require "petergate/version" require "petergate/railtie" module Petergate module ControllerMethods module ClassMethods def const_missing(const_name) if [:AllRest, :ALLREST].include?(const_name) warn "`AllRest` and `ALLREST` has been deprecated. Use :all instead." return ALLRESTDEP else return super end end def all_actions ->{ - [:check_access, :title]} end def except_actions(arr = []) ->{ - arr} end def access(rules = {}, &block) if block b_rules = rules = rules.merge(b_rules) if b_rules.is_a?(Hash) end instance_eval do @_controller_rules = rules def controller_rules @_controller_rules end end class_eval do def check_access permissions(self.class.controller_rules) end end end end ALLRESTDEP = [:show, :index, :new, :edit, :update, :create, :destroy] def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) base.helper_method :logged_in? base.before_filter do unless logged_in?(:admin) message= defined?(check_access) ? check_access : true if message.is_a?(String) || message == false if user_signed_in? respond_to do |format| format.any(:js, :json, :xml) { render nothing: true, status: :forbidden } format.html do redirect_to (request.referrer || after_sign_in_path_for(current_user)), :notice => message || "Permission Denied" end end else authenticate_user! end end end end end def parse_permission_rules(rules) rules = rules.inject({}) do |h, (k, v)| special_values = case v.class.to_s when "Symbol" v == :all ? - [:check_access, :title] : raise("No action for: #{v}") when "Hash" v[:except].present? ? ( - [:check_access, :title]) - v[:except] : raise("Invalid values for except: #{v.values}") when "Array" v else raise("No action for: #{v}") end h.merge({k => special_values}) end # Allows Array's of keys for he same hash. rules.inject({}){|h, (k, v)| k.class == Array ? h.merge(Hash[{|kk| [kk, v]}]) : h.merge(k => v) } end def permissions(rules = {all: [:index, :show], customer: [], wiring: []}) rules = parse_permission_rules(rules) case params[:action].to_sym when *(rules[:all]) # checks where the action can be seen by :all true when *(rules[:user]) # checks if the action can be seen for all users user_signed_in? when *(rules[(user_signed_in? ? current_user.role.to_sym : :all)]) # checks if action can be seen by the current_users role. If the user isn't logged in check if it can be seen by :all true else false end end def logged_in?(*roles) current_user && (roles & current_user.roles).any? end end module UserMethods def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def petergate(options = {roles: [:admin]}) serialize :roles after_initialize do self[:roles] ||= [] end instance_eval do const_set('ROLES', options[:roles]) end class_eval do def available_roles self.class::ROLES end def roles=(v) self[:roles] = Array(v).map(&:to_sym){|r| r.size > 0 && available_roles.include?(r)} end def roles self[:roles] + [:user] end def role roles.first end end end end end end class ActionController::Base include Petergate::ControllerMethods end class ActiveRecord::Base include Petergate::UserMethods end