported. (let ((count (repeated-blocks-count block)) (expanded (expand (repeated-blocks-block-list block))) (expanded* '())) (while (not (null? expanded)) (let ((count* count) (item '())) (while (and (> count* 0) (not (null? expanded))) (set! item (append item (car expanded))) (set! expanded (cdr expanded)) (set! count* (- count* 1))) (push! item expanded*))) (reverse expanded*))) (else (list (list block)))))) (expand (lambda (block-list) (debug "Expanding list" block-list) (if (null? block-list) '() (debug "Expanded" (combine (expand* (car block-list)) (expand (cdr block-list))))))) (merge (lambda (verse-list) (cond ((null? verse-list) '()) ((verse-unfinished (car verse-list)) (let ((verse-1 (first verse-list)) (verse-2 (second verse-list))) (merge (cons (make-verse #:text (string-append (verse-text verse-1) (verse-text verse-2)) #:notelist/rests (append (verse-notelist/rests verse-1) (verse-notelist/rests verse-2)) #:unfinished (verse-unfinished verse-2)) (cddr verse-list))))) (else (cons (car verse-list) (merge (cdr verse-list)))))))) (debug "Final verses" (merge (append-map (lambda (lst) (append-map verse-block-verse-list lst)) (expand verse-block-list))))))) (define (handle-music music) ;; Returns list of verses. ;; The main analysis function. (if *debug* (display-scheme-music music)) (let ((score-list (debug "Final raw notes" (get-notes music))) (music-context-list (collect-lyrics-music music))) (for-each (lambda (music-context) (let ((context (music-context-context music-context))) (set! *tempo-compression* #f) (insert-lyrics! (get-lyrics (music-context-music music-context) context) score-list context) (debug "Final score list" score-list))) music-context-list) (extract-verses score-list))) ;;; Output (define festival-note-mapping '((0 "C") (1 "C#") (2 "D") (3 "D#") (4 "E") (5 "F") (6 "F#") (7 "G") (8 "G#") (9 "A") (10 "A#") (11 "B"))) (define (festival-pitch pitch) (let* ((semitones (ly:pitch-semitones pitch)) (octave (inexact->exact (floor (/ semitones 12)))) (tone (modulo semitones 12))) (format #f "~a~a" (car (assoc-get tone festival-note-mapping)) (+ octave (*base-octave*) (*base-octave-shift*))))) (define (write-header port tempo) (let ((beats (or (tempo->beats tempo) 100))) (format port " " beats))) (define (write-footer port) (format port "~%")) (define (write-lyrics port music) (let ((rest-dur 0)) (for-each (lambda (verse) (let ((text (verse-text verse)) (note/rest-list (verse-notelist/rests verse))) (receive (rest-list note-listlist) (partition rest? note/rest-list) (debug "Rest list" rest-list) (debug "Note list" note-listlist) (if (not (null? rest-list)) (set! rest-dur (+ rest-dur (apply + (map rest-duration rest-list))))) (if (not (null? note-listlist)) (begin (if (> rest-dur 0) (begin (write-rest-element port rest-dur) (set! rest-dur 0))) (write-lyrics-element port text note-listlist)))))) (handle-music music)) (if (> rest-dur 0) (write-rest-element port rest-dur)))) (define (write-lyrics-element port text slur-list) (let ((fmt "~{~{~a~^+~}~^,~}") (transform (lambda (function) (map (lambda (slur) (let ((rests (filter rest? slur))) (if (not (null? rests)) (begin (warning (car rests) "Rests in a slur: ~a" slur) (set! slur (remove rest? slur))))) (map function slur)) slur-list))) (note-festival-pitch (lambda (n) (festival-pitch (note-pitch n))))) (format port "~a~%" fmt (transform note-duration) fmt (transform note-festival-pitch) text))) (define (write-rest-element port duration) (format port "~%" duration))