# ec2-host Search hosts on AWS EC2 ## Installation ``` gem install ec2-host ``` ## Configuration You can write a configuration file located at `/etc/sysconfig/ec2-host` (You can configure this path by `EC2_HOST_CONFIG_FILE` environment variable), or as environment variables: AWS SDK (CLI) parameters: * **AWS_REGION**; AWS SDK (CLI) region such as `ap-northeast-1`, `us-east-1`. * **AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID**: AWS SDK (CLI) crendentials. Default loads a credentials file * **AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY**: AWS SDK (CLI) credentials. Default load a credentials file * **AWS_PROFILE**: The profile key of the AWS SDK (CLI) credentails file. Default is `default` * **AWS_CREDENTIALS_FILE**: Path of the AWS SDK (CLI) credentails file. Default is `$HOME/.aws/credentials`. See [Configuring the AWS Command Line Interface](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-getting-started.html#cli-config-files) for details. ec2-host parameters: * **HOSTNAME_TAG**: EC2 tag key used to express a hostname. The default is `Name`. * **ROLES_TAG**: EC2 tag keys used to express roles. The default is `Roles` * You can assign multiple roles seperated by `ARRAY_TAG_DELIMITER` (default: `,`) * Also, you can express levels of roles delimited by `ROLE_TAG_DELIMITER` (default `:`) * Example: admin:ami, then `EC2::Host.new(role: 'admin:ami')` and also `EC2::Host.new(role1: 'admin')` returns this host * **ROLE_TAG_DELIMITER**: A delimiter to express levels of roles. Default is `:` * **OPTIONAL_STRING_TAGS**: You may add optional non-array tags. You can specify multiple tags like `Service,Status`. * **OPTIONAL_ARRAY_TAGS**: You may add optional array tags. Array tags allows multiple values delimited by `ARRAY_TAG_DELIMITER` (default: `,`) * **ARRAY_TAG_DELIMITER**: A delimiter to express array. Default is `,` * **LOG_LEVEL**: Log level such as `info`, `debug`, `error`. The default is `info`. See [sampel.conf](./sample.conf) ## Tag Example * **Name**: hostname * **Roles**: app:web,app:db * **Service**: sugoi * **Status**: setup ## CLI Usage ### CLI Example ``` $ ec2-host -j {"hostname":"test","roles":["admin:ami","test"],"region":"ap-northeast-1","instance_id":"i-85900780","private_ip_address":"","public_ip_address":null,"launch_time":"2013-09-16 06:14:20 UTC","state":"stopped","monitoring":"disabled"} {"hostname":"ip-172-31-6-194","roles":["isucon4:qual"],"region":"ap-northeast-1","instance_id":"i-f88cc8e1","private_ip_address":"","public_ip_address":null,"launch_time":"2014-10-20 15:57:23 UTC","state":"stopped","monitoring":"disabled"} ``` ``` $ ec2-host test ip-172-31-6-194 # if Name tag is not available ``` ``` $ ec2-host --role1 admin test ``` ``` $ ec2-host --role admin:ami test ``` ``` $ ec2-host --pretty-json [ { "hostname": "test", "roles": [ "admin:ami", "test" ], "region": "ap-northeast-1", "instance_id": "i-85900780", "private_ip_address": "", "public_ip_address": null, "launch_time": "2013-09-16 06:14:20 UTC", "state": "stopped", "monitoring": "disabled" }, { "hostname": "ip-172-31-6-194", "roles": [ "isucon4:qual" ], "region": "ap-northeast-1", "instance_id": "i-f88cc8e1", "private_ip_address": "", "public_ip_address": null, "launch_time": "2014-10-20 15:57:23 UTC", "state": "stopped", "monitoring": "disabled" } ] ``` ### CLI Help ``` $ bin/ec2-host --help Usage: ec2-host [options] --hostname one,two,three name or private_dns_name -r, --role one,two,three role --r1, --role1 one,two,three role1, the 1st part of role delimited by : --r2, --role2 one,two,three role2, the 2st part of role delimited by : --r3, --role3 one,two,three role3, the 3st part of role delimited by : --instance-id one,two,three instance_id --state one,two,three state --monitoring one,two,three monitoring --tag one,two,three tag --service one,two,three service --status one,two,three status --private-ip, --ip show private ip address instead of hostname --public-ip show public ip address instead of hostname -i, --info show host info -j, --line-delimited-json show host info in line delimited json --json show host info in json --pretty-json show host info in pretty json --debug debug mode -h, --help show help ``` ## Library Usage ### Library Example ```ruby require 'ec2-host' hosts = EC2::Host.new(role: 'admin:ami') hosts.each do |host| puts host end ``` ### Library Reference See http://sonots.github.io/ec2-host/doc/frames.html. ## ChangeLog See [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md) for details. ## For Developers ### ToDo * Support assume-roles * Use mock/stub to run test (currently, directly accessing to EC2) * Should cache a result of describe-instances in like 30 seconds? ### How to Run test See [spec/README.md](spec/README.md) ### How to Release Gem 1. Update gem.version in the gemspec 2. Update CHANGELOG.md 3. git commit && git push 4. Run `bundle exec rake release` ### How to Update doc 1. Run `./doc.sh` 2. git commit && git push (to gh-pages branch) ### Licenses See [LICENSE](LICENSE)