require 'spec_helper' describe Stairs::Step do let(:anon_step) { } let(:groups) { nil } subject { } describe 'metadata' do describe 'step_title' do it 'can be set on the class using title class DSL' do anon_step.title 'Class Step Name' expect(subject.step_title).to eq 'Class Step Name' end it 'can be set on the instance' do subject.step_title = 'Instance Step Name' expect(subject.step_title).to eq 'Instance Step Name' end it 'prefers the value set on instance' do anon_step.title 'Class Step Name' subject.step_title = 'Instance Step Name' expect(subject.step_title).to eq 'Instance Step Name' end end describe 'step_description' do it 'can be set on the class using description class DSL' do anon_step.description 'Class Step Description' expect(subject.step_description).to eq 'Class Step Description' end it 'can be set on the instance' do subject.step_description = 'Instance Step Description' expect(subject.step_description).to eq 'Instance Step Description' end it 'prefers the value set on instance' do anon_step.title 'Class Step Description' subject.step_description = 'Instance Step Description' expect(subject.step_description).to eq 'Instance Step Description' end end end describe '#initialize' do describe 'options' do describe 'default options' do it 'is required' do expect(subject.options[:required]).to eq true end end context 'with options' do let(:options) { { something: 'cool' } } subject { } it 'exposes options on the instance' do expect(subject.options[:something]).to eq 'cool' end end end it 'exposes supplied groups on the instance' do expect(subject.groups).to eq groups end end describe '#run!' do before { allow(subject).to receive(:run).and_return(true) } before { anon_step.title 'Step Name' } it 'outputs lead-in message' do output = capture_stdout {! } expect(output).to include '== Running Step Name' end it 'calls #run where the implementation lives' do expect(subject).to receive(:run)! end it 'outputs completed message' do output = capture_stdout {! } expect(output).to include '== Completed Step Name' end context 'when the step is not required' do subject { required: false } before { allow(subject).to receive(:run).and_return(true) } it 'prompts the user to decide if we should run the step' do output = follow_prompts('Y') {! } expect(output).to include 'This step is optional, would you like to ' \ 'perform it? (Y/N): ' end context 'user says yes' do it 'runs the step' do expect(subject).to receive(:run) follow_prompts('Y') {! } end end context 'user says no' do it "doesn't run the step" do expect(subject).not_to receive(:run) follow_prompts('N') {! } end end end end describe '#provide' do it 'prompts the user to provide input' do output = follow_prompts('here') { subject.provide 'Gimme' } expect(output).to include 'Gimme: ' end it 'returns the input' do follow_prompts('here') do expect(subject.provide('Gimme')).to eq 'here' end end it 'requires user input' do follow_prompts '', '', '', 'finally' do expect(subject.provide('Gimme')).to eq 'finally' end end context 'Stairs is configured to use defaults automatically' do before { Stairs.configuration.use_defaults = true } context 'but no default is provided' do it 'prompts for input as usual' do follow_prompts 'here ya go' do expect(subject.provide('Gimme')).to eq 'here ya go' end end end context 'and a default is provided' do it 'returns the default without prompting' do expect(subject.provide('Gimme', default: 'adefault')).to eq 'adefault' end end end context 'with a default' do def call_method subject.provide 'Gimme', default: 'adefault' end it 'does not require input (this test would hang if it did)' do follow_prompts('here') { call_method } end context 'and required' do it 'does not require input' do follow_prompts '' do expect( subject.provide('Gimme', required: true, default: 'adefault') ).to eq 'adefault' end end end context 'with no input' do it 'returns the default' do follow_prompts('') do expect(call_method).to eq 'adefault' end end end context 'with input' do it 'returns the input' do follow_prompts('here') do expect(call_method).to eq 'here' end end end end context 'optional' do it 'does not require input' do follow_prompts '' do expect(subject.provide('Gimme', required: false)).to eq nil end end end context 'with frozen string literals (in anticipation of ruby3)' do it 'does not attempt to modify frozen string' do follow_prompts 'here' do expect { subject.provide('Gimme') }.not_to raise_error end end end end describe '#choice' do it 'prompts the user to answer the question' do output = follow_prompts('Y') { subject.choice('Should I?') } expect(output).to include 'Should I?' end it 'defaults to a Y/N question' do output = follow_prompts('Y') { subject.choice('Should I?') } expect(output).to include '(Y/N)' end it 'returns true for Y' do follow_prompts('Y') { expect(subject.choice('Should I?')).to eq true } end it 'returns true for Y' do follow_prompts('N') { expect(subject.choice('Should I?')).to eq false } end context 'with available choices provided' do it 'displays those choices' do output = follow_prompts('Nick') do subject.choice("What's your name?", %w(Nick Brendan)) end expect(output).to include '(Nick/Brendan)' end it "returns the user's choice" do follow_prompts('Nick') do expect(subject.choice("What's your name?", %w(Nick Brendan))) .to eq 'Nick' end end it 'prompts repeatedly until it receives input in available choices' do follow_prompts('Sally', 'Frank', 'Nick') do expect(subject.choice("What's your name?", %w(Nick Brendan))) .to eq 'Nick' end end end context 'with a block' do it "calls the block with the user's choice" do follow_prompts('Nick') do expect do |block| subject.choice("What's your name?", %w(Nick Brendan), &block) yield_with_args('Nick') end end end end describe '#rake' do before { allow(subject).to receive(:system).and_return(true) } it 'outputs lead-in message' do output = capture_stdout { subject.rake 'the_task' } expect(output).to include '== Running the_task' end it 'runs the rake task' do expect(subject).to receive(:system).with('rake the_task') subject.rake 'the_task' end it 'outputs completed message' do output = capture_stdout { subject.rake 'the_task' } expect(output).to include '== Completed the_task' end end describe '#env' do let(:adapter) { double('adapter', set: true) } before { Stairs.configuration.env_adapter = adapter } it "delegates to the adapter's set" do expect(adapter).to receive(:set).with('NAME', 'value') subject.env 'NAME', 'value' end it 'writes to ENV simultaneously so Rubyland can access without a reload' do expect(ENV).to receive(:[]=).with('NAME', 'value') subject.env 'NAME', 'value' end context 'with no value' do it "delegates to the adapter's unset" do expect(adapter).to receive(:unset).with('NAME') subject.env 'NAME', nil end end end describe '#write' do it 'delegates to the well tested FileMutation util' do expect(Stairs::Util::FileMutation) .to receive(:write).with('something', 'file.txt') subject.write('something', 'file.txt') end end describe '#write_line' do it 'delegates to the well tested FileMutation util' do expect(Stairs::Util::FileMutation) .to receive(:write_line).with('something', 'file.txt') subject.write_line('something', 'file.txt') end end describe '#finish' do it 'outputs lead-in message' do output = capture_stdout { subject.finish 'Message' } expect(output).to include '== All done!' end it 'outputs supplied message' do output = capture_stdout { subject.finish 'My message' } expect(output).to include 'My message' end end describe '#stairs_info' do it 'outputs the message' do output = capture_stdout { subject.stairs_info 'Ohai' } expect(output).to include 'Ohai' end end describe '#setup' do context 'with an invalid step_name' do it 'raises when step_name cannot be resolved in Stairs::Steps' do expect { subject.setup :blahblahbefkj }.to raise_error end end context 'with a valid step_name' do let!(:mock_step_class) do Stairs::Steps::MockStep = end before do allow_any_instance_of(mock_step_class) .to receive(:run!).and_return(true) end it 'instantiates and runs the step' do expect_any_instance_of(mock_step_class).to receive(:run!) subject.setup :mock_step end it 'passes groups to the step' do expect(mock_step_class) .to receive(:new).with(groups, {}).and_call_original subject.setup :mock_step end context 'with options' do let(:options) { { something: 'cool' } } it 'passes options to the step' do expect(mock_step_class) .to receive(:new).with(groups, options).and_call_original subject.setup :mock_step, options end end end context 'with a block' do def call_method subject.setup(:custom_step) { puts "I'm running in #{self.class}" } end # Initialize primary subject before asserting against #new for the Step # it initializes def initialize_primary_subject subject end it "sets the new step's title to a titleized version of step_name" do output = capture_stdout { call_method } expect(output).to include 'Custom Step' end it 'runs the block in the context of the new step' do output = capture_stdout { call_method } expect(output).to include "I'm running in Stairs::Step" end it 'passes groups to the step' do initialize_primary_subject expect(described_class) .to receive(:new).with(groups, {}).and_call_original call_method end context 'with options' do let(:options) { { something: 'cool' } } before do allow_any_instance_of(described_class) .to receive(:run!).and_return(true) end it 'passes options to the step' do initialize_primary_subject expect(described_class) .to receive(:new).with(groups, options).and_call_original subject.setup(:custom_step, options) { true } end end end end describe '#group' do let(:name) { :reset } context 'when the name is in the groups to run' do let(:groups) { [:reset, :init] } it 'calls the supplied block' do expect { |b|, &b) }.to yield_control end end context 'when the name is not in the groups to run' do let(:groups) { [:init] } it 'does not call the supplied block' do expect { |b|, &b) }.not_to yield_control end context 'but no groups to run are provided' do let(:groups) { nil } it 'calls the supplied block' do expect { |b|, &b) }.to yield_control end end end end end