require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe Pictrails::ImportSystem do describe 'search in /app/controllers where there are one directory inside' do before(:each) do @gallery_import ="#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers") end it 'should be a GalleryImport return' do @gallery_import.should be_kind_of(Pictrails::ImportSystem::GalleryImport) end it 'should be a name controller' do == 'controllers' end it 'should have no parent' do @gallery_import.parent.should be_nil end it 'should be a path #{RAILS_ROO}/app/controller' do @gallery_import.path.should == "#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers" end it 'should have a child' do @gallery_import.should have(1).child end it 'should have a child with name admin' do @gallery_import.child[0].name.should == 'admin' end it 'should have a child with a parent who is the GalleryImport' do @gallery_import.child[0].parent.should == @gallery_import end end describe 'search in /app/controllers/admin where there are no directory inside' do before(:each) do @gallery_import ="#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/admin") end it 'should be a GalleryImport return' do @gallery_import.should be_kind_of(Pictrails::ImportSystem::GalleryImport) end it "should be a name 'admin'" do == 'admin' end it 'should be a path #{RAILS_ROO}/app/controllers/admin' do @gallery_import.path.should == "#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/admin" end it 'should have no child' do @gallery_import.should have(0).child end it 'should have no parent' do @gallery_import.parent.should be_nil end end describe 'search in /app/ where there are several directory inside and directory inside directory' do before(:each) do @gallery_import ="#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/") end it 'should be a GalleryImport return' do @gallery_import.should be_kind_of(Pictrails::ImportSystem::GalleryImport) end it "should be a name 'admin'" do == 'app' end it 'should be a path #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/' do @gallery_import.path.should == "#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/" end it 'should have 5 childs' do @gallery_import.should have(5).child end it 'should have no parent' do @gallery_import.parent.should be_nil end it 'should have child to controllers' do test = false @gallery_import.child.each do |child| test = true if == 'controllers' end test.should be_true end it 'should have a child controllers with a child admin' do @gallery_import.child.each do |child| if == 'controllers' child.child[0].name.should == 'admin' end end end end describe "search in directory doesn't exist" do it 'should return nil' do"#{RAILS_ROOT}/no_exist").should be_nil end end end