require 'spec_helper' require 'stringio' describe "Schema dump" do before(:all) do SchemaPlus::ForeignKeys.setup do |config| config.auto_create = false end ActiveRecord::Migration.suppress_messages do ActiveRecord::Schema.define do connection.tables.each do |table| drop_table table, force: :cascade end create_table :posts, :force => true do |t| t.text :body t.integer :user_id t.integer :first_comment_id t.string :string_no_default t.integer :short_id t.string :str_short t.integer :integer_col t.float :float_col t.decimal :decimal_col t.datetime :datetime_col t.timestamp :timestamp_col t.time :time_col :date_col t.binary :binary_col t.boolean :boolean_col end end end class ::Post < ActiveRecord::Base ; end end context "with date default", :postgresql => :only do it "should dump the default hash expr as now()" do with_additional_column Post, :posted_at, :datetime, :default => :now do expect(dump_posts).to match(%r{t\.datetime\s+"posted_at",\s*(?:default:|:default =>)\s*\{\s*(?:expr:|:expr\s*=>)\s*"now\(\)"\s*\}}) end end it "should dump the default hash expr as CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" do with_additional_column Post, :posted_at, :datetime, :default => {:expr => 'date \'2001-09-28\''} do expect(dump_posts).to match(%r{t\.datetime\s+"posted_at",\s*(?:default:|:default =>).*2001-09-28.*}) end end it "can dump a complex default expression" do with_additional_column Post, :name, :string, :default => {:expr => 'substring(random()::text from 3 for 6)'} do expect(dump_posts).to match(%r{t\.string\s+"name",\s*(?:default:|:default\s*=>)\s*{\s*(?:expr:|:expr\s*=>)\s*"\\"substring\\"\(\(random\(\)\)::text, 3, 6\)"\s*}}) end end end context "with date default", :sqlite3 => :only do it "should dump the default hash expr as now" do with_additional_column Post, :posted_at, :datetime, :default => :now do expect(dump_posts).to match(%r{t\.datetime\s+"posted_at",\s*(?:default:|:default =>)\s*\{\s*(?:expr:|:expr =>)\s*"\(DATETIME\('now'\)\)"\s*\}}) end end it "should dump the default hash expr string as now" do with_additional_column Post, :posted_at, :datetime, :default => { :expr => "(DATETIME('now'))" } do expect(dump_posts).to match(%r{t\.datetime\s+"posted_at",\s*(?:default:|:default =>)\s*\{\s*(?:expr:|:expr =>)\s*"\(DATETIME\('now'\)\)"\s*\}}) end end it "should dump the default value normally" do with_additional_column Post, :posted_at, :string, :default => "now" do expect(dump_posts).to match(%r{t\.string\s*"posted_at",\s*(?:default:|:default =>)\s*"now"}) end end end it "should leave out :default when default was changed to null" do ActiveRecord::Migration.suppress_messages do ActiveRecord::Migration.change_column_default :posts, :string_no_default, nil end # mysql2 includes 'limit: 255' in the output. that's OK, just want to # make sure the full line doesn't have 'default' in it. expect(dump_posts).to match(%r{t\.string\s+"string_no_default"\s*(,\s*limit:\s*\d+)?$}) end protected def to_regexp(string) end def with_additional_column(model, column_name, column_type, options) table_columns = model.columns.reject{|column| == 'id'} ActiveRecord::Migration.suppress_messages do ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table model.table_name, :force => true do |t| table_columns.each do |column| t.column, column.type, :default => column.default end t.column column_name, column_type, options end end yield end def dump_schema(opts={}) stream = ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper.ignore_tables = Array.wrap(opts[:ignore]) || [] ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper.dump(ActiveRecord::Base.connection, stream) stream.string end def dump_posts dump_schema(:ignore => %w[users comments]) end end