knife-ssh(1) -- Run a command or interactive session on multiple remote hosts ======================================== ## SYNOPSIS __knife__ __ssh QUERY COMMAND__ _(options)_ * `-a`, `--attribute ATTR `: The attribute to use for opening the connection - default is fqdn * `-C`, `--concurrency NUM `: The number of concurrent connections * `-m`, `--manual-list `: QUERY is a space separated list of servers * `-P`, `--ssh-password PASSWORD`: The ssh password * `-x`, `--ssh-user USERNAME `: The ssh username * `-i`, `--identity-file IDENTITY_FILE`: The SSH identity file used for authentication * `-p`, `--ssh-port PORT`: The ssh port * `-i`, `--identity-file IDENTITY_FILE`: The SSH identity file used for authentication * `--no-host-key-verify`: Disable host key verification ## DESCRIPTION The _ssh_ sub-command opens an ssh session to each of the nodes in the search results of the _QUERY_. This sub-command requires that the net-ssh-multi and highline Ruby libraries are installed. On Debian systems, these are the libnet-ssh-multi-ruby and libhighline-ruby packages. They can also be installed as RubyGems (net-ssh-multi and highline, respectively). ## TERMINAL MULTIPLEXING AND TERMINAL TAB SUPPORT `knife ssh` integrates with several terminal multiplexer programs to provide a more convenient means of managing multiple ssh sessions. When the _COMMAND_ option matches one of these, `knife ssh` will create multiple interactive ssh sessions running locally in the terminal multiplexer instead of invoking the command on the remote host. The available multiplexers are: * `interactive`: A built-in multiplexer. `interactive` supports running commands on a subset of the connected hosts in parallel * __screen__(1): Runs ssh interactively inside `screen`. ~/.screenrc will be sourced if it exists. * __tmux__(1): Runs ssh interactively inside tmux. * `macterm` (Mac OS X only): Opens a window and creates a tab for each ssh session. You must install the rb-appscript gem before you can use this option. ## SEE ALSO __knife-search__(1) ## AUTHOR Chef was written by Adam Jacob with many contributions from the community. ## DOCUMENTATION This manual page was written by Joshua Timberman . Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License. ## CHEF Knife is distributed with Chef.