/* markdown: a C implementation of John Gruber's Markdown markup language. * * Copyright (C) 2010 David L Parsons. * The redistribution terms are provided in the COPYRIGHT file that must * be distributed with this source code. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "config.h" #include "cstring.h" #include "markdown.h" #include "amalloc.h" /* emmatch: the emphasis mangler that's run after a block * of html has been generated. * * It should create MarkdownTest_1.0 (and _1.0.3) * compatable emphasis for non-pathological cases * and it should fail in a standards-compliant way * when someone attempts to feed it junk. * * Emmatching is done after the input has been * processed into a STRING (f->Q) of text and * emphasis blocks. After ___mkd_emblock() finishes, * it truncates f->Q and leaves the rendered paragraph * if f->out. */ /* empair() -- find the NEAREST matching emphasis token (or * subtoken of a 3+ long emphasis token. */ static int empair(MMIOT *f, int first, int last, int match) { int i; block *begin, *p; begin = &T(f->Q)[first]; for (i=first+1; i <= last; i++) { p = &T(f->Q)[i]; if ( (p->b_type != bTEXT) && (p->b_count <= 0) ) continue; /* break? */ if ( p->b_type == begin->b_type ) { if ( p->b_count == match ) /* exact match */ return i; if ( p->b_count > 2 ) /* fuzzy match */ return i; } } return 0; } /* empair */ /* emfill() -- if an emphasis token has leftover stars or underscores, * convert them back into character and append them to b_text. */ static void emfill(block *p) { int j; if ( p->b_type == bTEXT ) return; for (j=0; j < p->b_count; j++) EXPAND(p->b_text) = p->b_char; p->b_count = 0; } /* emfill */ static void emclose(MMIOT *f, int first, int last) { int j; for (j=first+1; j<last-1; j++) emfill(&T(f->Q)[j]); } static struct emtags { char open[10]; char close[10]; int size; } emtags[] = { { "<em>" , "</em>", 5 }, { "<strong>", "</strong>", 9 } }; static void emblock(MMIOT*,int,int); /* emmatch() -- match emphasis for a single emphasis token. */ static void emmatch(MMIOT *f, int first, int last) { block *start = &T(f->Q)[first]; int e, e2, match; switch (start->b_count) { case 2: if ( e = empair(f,first,last,match=2) ) break; case 1: e = empair(f,first,last,match=1); break; case 0: return; default: e = empair(f,first,last,1); e2= empair(f,first,last,2); if ( e2 >= e ) { e = e2; match = 2; } else match = 1; break; } if ( e ) { /* if we found emphasis to match, match it, recursively call * emblock to match emphasis inside the new html block, add * the emphasis markers for the block, then (tail) recursively * call ourself to match any remaining emphasis on this token. */ block *end = &T(f->Q)[e]; end->b_count -= match; start->b_count -= match; emblock(f, first, e); PREFIX(start->b_text, emtags[match-1].open, emtags[match-1].size-1); SUFFIX(end->b_post, emtags[match-1].close, emtags[match-1].size); emmatch(f, first, last); } } /* emmatch */ /* emblock() -- walk a blocklist, attempting to match emphasis */ static void emblock(MMIOT *f, int first, int last) { int i; for ( i = first; i <= last; i++ ) if ( T(f->Q)[i].b_type != bTEXT ) emmatch(f, i, last); emclose(f, first, last); } /* emblock */ /* ___mkd_emblock() -- emblock a string of blocks, then concatinate the * resulting text onto f->out. */ void ___mkd_emblock(MMIOT *f) { int i; block *p; emblock(f, 0, S(f->Q)-1); for (i=0; i < S(f->Q); i++) { p = &T(f->Q)[i]; emfill(p); if ( S(p->b_post) ) { SUFFIX(f->out, T(p->b_post), S(p->b_post)); DELETE(p->b_post); } if ( S(p->b_text) ) { SUFFIX(f->out, T(p->b_text), S(p->b_text)); DELETE(p->b_text); } } S(f->Q) = 0; } /* ___mkd_emblock */