# encoding: utf-8 ## # Only load the Twitter gem when using Twitter notifications require 'twitter' module Backup module Notifier class Twitter < Base ## # Container for the Twitter Client object attr_accessor :twitter_client ## # Container for the Model object attr_accessor :model ## # Twitter consumer key credentials attr_accessor :consumer_key, :consumer_secret ## # OAuth credentials attr_accessor :oauth_token, :oauth_token_secret ## # Instantiates a new Backup::Notifier::Twitter object def initialize(&block) load_defaults! instance_eval(&block) if block_given? set_defaults! end ## # Performs the notification # Takes an exception object that might've been created if an exception occurred. # If this is the case it'll invoke notify_failure!(exception), otherwise, if no # error was raised, it'll go ahead and notify_success! # # If'll only perform these if on_success is true or on_failure is true def perform!(model, exception = false) @model = model if notify_on_success? and exception.eql?(false) log! notify_success! elsif notify_on_failure? and not exception.eql?(false) log! notify_failure!(exception) end end private ## # Sends a tweet informing the user that the backup operation # proceeded without any errors def notify_success! twitter_client.update("[Backup::Succeeded] #{model.label} (#{ File.basename(Backup::Model.file) })") end ## # Sends a tweet informing the user that the backup operation # raised an exception def notify_failure!(exception) twitter_client.update("[Backup::Failed] #{model.label} (#{ File.basename(Backup::Model.file) })") end ## # Configures the Twitter object by passing in the @consumer_key, @consumer_secret # @oauth_token and @oauth_token_secret. Instantiates and sets the @twitter_client object def set_defaults! ::Twitter.configure do |config| config.consumer_key = @consumer_key config.consumer_secret = @consumer_secret config.oauth_token = @oauth_token config.oauth_token_secret = @oauth_token_secret end @twitter_client = ::Twitter.client end end end end