package asunit.runners { import; import asunit.framework.Assert; import asunit.framework.Async; import asunit.framework.IResult; import asunit.framework.Result; import asunit.framework.IAsync; import asunit.framework.IRunner; import asunit.framework.IRunnerFactory; import asunit.framework.Method; import asunit.framework.TestFailure; import asunit.framework.TestIterator; import asunit.framework.TestSuccess; import asunit.framework.TestWarning; import asunit.util.ArrayIterator; import asunit.util.Iterator; import flash.display.Sprite; import org.swiftsuspenders.Injector; import p2.reflect.Reflection; import p2.reflect.ReflectionMetaData; import p2.reflect.ReflectionVariable; import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer; import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError; import; import; import; import flash.utils.Timer; import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName; import flash.utils.getTimer; public class TestRunner extends EventDispatcher implements IRunner { /** * */ //TODO: perhaps add a getter for this to IRunner public var result:IResult; // partially exposed for unit testing internal var currentTest:Object; internal var async:IAsync; /** Supplies dependencies to tests, e.g. IAsync, context Sprite. */ internal var testInjector:Injector; protected var currentMethod:Method; protected var currentTestReflection:Reflection; protected var methodIsExecuting:Boolean = false; protected var methodPassed:Boolean = true; protected var methodTimeoutID:Number; protected var methodsToRun:TestIterator; protected var startTime:Number; protected var testMethodNameReceived:Boolean; protected var timer:Timer; protected var visualContext:DisplayObjectContainer; protected var visualInstances:Array; public function TestRunner(result:IResult = null) { async = new Async(); this.result = result ||= new Result(); testInjector = new Injector(); testInjector.mapValue(IAsync, async); testInjector.mapValue(Async, async); timer = new Timer(0, 1); timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, runNextMethods); visualInstances = []; } public function runMethodByName(testOrSuite:Class, methodName:String=null, visualContext:DisplayObjectContainer=null):void { run(testOrSuite, methodName, visualContext); } public function run(test:Class, methodName:String=null, visualContext:DisplayObjectContainer=null):void { currentTestReflection = Reflection.create(test); this.visualContext = visualContext; testInjector.mapValue(Sprite, visualContext); currentMethod = null; testMethodNameReceived = (methodName != null); try { currentTest = testInjector.instantiate(test); } catch(e:VerifyError) { warn("Unable to instantiate provided test case with: " +; return; } async.addEventListener(TimeoutCommandEvent.CALLED, onAsyncMethodCalled); async.addEventListener(TimeoutCommandEvent.TIMED_OUT, onAsyncMethodTimedOut); startTime = getTimer(); result.onTestStarted(currentTest); methodsToRun = createTestIterator(currentTest, methodName); if(methodsToRun.length == 0) { warn(">> We were unable to find any test methods in " + + ". Did you set the --keep-as3-metadata flag?"); } runNextMethods(); } protected function createTestIterator(test:*, testMethodName:String):TestIterator { return new TestIterator(test, testMethodName); } protected function runNextMethods(e:TimerEvent = null):void { // Loop through as many as possible without hitting asynchronous tests. // This keeps the call stack small. while (methodsToRun.hasNext()) { var hasAsyncPending:Boolean = runMethod(; if (hasAsyncPending) return; } onTestCompleted(); } /** * * @param method * @return true if asynchronous calls are pending after calling the test method. */ protected function runMethod(method:Method):Boolean { if (!method) return false; currentMethod = method; methodPassed = true; // innocent until proven guilty by recordFailure() if (currentMethod.ignore) { result.onTestIgnored(currentMethod); onMethodCompleted(); return false; } // This is used to prevent async callbacks from triggering onMethodCompleted too early. methodIsExecuting = true; if (currentMethod.expects) { try { var errorClass:Class = getDefinitionByName(currentMethod.expects) as Class; var errorMessage:String = currentMethod.message; if(errorMessage == null) { Assert.assertThrows(errorClass, currentMethod.value); } else { Assert.assertThrowsWithMessage(errorClass, errorMessage, currentMethod.value); } } catch(definitionError:ReferenceError) { // NOTE: [luke] Added ReferenceError catch here b/c I had a bad class name in my expects. // Does this look right? recordFailure(new Error('Could not find Reference for: ' + currentMethod.expects)); } catch (error:Error) { recordFailure(error); } } else { try { currentMethod.execute(); } catch (error:Error) { recordFailure(error); } } methodIsExecuting = false; if (async.hasPending) return true; onMethodCompleted(); return false; } protected function onMethodCompleted(wasAsync:Boolean = false):void { async.cancelPending(); if (currentMethod.isTest && methodPassed && !currentMethod.ignore) { result.onTestSuccess(new TestSuccess(currentTest,; } if (wasAsync) runNextMethods(); // green thread for runNextMethods() // This runs much slower in Flash Player 10.1. //timer.reset(); //timer.start(); } protected function onAsyncMethodCalled(event:TimeoutCommandEvent):void { try { event.command.execute(); } catch (error:Error) { recordFailure(error); } onAsyncMethodCompleted(event); } protected function onAsyncMethodTimedOut(event:TimeoutCommandEvent):void { var error:IllegalOperationError = new IllegalOperationError("Timeout (" + event.command.duration + "ms) exceeded on an asynchronous operation."); recordFailure(error); onAsyncMethodCompleted(event); } protected function recordFailure(error:Error):void { methodPassed = false; result.onTestFailure(new TestFailure(currentTest,, error)); } protected function onAsyncMethodCompleted(event:Event = null):void { if (!methodIsExecuting && !async.hasPending) { onMethodCompleted(true); } } protected function onTestCompleted():void { async.removeEventListener(TimeoutCommandEvent.CALLED, onAsyncMethodCalled); async.removeEventListener(TimeoutCommandEvent.TIMED_OUT, onAsyncMethodTimedOut); async.cancelPending(); result.onTestCompleted(currentTest); dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); } protected function get testCompleted():Boolean { return (!methodsToRun.hasNext() && !async.hasPending); } protected function warn(message:String, method:Method=null):void { result.onWarning(new TestWarning(message, method)); } } }