require "active_support/core_ext/class" require "active_support/core_ext/string" require "sync_machine/change_listener" require "sync_machine/ensure_publication" require "sync_machine/ensure_publication/deduper" require "sync_machine/ensure_publication/publication_history" require "sync_machine/ensure_publication_worker" require "sync_machine/find_subjects_worker" require "sync_machine/version" # A mini-framework for intelligently publishing complex model changes to an # external API.. module SyncMachine # Force loading of all relevant classes. Should only be necessary when # running your application in a way that it defers loading constants, i.e., # Rails' development or test mode. def self.eager_load(base) const_names = %w( Payload FindSubjectsWorker EnsurePublicationWorker ChangeListener ) const_names.each do |const_name| base.const_get(const_name) end end def self.extended(base) base.mattr_accessor :subject_sym end def self.sync_module(child_const) end def subject(subject_sym) self.subject_sym = subject_sym end def subject_class subject_sym.to_s.camelize.constantize end end