require "getoptlong" require "logger" require "rubygems" require "narray" require "bio" require "set" require "facets" require "simple_memoize" require "narray_extensions" require "nmatrix_extensions" require "enumerable_extensions" require "math_extensions" require "environment_feature" require "environment" # This is a module for an actual command line interpreter for Egor # --- # Copyright (C) 2008-9 Semin Lee module Egor class CLI class << self # :nodoc: def print_version puts Egor::VERSION end # Print Egor's Usage on the screen # # :call-seq: # Egor::CLI::print_usage # def print_usage puts <<-USAGE egor: Esst GeneratOR, a program to calculate environment-specific amino acid substitution tables. Usage: egor [ options ] -l TEMLIST-file -c CLASSDEF-file or egor [ options ] -f TEM-file -c CLASSDEF-file Options: --tem-file (-f) STRING: a tem file --tem-list (-l) STRING: a list for tem files --classdef (-c) STRING: a file for the defintion of environments (default: 'classdef.dat') --outfile (-o) STRING: output filename ("allmat.dat" if not specified) --weight (-w) INTEGER: clustering level (PID) for the BLOSUM-like weighting --noweight: calculate substitution counts with no weights (default) --smooth (-s) INTEGER: 0 for parial smoothing (default) 1 for full smoothing --nosmooth: perform no smoothing operation --cys (-y) INTEGER: (NOT implemented yet) 0 for using C and J only for structure 1 for both structure and sequence (default) --output INTEGER: 0 for raw counts (no-smoothing performed) 1 for probabilities 2 for log-odds (default) --scale INTEGER: log-odds matrices in 1/n bit units (default 3) --sigma DOUBLE: change the sigma value for smoothing (default 5) --add DOUBLE: add this value to raw counts when deriving log-odds without smoothing (default 1/#classes) --penv: use environment-dependent frequencies for log-odds calculation (default false) (NOT implemented yet) --pidmin DOUBLE: count substitutions only for pairs with PID equal to or greater than this value (default none) --pidmax DOUBLE: count substitutions only for pairs with PID smaller than this value (default none) --verbose (-v) INTEGER 0 for ERROR level (default) 1 for WARN or above level 2 for INFO or above level 3 for DEBUG or above level --version: print version --help (-h): show help USAGE end # Calculate PID between two sequences # # :call-seq: # Egor::CLI::calc_pid(seq1, seq2) -> Float # def calc_pid(seq1, seq2) s1 = seq1.split("") s2 = seq2.split("") cols = align = 0 ident = 0 intgp = 0 cols.each do |col| if (col[0] != "-") && (col[1] != "-") align += 1 if col[0] == col[1] ident += 1 end elsif (((col[0] == "-") && (col[1] != "-")) || ((col[0] != "-") && (col[1] == "-"))) intgp += 1 end end pid = 100.0 * ident.to_f / (align + intgp) end memoize :calc_pid # :nodoc: def execute(arguments=[]) # # Abbreviations in the aa1 codes # # * env: environment # * tem: (FUGUE) template # * classdef: (envlironment) class definition # * aa: amino acid # * aa: weighted amino acid # * tot: total # * rel: relative # * obs: observation (frequency) # * mut: mutation # * mutb: mutability # * freq: frequency # * prob: probability # * opts: options # # Part 1. # # Global variables and their default values # $logger = $logger.level = Logger::ERROR $amino_acids = "ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWYJ".split("") $tem_list = nil $tem_file = nil $classdef = "classdef.dat" $outfile = "allmat.dat" $outfh = nil # file hanfle for outfile $output = 2 $aa_tot_obs = {} $aa_mut_obs = {} $aa_mutb = {} $aa_rel_mutb = {} $aa_rel_freq = {} $env_aa_obs = {} $ali_size = 0 $tot_aa = 0 $sigma = 5.0 $weight = 60 $noweight = false $smooth = :partial $nosmooth = false $scale = 3 $pidmin = nil $pidmax = nil $scale = 3 $add = 0 $penv = false $heatmap = false $smooth_prob = {} # Part 2. # # Parsing options # opts = [ '--help', '-h', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--tem-list', '-l', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--tem-file', '-f', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--classdef', '-c', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--smooth', '-s', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--weight', '-w', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--noweight', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--heatmap', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--output', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--cys', '-y', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--penv', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--outfile', '-o', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--verbose', '-v', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--version', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ] ) opts.each do |opt, arg| case opt when '--help' print_usage exit 0 when '--tem-list' $tem_list = arg when '--tem-file' $tem_file = arg when '--classdef' $classdef = arg when '--output' $output = arg.to_i when '--outfile' $outfile = arg when '--cyc' $logger.error "!!! --cys option is not available yet" exit 1 $cysteine = (arg.to_i == 1 ? false : true) when '--weight' $weight = arg.to_i when '--sigma' $sigma = arg.to_f when '--pidmin' $pidmin = arg.to_f when '--pidmax' $pidmax = arg.to_f when '--noweight' $noweight = true when '--smooth' $smooth = (arg.to_i == 1 ? :full : :parital) when '--nosmooth' $nosmooth = true when '--scale' $scale = arg.to_f when '--add' $add = arg.to_f when '--penv' $logger.error "!!! --penv option is not available yet" exit 1 $penv = true when '--heatmap' $heatmap = true when '--verbose' $logger.level = case arg.to_i when 0 then Logger::ERROR when 1 then Logger::WARN when 2 then Logger::INFO when 3 then Logger::DEBUG else Logger::ERROR end when '--version' print_version exit 0 end end # when arguments are nonsense, print usage if ((ARGV.length != 0) || (!$tem_list && !$tem_file) || ($tem_list && $tem_file)) print_usage exit 1 end # Part 3. # # Reading Environment Class Definition File # # a hash for storing all environment feature objects $env_features = [] # aa1 amino acid in a substitution itself is a environment feature $env_features <<"sequence", $amino_acids, $amino_acids, "F", "F") # read environment class definiton file and # store them into the hash prepared above IO.foreach($classdef) do |line| if line.start_with?("#") next elsif (env_ftr = line.chomp.split(/;/)).length == 5 $ ">>> An environment feature, #{line.chomp} detected" if env_ftr[-1] == "T" # skip silenced environment feature $logger.warn "!!! The environment feature, #{line.chomp} silent" next end if env_ftr[-2] == "T" $logger.warn "!!! The environment feature, #{line.chomp} constrained" end $env_features <<[0], env_ftr[1].split(""), env_ftr[2].split(""), env_ftr[3], env_ftr[4]) else $logger.error "@@@ #{line} doesn't seem to be a proper format for class definition" exit 1 end end # a hash for storing all environment objects $envs = {} # generate all possible combinations of environment labels, and # create & store every environment object into the hash prepared above with the label as a key $env_features.inject([]) { |sum, ec| sum << ec.labels }.inject { |pro, lb| pro.product(lb) }.each_with_index { |e, i| $envs[e.flatten.join] =, e.flatten.join) } # Part 4. # # Reading TEM file or TEMLIST list file and couting substitutions # # a global file handle for output $outfh =$outfile, "w") if $tem_file $tem_list = [$tem_file] end if $tem_list IO.foreach($tem_list) do |tem_file| tem_file.chomp! $ ">>> Analysing #{tem_file} ..." ali = ff = ff.each_entry do |pir| if pir.definition == "sequence" ali.add_seq("\n", ""), pir.entry_id) end end $ali_size += ali.size env_labels = {} disulphide = {} ali.each_pair do |key, seq| # check disulphide bond environment first! ff.rewind ff.each_entry do |pir| if (pir.entry_id == key) && (pir.definition == "disulphide") disulphide[key] ="\n", "").split("") end end $env_features.each_with_index do |ec, ei| env_labels[key] = [] unless env_labels.has_key?(key) ff.rewind ff.each_entry do |pir| if (pir.entry_id == key) && (pir.definition == labels ="\n", "").split("").map_with_index do |sym, pos| if sym == "-" "-" elsif sym == "X" || sym == "x" "X" else if ei == 0 # Amino Acid Environment Feature ((disulphide[key][pos] == "F") && (sym == "C")) ? "J" : sym else ec.labels[ec.symbols.index(sym)] end end end if env_labels[key].empty? env_labels[key] = labels else env_labels[key].each_with_index { |e, i| env_labels[key][i] = e + labels[i] } end end end end end if $noweight ali.each_pair do |id1, seq1| ali.each_pair do |id2, seq2| if id1 != id2 pid = calc_pid(seq1, seq2) s1 = seq1.split("") s2 = seq2.split("") # check PID_MIN if $pidmin && (pid < $pidmin) $ ">>> Skip alignment between #{id1} and #{id2} having PID, #{pid}% less than PID_MIN, #{$pidmin}" next end # check PID_MAX if $pidmax && (pid > $pidmax) $ ">>> Skip alignment between #{id1} and #{id2} having PID, #{pid}% greater than PID_MAX, #{$pidmax}" next end s1.each_with_index do |aa1, pos| if env_labels[id1][pos].include?("X") $ ">>> Substitutions from #{id1}-#{pos}-#{aa1} were masked" next end aa1.upcase! aa2 = s2[pos].upcase if !$amino_acids.include?(aa1) $logger.warn "!!! #{id1}-#{pos}-#{aa1} is not standard amino acid" unless aa1 == "-" next end if !$amino_acids.include?(aa2) $logger.warn "!!! #{id1}-#{pos}-#{aa2} is not standard amino acid" unless aa2 == "-" next end aa1 = (((disulphide[id1][pos] == "F") && (aa1 == "C")) ? "J" : aa1) aa2 = (((disulphide[id2][pos] == "F") && (aa2 == "C")) ? "J" : aa2) $envs[env_labels[id1][pos]].add_residue_count(aa2) grp_label = env_labels[id1][pos][1..-1] if $env_aa_obs.has_key? grp_label if $env_aa_obs[grp_label].has_key? aa1 $env_aa_obs[grp_label][aa1] += 1 else $env_aa_obs[grp_label][aa1] = 1 end else $env_aa_obs[grp_label] = $env_aa_obs[grp_label][aa1] = 1 end if $aa_tot_obs.has_key? aa1 $aa_tot_obs[aa1] += 1 else $aa_tot_obs[aa1] = 1 end if aa1 != aa2 if $aa_mut_obs.has_key? aa1 $aa_mut_obs[aa1] += 1 else $aa_mut_obs[aa1] = 1 end end $logger.debug "*** Add #{id1}-#{pos}-#{aa1} -> #{id2}-#{pos}-#{aa2} substituion for #{env_labels[id1][pos]}" end end end end else # BLOSUM-like weighting clusters = [] ali.each_pair { |i, s| clusters << [i] } # a loop for single linkage clustering begin continue = false 0.upto(clusters.size - 2) do |i| indexes = [] (i + 1).upto(clusters.size - 1) do |j| found = false clusters[i].each do |c1| clusters[j].each do |c2| if calc_pid(ali[c1], ali[c2]) >= $weight indexes << j found = true break end end break if found end end unless indexes.empty? continue = true group = clusters[i] indexes.each do |k| group = group.concat(clusters[k]) clusters[k] = nil end clusters[i] = group clusters.compact! end end end while(continue) clusters.combination(2).each do |cluster1, cluster2| cluster1.each do |id1| cluster2.each do |id2| seq1 = ali[id1].split("") seq2 = ali[id2].split("") seq1.each_with_index do |aa1, pos| if env_labels[id1][pos].include?("X") $logger.debug "*** Substitutions from #{id1}-#{pos}-#{aa1} were masked" next end aa1.upcase! aa2 = seq2[pos].upcase if !$amino_acids.include?(aa1) $logger.warn "!!! #{id1}-#{pos}-#{aa1} is not standard amino acid" unless aa1 == "-" next end if !$amino_acids.include?(aa2) $logger.warn "!!! #{id1}-#{pos}-#{aa2} is not standard amino acid" unless aa2 == "-" next end aa1 = (((disulphide[id1][pos] == "F") && (aa1 == "C")) ? "J" : aa1) aa2 = (((disulphide[id2][pos] == "F") && (aa2 == "C")) ? "J" : aa2) size1 = cluster1.size size2 = cluster2.size obs1 = 1.0 / size1 obs2 = 1.0 / size2 $envs[env_labels[id1][pos]].add_residue_count(aa2, 1.0 / (size1 * size2)) $envs[env_labels[id2][pos]].add_residue_count(aa1, 1.0 / (size1 * size2)) grp_label1 = env_labels[id1][pos][1..-1] grp_label2 = env_labels[id2][pos][1..-1] if $env_aa_obs.has_key? grp_label1 if $env_aa_obs[grp_label1].has_key? aa1 $env_aa_obs[grp_label1][aa1] += obs1 else $env_aa_obs[grp_label1][aa1] = obs1 end else $env_aa_obs[grp_label1] = $env_aa_obs[grp_label1][aa1] = obs1 end if $env_aa_obs.has_key? grp_label2 if $env_aa_obs[grp_label2].has_key? aa2 $env_aa_obs[grp_label2][aa2] += obs2 else $env_aa_obs[grp_label2][aa2] = obs2 end else $env_aa_obs[grp_label2] = $env_aa_obs[grp_label2][aa2] = obs2 end if $aa_tot_obs.has_key? aa1 $aa_tot_obs[aa1] += obs1 else $aa_tot_obs[aa1] = obs1 end if $aa_tot_obs.has_key? aa2 $aa_tot_obs[aa2] += obs2 else $aa_tot_obs[aa2] = obs2 end if aa1 != aa2 if $aa_mut_obs.has_key? aa1 $aa_mut_obs[aa1] += obs1 else $aa_mut_obs[aa1] = obs1 end if $aa_mut_obs.has_key? aa2 $aa_mut_obs[aa2] += obs2 else $aa_mut_obs[aa2] = obs2 end end $logger.debug "*** Add #{id1}-#{pos}-#{aa1} -> #{id2}-#{pos}-#{aa2} substituion for #{env_labels[id1][pos]}" $logger.debug "*** Add #{id2}-#{pos}-#{aa2} -> #{id1}-#{pos}-#{aa1} substituion for #{env_labels[id2][pos]}" end end end end end # if !$nosmooth end # IO.foreach($tem_list) # print out default header $outfh.puts <
#{group[0]} #{group_no}" $outfh.puts grp_freq_matrix.pretty_string(:col_header => $amino_acids, :row_header => $amino_acids) end end if $output == 0 $outfh.puts ">Total" $outfh.puts $tot_freq_matrix.pretty_string(:col_header => $amino_acids, :row_header => $amino_acids) exit 0 end # for probability if $output == 1 $outfh.puts <
) leading to # any other residue type (i) and sums up to 100. # HEADER end if ($output > 0) && $nosmooth # Probability matrices tot_prob_matrix = NMatrix.float(21, 21) # for each combination of environment features env_groups = $envs.values.group_by { |env| env.label[1..-1] } env_groups.to_a.sort_by { |env_group| # a bit clumsy sorting here... env_group[0].split("").map_with_index { |l, i| $env_features[i + 1].labels.index(l) } }.each_with_index do |group, group_no| grp_prob_matrix = NMatrix.float(21,21) $amino_acids.each_with_index do |aa, ai| prob_array = group[1].find { |e| e.label.start_with?(aa) }.prob_array 0.upto(20) { |j| grp_prob_matrix[ai, j] = prob_array[j] } end tot_prob_matrix += grp_prob_matrix if ($output == 1) $outfh.puts ">#{group[0]} #{group_no}" $outfh.puts grp_prob_matrix.pretty_string(:col_header => $amino_acids, :row_header => $amino_acids) end end if ($output == 1) $outfh.puts ">Total" $outfh.puts tot_prob_matrix.pretty_string(:col_header => $amino_acids, :row_header => $amino_acids) $outfh.close exit 0 end end # for smoothing... if ($output > 0) && !$nosmooth # # p1 probability # p1 = NArray.float(21) a0 = NArray.float(21).fill(1 / 21.0) big_N = $tot_aa.to_f small_n = 21.0 omega1 = 1.0 / (1 + big_N / ($sigma * small_n)) omega2 = 1.0 - omega1 if $smooth == :partial # for partial smoothing, p1 probability is not smoothed! 0.upto(20) { |i| p1[i] = 100.0 * $aa_rel_freq[$amino_acids[i]] } $smooth_prob[1] = p1 else # for full smoothing, p1 probability is smoothed 0.upto(20) { |i| p1[i] = 100.0 * (omega1 * a0[i] + omega2 * $aa_rel_freq[$amino_acids[i]]) } $smooth_prob[1] = p1 end # # p2 and above # env_labels = $env_features.map_with_index {|ef, ei| { |l| "#{ei}#{l}" } } if $smooth == :partial $outfh.puts <
2) && (ci < $env_features.size) env_labels.combination(ci) do |c1| Enumerable.cart_prod(*c1).each do |labels| pattern = "." * $env_features.size labels.each do |label| i = label[0].chr.to_i l = label[1].chr pattern[i] = l end if pattern =~ /^\./ $logger.debug "*** Skipped environment, #{pattern}, for partial smoothing" next end # get environmetns, frequencies, and probabilities envs = $ { |env| env.label.match(pattern.to_re) } freq_arr = envs.inject(NArray.float(21)) { |sum, env| sum + env.freq_array } prob_arr = NArray.float(21) 0.upto(20) { |i| prob_arr[i] = (freq_arr[i] == 0 ? 0 : freq_arr[i] / freq_arr.sum.to_f) } # # assess whether a residue type j is compatible with a particular combination of structural features # # corrections for non-zero colum vector phenomenon by switching the smoothing procedure off as below # if ci == $env_features.size # aa_label = labels.find { |l| l.match(/^0/) }[1].chr # sub_pattern = "." * $env_features.size # sub_pattern[0] = aa_label # sub_freq_sum = 0 # # labels[1..-1].each do |label| # next if label.start_with?("0") # i = label[0].chr.to_i # l = label[1].chr # sub_pattern[i] = l # sub_envs = $ { |env| env.label.match(pattern.to_re) } # sub_freq_arr = sub_envs.inject(NArray.float(21)) { |sum, env| sum + env.freq_array } # sub_freq_sum += sub_freq_arr.sum # end # # if sub_freq_sum == 0 # if $smooth_prob.has_key?(ci + 1) # $smooth_prob[ci + 1][labels.to_set] = prob_arr # else # $smooth_prob[ci + 1] = {} # $smooth_prob[ci + 1][labels.to_set] = prob_arr # end # $logger.warn "!!! Smoothing procedure is off for the environment feature combination, #{pattern}" # next # end # end # collect priors if ci > 1 priors = [] if ci == 2 labels.combination(1).select { |c2| c2[0].start_with?("0") }.each { |c3| priors << $smooth_prob[2][c3.to_set] } elsif ci == $env_features.size labels.combination(2).select { |c2| c2[0].start_with?("0") || c2[1].start_with?("0") }.each { |c3| priors << $smooth_prob[3][c3.to_set] } end # entropy based weighting priors entropy_max = Math::log(21) entropies = { |prior| -1.0 * prior.to_a.inject(0.0) { |s, p| p == 0.0 ? s - 1 : s + p * Math::log(p) } } mod_entropies = entropies.map_with_index { |entropy, i| (entropy_max - entropies[i]) / entropy_max } weights = { |mod_entropy| mod_entropy / mod_entropies.sum } weighted_priors = priors.map_with_index { |prior, i| prior * weights[i] }.sum # smoothing step smooth_prob_arr = NArray.float(21) big_N = freq_arr.sum.to_f small_n = 21.0 omega1 = 1.0 / (1 + big_N / ($sigma * small_n)) omega2 = 1.0 - omega1 0.upto(20) { |i| smooth_prob_arr[i] = 100.0 * (omega1 * weighted_priors[i] + omega2 * prob_arr[i]) } # normalization step smooth_prob_arr_sum = smooth_prob_arr.sum 0.upto(20) { |i| smooth_prob_arr[i] = 100.0 * (smooth_prob_arr[i] / smooth_prob_arr_sum) } # store smoothed probabilties in a hash using a set of envrionment labels as a key if !$smooth_prob.has_key?(ci + 1) $smooth_prob[ci + 1] = {} $smooth_prob[ci + 1][labels.to_set] = smooth_prob_arr else $smooth_prob[ci + 1][labels.to_set] = smooth_prob_arr end end end end else $outfh.puts <
1 labels.combination(ci - 1).each { |c2| priors << $smooth_prob[ci][c2.to_set] } else priors << $smooth_prob[1] end # entropy based weighting priors entropy_max = Math::log(21) entropies = do |prior| (entropy_max + prior.to_a.inject(0.0) { |s, p| s + p * Math::log(p) }) / entropy_max end weighted_priors = priors.map_with_index { |p, i| p * entropies[i] / entropies.sum }.sum # smoothing step smooth_prob_arr = NArray.float(21) big_N = freq_arr.sum.to_f small_n = 21.0 omega1 = 1.0 / (1 + big_N / ($sigma * small_n)) omega2 = 1.0 - omega1 0.upto(20) { |i| smooth_prob_arr[i] = 100.0 * (omega1 * weighted_priors[i] + omega2 * prob_arr[i]) } # normalization step smooth_prob_arr_sum = smooth_prob_arr.sum 0.upto(20) { |i| smooth_prob_arr[i] = 100.0 * (smooth_prob_arr[i] / smooth_prob_arr_sum) } # store smoothed probabilties in a hash using a set of envrionment labels as a key if !$smooth_prob.has_key?(ci + 1) $smooth_prob[ci + 1] = {} $smooth_prob[ci + 1][labels.to_set] = smooth_prob_arr else $smooth_prob[ci + 1][labels.to_set] = smooth_prob_arr end end end end end # updating smoothed probability array for each envrionment $envs.values.each { |e| e.smooth_prob_array = $smooth_prob[$env_features.size + 1][e.label_set] } # for a total substitution probability matrix tot_smooth_prob_matrix = NMatrix.float(21,21) # grouping environments by its environment labels but amino acid label env_groups = $envs.values.group_by { |env| env.label[1..-1] } # sorting environments and build 21X21 substitution matrices env_groups.to_a.sort_by { |env_group| # a bit clumsy sorting here... env_group[0].split("").map_with_index { |l, i| $env_features[i + 1].labels.index(l) } }.each_with_index do |group, group_no| # calculating 21X21 substitution probability matrix for each envrionment grp_prob_matrix = NMatrix.float(21,21) $amino_acids.each_with_index do |aa, ai| smooth_prob_array = group[1].find { |e| e.label.start_with?(aa) }.smooth_prob_array 0.upto(20) { |j| grp_prob_matrix[ai, j] = smooth_prob_array[j] } end tot_smooth_prob_matrix += grp_prob_matrix if $output == 1 $outfh.puts ">#{group[0]} #{group_no}" $outfh.puts grp_prob_matrix.pretty_string(:col_header => $amino_acids, :row_header => $amino_acids) end end tot_smooth_prob_matrix /= env_groups.size if $output == 1 $outfh.puts ">Total" $outfh.puts tot_smooth_prob_matrix.pretty_string(:col_header => $amino_acids, :row_header => $amino_acids) $outfh.close exit 0 end if $output == 2 $outfh.puts <
#{grp_label} #{group_no}" $outfh.puts grp_logo_mat.round.pretty_string(:col_header => $amino_acids, :row_header => $amino_acids) end tot_logo_mat /= env_groups.size $outfh.puts ">Total" $outfh.puts tot_logo_mat.round.pretty_string(:col_header => $amino_acids, :row_header => $amino_acids) $outfh.close exit 0 end end end end end # class << self end # class CLI end # module Egor