import { Turbo } from "@hotwired/turbo-rails"; import { Modal } from "./modal"; export class FrameModal extends Modal { constructor(id, src) { super(id); this.src = src; } async dismiss() { await super.dismiss(); if (!this.isCurrentLocation) { this.debug("skipping dismiss, not current location"); } else { await this.pop("turbo:load", () => window.history.back()); } // no specific close action required, this is turbo's responsibility } beforeVisit(frame, e) { super.beforeVisit(frame, e); e.preventDefault(); frame.dismiss({ animate: false }).then(() => { Turbo.visit(e.detail.url); this.debug("before-visit-end"); }); } popstate(frame, e) { super.popstate(frame, e); // Turbo will restore modal state, but we need to reset the scrim frame.scrimOutlet.hide({ animate: false }); } }