require 'newspaper_works/logging' require 'newspaper_works/ingest' module NewspaperWorks module Ingest # mixin for find-or-create of publication, for use by various ingests module PubFinder include NewspaperWorks::Logging COPY_FIELDS = [ :title, :lccn, :oclcnum, :issn, :place_of_publication, :language, :preceded_by, :succeeded_by ].freeze MULTI_VALUED = [ :title, :language, :preceded_by, :succeeded_by, :place_of_publication ].freeze WRAPPERS = { place_of_publication: Hyrax::ControlledVocabularies::Location }.freeze # @param lccn [String] Library of Congress Control Number # of Publication # @return [NewspaperTitle, NilClass] publication or nil if not found def find_publication(lccn) NewspaperTitle.where(lccn: lccn).first end # Copy publication metadata from authority lookup for LCCN # @param publication [NewspaperTitle] # @param metadata [NewspaperWorks::Ingest::PublicationInfo] def copy_publication_metadata(publication, metadata, lccn, title = nil) COPY_FIELDS.each do |name| value = metadata.send(name) next if value.nil? # wrapped value, if applicable: value = WRAPPERS[name].new(value) if WRAPPERS.include?(name) # value in array, if applicable: value = [value] if MULTI_VALUED.include?(name) publication.send("#{name}=", value) end # prefer locally-specified title to looked-up title: publication.title = [title] unless title.nil? # final fallback, nothing specified, title mandatory: use LCCN publication.title = [lccn] if publication.title.empty? end def create_publication(lccn, title = nil, opts = {}) publication = NewspaperTitle.create info = copy_publication_metadata(publication, info, lccn, title) publication.lccn ||= lccn NewspaperWorks::Ingest.assign_administrative_metadata(publication, opts)! write_log( "Created NewspaperTitle work #{} for LCCN #{lccn}" ) publication end def find_or_create_publication_for_issue(issue, lccn, title, opts) publication = find_publication(lccn) unless publication.nil? write_log( "Found existing NewspaperTitle #{}, LCCN #{lccn}" ) end publication = create_publication(lccn, title, opts) if publication.nil? publication.members << issue! write_log( "Linked NewspaperIssue #{} to "\ "NewspaperTitle work #{}" ) end end end end