# frozen_string_literal: true require "selenium-webdriver" module DiscourseTheme module CliCommands class Rspec DISCOURSE_TEST_DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME_PREFIX = "discourse_theme_test" DISCOURSE_THEME_TEST_TMP_DIR = "/tmp/.discourse_theme_test" SELENIUM_HEADFUL_ENV = "SELENIUM_HEADLESS=0" class << self def discourse_test_docker_container_name "#{DISCOURSE_TEST_DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME_PREFIX}_#{DiscourseTheme::VERSION}" end def run(settings:, dir:, args:, reset: false) settings.local_discourse_directory = nil if reset spec_path = "/spec" index = dir.index(spec_path) if index spec_path = dir[index..-1] dir = dir[0..index - 1] end spec_directory = File.join(dir, "/spec") unless Dir.exist?(spec_directory) raise DiscourseTheme::ThemeError.new "'#{spec_directory} does not exist" end configure_local_directory(settings) headless = !args.delete("--headful") if settings.local_discourse_directory.empty? run_tests_with_docker( dir, spec_directory, spec_path, headless: headless, verbose: !!args.delete("--verbose"), rebuild: !!args.delete("--rebuild"), ) else run_tests_locally( settings.local_discourse_directory, File.join(dir, spec_path), headless: headless, ) end end private def execute(command:, message: nil, exit_on_error: true, stream: false) UI.progress(message) if message success = false output = +"" Open3.popen2e(command) do |stdin, stdout_and_stderr, wait_thr| Thread.new do stdout_and_stderr.each do |line| puts line if stream output << line end end exit_status = wait_thr.value success = exit_status.success? unless success UI.error "Error occurred while running: `#{command}`:\n\n#{output}" unless stream exit 1 if exit_on_error end end output end def run_tests_locally(local_directory, spec_path, headless: false) UI.progress( "Running RSpec tests using local Discourse repository located at '#{local_directory}'...", ) Kernel.exec( ENV, "cd #{local_directory} && #{headless ? "" : SELENIUM_HEADFUL_ENV} bundle exec rspec #{spec_path}", ) end def run_tests_with_docker( theme_directory, spec_directory, spec_path, headless: false, verbose: false, rebuild: false ) theme_directory_name = File.basename(theme_directory) image = "discourse/discourse_test:release" UI.progress("Running RSpec tests using '#{image}' Docker image...") unless Dir.exist?(DISCOURSE_THEME_TEST_TMP_DIR) FileUtils.mkdir_p DISCOURSE_THEME_TEST_TMP_DIR end # Checks if the container is running container_name = discourse_test_docker_container_name is_running = false if !( output = execute( command: "docker ps -a --filter name=#{container_name} --format '{{json .}}'", ) ).empty? is_running = JSON.parse(output)["State"] == "running" end if !is_running || rebuild # Stop older versions of Docker container existing_docker_container_ids = execute( command: "docker ps -a -q --filter name=#{DISCOURSE_TEST_DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME_PREFIX}", ).split("\n").join(" ") if !existing_docker_container_ids.empty? execute(command: "docker stop #{existing_docker_container_ids}") execute(command: "docker rm -f #{existing_docker_container_ids}") end execute( command: <<~CMD.squeeze(" "), docker run -d \ -p 31337:31337 \ --add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway \ --entrypoint=/sbin/boot \ --name=#{container_name} \ --pull=always \ -v #{DISCOURSE_THEME_TEST_TMP_DIR}:/tmp \ #{image} CMD message: "Creating #{image} Docker container...", stream: verbose, ) execute( command: "docker exec -u discourse:discourse #{container_name} ruby script/docker_test.rb --no-tests --checkout-ref origin/tests-passed", message: "Checking out latest Discourse source code...", stream: verbose, ) execute( command: "docker exec -e SKIP_MULTISITE=1 -u discourse:discourse #{container_name} bundle exec rake docker:test:setup", message: "Setting up Discourse test environment...", stream: verbose, ) execute( command: "docker exec -u discourse:discourse #{container_name} bin/ember-cli --build", message: "Building Ember CLI assets...", stream: verbose, ) end rspec_envs = [] if !headless container_ip = execute( command: "docker inspect #{container_name} --format '{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}'", ).chomp("\n") service = start_chromedriver(allowed_origin: "host.docker.internal", allowed_ip: container_ip) rspec_envs.push(SELENIUM_HEADFUL_ENV) rspec_envs.push("CAPYBARA_SERVER_HOST=") rspec_envs.push( "CAPYBARA_REMOTE_DRIVER_URL=http://host.docker.internal:#{service.uri.port}", ) end rspec_envs = rspec_envs.map { |env| "-e #{env}" }.join(" ") begin FileUtils.cp_r(theme_directory, DISCOURSE_THEME_TEST_TMP_DIR) execute( command: "docker exec #{rspec_envs} -t -u discourse:discourse #{container_name} bundle exec rspec #{File.join("/tmp", theme_directory_name, spec_path)}".squeeze( " ", ), stream: true, ) ensure FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(DISCOURSE_THEME_TEST_TMP_DIR, theme_directory_name)) end end def configure_local_directory(settings) return if settings.local_discourse_directory_configured? should_configure_local_directory = UI.yes?( "Would you like to configure a local Discourse repository used to run the RSpec tests? If you select 'n', the tests will be run using a Docker container.", ) if should_configure_local_directory local_discourse_directory = UI.ask("Please enter the path to the local Discourse directory:") unless Dir.exist?(local_discourse_directory) raise DiscourseTheme::ThemeError.new "'#{local_discourse_directory} does not exist" end unless File.exist?("#{local_discourse_directory}/lib/discourse.rb") raise DiscourseTheme::ThemeError.new "'#{local_discourse_directory} is not a Discourse repository" end settings.local_discourse_directory = local_discourse_directory else settings.local_discourse_directory = "" end end def start_chromedriver(allowed_ip:, allowed_origin:) service = Selenium::WebDriver::Service.chrome options = Selenium::WebDriver::Options.chrome service.executable_path = Selenium::WebDriver::DriverFinder.path(options, service.class) service.args = ["--allowed-ips=#{allowed_ip}", "--allowed-origins=#{allowed_origin}"] service.launch end end end end end