require 'blacklight' require 'active-fedora' module Cul::Scv::Hydra::Resolver extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do # Whenever an action raises SolrHelper::InvalidSolrID, this block gets executed. # Hint: the SolrHelper #get_solr_response_for_doc_id method raises this error, # which is used in the #show action here. self.rescue_from Blacklight::Exceptions::InvalidSolrID, :with => :invalid_solr_id_error # When RSolr::RequestError is raised, the rsolr_request_error method is executed. # The index action will more than likely throw this one. # Example, when the standard query parser is used, and a user submits a "bad" query. self.rescue_from RSolr::Error::Http, :with => :rsolr_request_error end def get_solr_response_for_app_id(id=nil, extra_controller_params={}) id ||= params[:id] solr_params = blacklight_config.default_document_solr_params.merge!(extra_controller_params) solr_params[:fq] = "identifier_ssim:#{(id)}" solr_response = find((blacklight_config.document_solr_request_handler || blacklight_config.qt), solr_params) raise if document =, solr_response) @response, @document = [solr_response, document] end def get get_solr_response_for_app_id action = params.delete(:action) action.sub!(/s$/,'') method_name = action + '_url' url = send method_name.to_sym, @document[:id] redirect_to url end # when solr (RSolr) throws an error (RSolr::RequestError), this method is executed. def rsolr_request_error(exception) if Rails.env == "development" raise exception # Rails own code will catch and give usual Rails error page with stack trace else flash_notice = I18n.t('') # Set the notice flag if the flash[:notice] is already set to the error that we are setting. # This is intended to stop the redirect loop error notice = flash[:notice] if flash[:notice] == flash_notice logger.error exception unless notice flash[:notice] = flash_notice redirect_to root_path, :status => 500 else render :file => "#{Rails.root}/public/500.html", :status => 500 end end end # when a request for /resolve/:action/BAD_SOLR_ID is made, this method is executed... def invalid_solr_id_error id = params.delete(:id) flash[:notice] = I18n.t('') + " (#{id})" redirect_to(root_path) end def blacklight_solr @solr ||= RSolr.connect(blacklight_solr_config) end def blacklight_solr_config Blacklight.solr_config end end