module RGeoServer # A workspace is a grouping of data stores. More commonly known as a namespace, it is commonly used to group data that is related in some way. class Workspace < ResourceInfo OBJ_ATTRIBUTES = {:enabled => 'enabled', :catalog => 'catalog', :name => 'name' } OBJ_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES = {:enabled => 'true', :catalog => nil, :name => nil } define_attribute_methods OBJ_ATTRIBUTES.keys update_attribute_accessors OBJ_ATTRIBUTES @@route = "workspaces" @@resource_name = "workspace" def self.resource_name @@resource_name end def self.root_xpath "//#{@@route}/#{@@resource_name}" end def self.member_xpath "//#{resource_name}" end def route @@route end def message builder = do |xml| xml.workspace { xml.enabled @enabled if enabled_changed? @name } end return builder.doc.to_xml end # @param [RGeoServer::Catalog] catalog # @param [Hash] options def initialize catalog, options super({}) _run_initialize_callbacks do @catalog = catalog @name = options[:name].strip end @route = route end def data_stores &block self.class.list DataStore, @catalog, profile['dataStores'], {:workspace => self}, check_remote = true, &block end def coverage_stores &block self.class.list CoverageStore, @catalog, profile['coverageStores'], {:workspace => self}, check_remote = true, &block end def wms_stores &block self.class.list WmsStore, @catalog, profile['wmsStores'], {:workspace => self}, check_remote = true, &block end def profile_xml_to_hash profile_xml doc = profile_xml_to_ng profile_xml h = {'name' => doc.at_xpath('//name').text.strip, 'enabled' => @enabled } doc.xpath('//atom:link/@href', "xmlns:atom"=>"").each{ |l| target = l.text.match(/([a-zA-Z]+)\.xml$/)[1] if !target.nil? && target != begin h[] << target rescue h[] = [] end else h[] = begin response = @catalog.do_url l.text Nokogiri::XML(response).xpath('//name').collect{ |a| a.text.strip } rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound [] end.freeze end } h end end end