require 'do_sqlserver' require 'dm-do-adapter' DataObjects::Sqlserver = DataObjects::SqlServer module DataMapper module Adapters class SqlserverAdapter < DataObjectsAdapter module SQL #:nodoc: private # Constructs INSERT statement for given query, # # @return [String] INSERT statement as a string # # @api private def insert_statement(model, properties, serial) statement = "" # Check if there is a serial property being set directly require_identity_insert = !properties.empty? && properties.any? { |property| property.serial? } set_identity_insert(model, statement, true) if require_identity_insert statement << super set_identity_insert(model, statement, false) if require_identity_insert statement end def set_identity_insert(model, statement, enable = true) statement << " SET IDENTITY_INSERT #{quote_name(model.storage_name(name))} #{enable ? 'ON' : 'OFF'} " end def select_statement(query) name = qualify = query.links.any? fields = query.fields offset = query.offset limit = query.limit order_by = query.order group_by = if qualify || query.unique? { |property| property.kind_of?(Property) } end conditions_statement, bind_values = conditions_statement(query.conditions, qualify) use_limit_offset_subquery = limit && offset > 0 columns_statement = columns_statement(fields, qualify) from_statement = " FROM #{quote_name(query.model.storage_name(name))}" where_statement = " WHERE #{conditions_statement}" unless conditions_statement.blank? join_statement = join_statement(query, bind_values, qualify) order_statement = order_statement(order_by, qualify) no_group_by = group_by ? group_by.empty? : true no_order_by = order_by ? order_by.empty? : true if use_limit_offset_subquery # If using qualifiers, we must qualify elements outside the subquery # with 'RowResults' -- this is a different scope to the subquery. # Otherwise, we hit upon "multi-part identifier cannot be bound" # error from SQL Server. statement = "SELECT #{columns_statement(fields, 'RowResults')}" statement << " FROM ( SELECT Row_Number() OVER (ORDER BY #{order_statement}) AS RowID," statement << " #{columns_statement}" statement << from_statement statement << join_statement if qualify statement << where_statement if where_statement statement << ") AS RowResults" statement << " WHERE RowId > #{offset} AND RowId <= #{offset + limit}" statement << " GROUP BY #{columns_statement(group_by, 'RowResults')}" unless no_group_by statement << " ORDER BY #{order_statement(order_by, 'RowResults')}" unless no_order_by else statement = "SELECT #{columns_statement}" statement << from_statement statement << join_statement if qualify statement << where_statement if where_statement statement << " GROUP BY #{columns_statement(group_by, qualify)}" unless no_group_by statement << " ORDER BY #{order_statement}" unless no_order_by end add_limit_offset!(statement, limit, offset, bind_values) unless use_limit_offset_subquery return statement, bind_values end # SQL Server does not support LIMIT and OFFSET # Functionality therefore must be mimicked through the use of nested selects. # See also: # - # - # def add_limit_offset!(statement, limit, offset, bind_values) # Limit and offset is handled by subqueries (see #select_statement). if limit # If there is just a limit on rows to return, but no offset, then we # can use TOP clause. statement.sub!(/^\s*SELECT(\s+DISTINCT)?/i) { "SELECT#{$1} TOP #{limit}" } # bind_values << limit end end # @api private # TODO: Not actually supported out of the box. Is theoretically possible # via CLR integration, custom functions. def regexp_operator(operand) 'REGEXP' end end #module SQL include SQL end # class SqlserverAdapter const_added(:SqlserverAdapter) end # module Adapters end # module DataMapper