angular.module('', []).factory('CurrentUserSvc', ['$http', '$q', ($http, $q) -> service = {} # Configuration service.config = { signInPath: '/mnoe/auth/users/sign_in' signUpPath: '/mnoe/auth/users' updatePath: '/mnoe/jpi/v1/current_user', updatePasswordPath: '/mnoe/jpi/v1/current_user/update_password', } # Load User service.then = (fn = nil) -> service.loadDocument().then(fn) service.loadDocument = (force = false)-> self = service if self.document == undefined || force self.query = $http.get("/mnoe/jpi/v1/current_user") self.query.success (data) -> self.document = data return self.query # Sign user in # Return a promise service.signIn = (email,password) -> self = service creds = {email: email, password: password} $,{user: creds}) .then(-> self.loadDocument(true)) service.addOrg = (org) -> self = service if self.document && self.document.current_user && self.document.current_user.organizations self.document.current_user.organizations.push(org) service.update = (data) -> self = service return $http.put(self.config.updatePath,{user:data}).then (resp) -> userResp = angular.copy(userResp, self.document.current_user) return userResp service.updatePassword = (newPassword,confirmPassword,currentPassword) -> self = service return $http.put(self.config.updatePasswordPath,{ user: { password: newPassword, password_confirmation: confirmPassword, current_password: currentPassword } }) # Sign user up # expect the following hash: # { # name: 'John', # surname: 'Doe', # email: '', # password: 'jdoedoe', # password_confirmation: 'jdoejdoe' # } # Return a promise service.signUp = (hash) -> self = service $,{user: hash}) .then(-> self.loadDocument(true)) service.getSsoSessionId = -> self = service if self.document? return self.document.current_user.sso_session else return null service.getUserData = -> self = service deferred = $q.defer() self.loadDocument().then( (success) -> deferred.resolve( -> deferred.reject() ) return deferred.promise service.getOrganizations = -> self = service deferred = $q.defer() self.loadDocument().then (success) -> deferred.resolve( ,(error) -> deferred.reject("Error while trying to retrieve current user organizations") return deferred.promise return service ])