require 'fileutils'
require 'tempfile'
module Webby::Helpers
module GraphvizHelper
# call-seq:
# GraphvizHelper.error_check( file )
# Check the temporary error file to see if it contains any error messages
# from the graphviz program. If it is not empty, then read the contents
# and log an error message and raise an exception.
def self.error_check( file )
if ::File.size(file.path) != 0
msg = "\n" <<
raise ::Webby::Error, msg
# The +graphviz+ method processes DOT scripts in a webpage and replaces them
# with generated image files. The page sections to be processed are given
# as blocks of text to the +graphviz+ method.
# Options can be passed to the Graphviz program using attributes in the
# +graphviz+ method.
# <% graphviz( :path => "images", :type => "gif", cmd => "dot" ) do %>
# digraph graph_1 {
# graph [URL="default.html"]
# a [URL="a.html"]
# b [URL="b.html"]
# c [URL="c.html"]
# a -> b -> c
# a -> c
# }
# <% end %>
# If the DOT script contains *URL* or *href* attributes on any of the nodes
# or edges, then an image map will be generated and the image will be
# "clikcable" in the webpage. If *URL* or *href* attributes do not appear in
# the DOT script, then a regular image will be inserted into the webpage.
# The image is inserted into the page using an HTML
tag. A
# corresponding element will be inserted if needed.
# The supported Graphviz options are the following:
# :path : where generated images will be stored
# [default is "/"]
# :type : the type of image to generate (png, jpeg, gif)
# [default is png]
# :cmd : the Graphviz command to use when generating images
# (dot, neato, twopi, circo, fdp) [default is dot]
# the following options are passed as-is to the generated
# :style : CSS styles to apply to the
# :class : CSS class to apply to the
# :id : HTML identifier
# :alt : alternate text for the
def graphviz( *args, &block )
opts = args.last.instance_of?(Hash) ? args.pop : {}
text = capture_erb(&block)
return if text.empty?
# create a temporary file for holding any error messages
# from the graphviz program
err ='graphviz_err')
defaults =
path = opts.getopt(:path, defaults[:path])
cmd = opts.getopt(:cmd, defaults[:cmd])
type = opts.getopt(:type, defaults[:type])
# pull the name of the graph|digraph out of the DOT script
name = text.match(%r/\A\s*(?:strict\s+)?(?:di)?graph\s+([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\s+\{/o)[1]
# see if the user includes any URL or href attributes
# if so, then we need to create an imagemap
usemap = text.match(%r/(?:URL|href)\s*=/o) != nil
# generate the image filename based on the path, graph name, and type
# of image to generate
image_fn = path.nil? ? name.dup : ::File.join(path, name)
image_fn = ::File.join('', image_fn) << '.' << type
# create the HTML img tag
out = "
# generate the image map if needed
if usemap
IO.popen("#{cmd} -Tcmapx 2> #{err.path}", 'r+') do |io|
io.write text
out <<
# generate the image using graphviz -- but first ensure that the
# path exists
out_dir =
out_file = ::File.join(out_dir, image_fn)
FileUtils.mkpath(::File.join(out_dir, path)) unless path.nil?
cmd = "#{cmd} -T#{type} -o #{out_file} 2> #{err.path}"
IO.popen(cmd, 'w') {|io| io.write text}
# put some guards around the output (specifically for textile)
out = _guard(out)
concat_erb(out, block.binding)
end # module GraphvizHelper
%x[dot -V 2>&1]
if 0 == $?.exitstatus
end # module Webby::Helpers