require 'yaml' require 'aws/s3' module ErpTechSvcs module FileSupport class S3Manager < Manager class << self cattr_accessor :node_tree, :s3_connection def setup_connection @@configuration = YAML::load_file(File.join(Rails.root,'config','s3.yml'))[Rails.env] # S3 debug logging # AWS.config( # :logger => Rails.logger, # :log_level => :info # ) @@s3_connection = :access_key_id => @@configuration['access_key_id'], :secret_access_key => @@configuration['secret_access_key'] ) @@s3_bucket = @@s3_connection.buckets[@@configuration['bucket'].to_sym] end def reload !@@s3_connection.nil? ? build_node_tree(true) : setup_connection end def cache_key Thread.current[:tenant_id].nil? ? 'node_tree' : "tenant_#{Thread.current[:tenant_id]}_node_tree" end def cache_node_tree(node_tree) Rails.cache.write(cache_key, node_tree, :expires_in => ErpTechSvcs::Config.s3_cache_expires_in_minutes.minutes) node_tree end def add_children(parent_hash, tree) tree.children.each do |child| child_hash = { :last_modified => '', #:last_modified => (child.leaf? ? @@s3_bucket.objects[child.key].last_modified : ''), :text => (child.leaf? ? File.basename(child.key) : File.basename(child.prefix)), :downloadPath => (child.leaf? ? '/'+File.dirname(child.key) : "/#{child.parent.prefix}".sub(%r{/$},'')), :leaf => child.leaf?, :id => (child.leaf? ? '/'+child.key : "/#{child.prefix}".sub(%r{/$},'')), :children => [] } child_hash = add_children(child_hash, child) unless child.leaf? unless child_hash[:id].gsub(/\/$/,'') == parent_hash[:id].gsub(/\/$/,'') # resolves s3 issue where empty dir contains itself parent_hash[:children] << child_hash unless child_hash[:downloadPath] == '/.' end end parent_hash end def build_node_tree(reload=false) node_tree = if !reload and !node_tree.nil? "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ USING CACHED node_tree: #{node_tree.inspect}" return node_tree end tree_data = {:text =>, :leaf => false, :id => '', :children => []} tree_data = [add_children(tree_data, @@s3_bucket.as_tree)] cache_node_tree(tree_data) end end def buckets @@s3_connection.buckets end def bucket=(name) @@s3_bucket = @@s3_connection.buckets[name.to_sym] end def bucket @@s3_bucket end def root '' end def cache_key ErpTechSvcs::FileSupport::S3Manager.cache_key end def clear_cache(path) path = path.sub(%r{^/},'') "deleting cache with key: #{path}" Rails.cache.delete(path) # delete template from cache Rails.cache.delete(cache_key) # delete node tree from cache end def update_file(path, content) file = FileAsset.where(:name => ::File.basename(path)).where(:directory => ::File.dirname(path)).first acl = (file.has_capabilities? ? :private : :public_read) unless file.nil? options = (file.nil? ? {} : {:acl => acl, :content_type => file.content_type }) path = path.sub(%r{^/},'') bucket.objects[path].write(content, options) clear_cache(path) end def create_file(path, name, content) path = path.sub(%r{^/},'') full_filename = (path.blank? ? name : File.join(path, name)) bucket.objects[full_filename].write(content, { :acl => :public_read }) clear_cache(path) end def create_folder(path, name) path = path.sub(%r{^/},'') full_filename = (path.blank? ? name : File.join(path, name)) folder = full_filename + "/" bucket.objects[folder].write('', { :acl => :public_read }) clear_cache(path) end def save_move(path, new_parent_path) result = false unless self.exists? path message = FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST else file = FileAsset.where(:name => ::File.basename(path)).where(:directory => ::File.dirname(path)).first acl = (file.has_capabilities? ? :private : :public_read) unless file.nil? options = (file.nil? ? {} : {:acl => acl}) name = File.basename(path) path = path.sub(%r{^/},'') new_path = File.join(new_parent_path,name).sub(%r{^/},'') old_object = bucket.objects[path] if new_object = old_object.move_to(new_path, options) message = "#{name} was moved to #{new_path} successfully" result = true clear_cache(path) else message = "Error moving file #{path}" end end return result, message end def rename_file(path, name) result = false old_name = File.basename(path) path_pieces = path.split('/') path_pieces.delete(path_pieces.last) path_pieces.push(name) new_path = path_pieces.join('/') begin file = FileAsset.where(:name => ::File.basename(path)).where(:directory => ::File.dirname(path)).first acl = (file.has_capabilities? ? :private : :public_read) unless file.nil? options = (file.nil? ? {} : {:acl => acl}) path = path.sub(%r{^/},'') new_path = new_path.sub(%r{^/},'') # "renaming from #{path} to #{new_path}" old_object = bucket.objects[path] if new_object = old_object.move_to(new_path, options) message = "#{old_name} was renamed to #{name} successfully" result = true clear_cache(path) else message = "Error renaming #{old_name}" end rescue AWS::S3::Errors::NoSuchKey=>ex message = FILE_FOLDER_DOES_NOT_EXIST end return result, message end def set_permissions(path, canned_acl=:public_read) path = path.sub(%r{^/},'') bucket.objects[path].acl = canned_acl end def delete_file(path, options={}) is_directory = !path.match(/\/$/).nil? path = path.sub(%r{^/},'') result = false message = nil begin if options[:force] or bucket.as_tree(:prefix => path).children.count <= 1 # aws-sdk includes the folder itself as a child (like . is current dir), this needs revisited as <= 1 is scary bucket.objects.with_prefix(path).delete_all message = "File was deleted successfully" result = true clear_cache(path) else message = FOLDER_IS_NOT_EMPTY end rescue Exception => e result = false message = e end return result, message, is_directory end def exists?(path) begin path = path.sub(%r{^/},'') return bucket.objects[path].exists? rescue AWS::S3::Errors::NoSuchKey return false end end def get_contents(path) contents = nil message = nil path = path.sub(%r{^/},'') begin object = bucket.objects[path] contents = rescue AWS::S3::Errors::NoSuchKey => error contents = '' message = FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST end return contents, message end def build_tree(starting_path, options={}) starting_path = "/" + starting_path unless starting_path.first == "/" node_tree = find_node(starting_path, options) node_tree.nil? ? [] : node_tree end def find_node(path, options={}) parent = if options[:file_asset_holder] super else parent = ErpTechSvcs::FileSupport::S3Manager.build_node_tree(false).first unless path.nil? path_pieces = path.split('/') path_pieces.each do |path_piece| next if path_piece.blank? parent[:children].each do |child_node| if child_node[:text] == path_piece parent = child_node break end end end parent = nil unless parent[:id] == path end parent end parent end end#S3Manager end#FileSupport end#ErpTechSvcs