# encoding: utf-8
# This file is part of ruby-flores.
# Copyright (C) 2015 Jordan Sissel
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
require "flores/namespace"
require "flores/rspec"
# RSpec helpers for stress testing examples
# Setting it up in rspec:
# RSpec.configure do |c|
# c.extend RSpec::StressIt
# end
# TODO(sissel): Show an example of stress_it and analyze_it
module Flores::RSpec::Analyze
# Save state after each example so it can be used in analysis after specs are completed.
# If you use this, you'll want to set your RSpec formatter to
# Flores::RSpec::Formatter::Analyze
# Let's show an example that fails sometimes.
# describe "Addition of two numbers" do
# context "positive numbers" do
# analyze_results
# let(:a) { Flores::Random.number(1..1000) }
# # Here we make negative numbers possible to cause failure in our test.
# let(:b) { Flores::Random.number(-200..1000) }
# subject { a + b }
# stress_it "should be positive" do
# expect(subject).to(be > 0)
# end
# end
# end
# And running it:
# % rspec -f Flores::RSpec::Formatter::Analyze
# Addition of two numbers positive numbers should be positive
# 98.20% tests successful of 3675 tests
# Failure analysis:
# 1.80% -> [66] RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError
# Sample exception for {:a=>126.21705882478048, :b=>-139.54814492675024, :subject=>-13.33108610196976}
# expected: > 0
# got: -13.33108610196976
# Samples causing RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError:
# {:a=>90.67298249206425, :b=>-136.6237821353908, :subject=>-45.95079964332655}
# {:a=>20.35865155878871, :b=>-39.592417377658876, :subject=>-19.233765818870165}
# {:a=>158.07905166101787, :b=>-177.5864470909581, :subject=>-19.50739542994023}
# {:a=>31.80445518715138, :b=>-188.51942190504894, :subject=>-156.71496671789757}
# {:a=>116.1479954937354, :b=>-146.18477887927958, :subject=>-30.036783385544183}
def analyze_results
# TODO(sissel): Would be lovely to figure out how to inject an 'after' for
# all examples if we are using the Analyze formatter.
# Then this method could be implied by using the right formatter, or something.
after do |example|
example.metadata[:values] = __memoized.clone
# A formatter to show analysis of an `analyze_it` example.
class Analysis < StandardError
def initialize(results)
@results = results
end # def initialize
def total
@results.reduce(0) { |m, (_, v)| m + v.length }
end # def total
def success_count
if @results.include?(:passed)
end # def success_count
def success_and_pending_count
count = 0
[:passed, :pending].each do |group|
count += @results[group].length
end # def success_count
def percent(count)
return (count + 0.0) / total
end # def percent
def percent_s(count)
return format("%.2f%%", percent(count) * 100)
end # def percent_s
def to_s # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize
# This method is crazy complex for a formatter. Should refactor this significantly.
report = []
if @results[:pending].any?
# We have pending examples, put a clear message.
report << "#{percent_s(success_and_pending_count)} (of #{total} total) tests are successful or pending"
report << "#{percent_s(success_count)} (of #{total} total) tests are successful"
report += failure_summary if success_and_pending_count < total
end # def to_s
# TODO(sissel): All these report/summary/to_s things are an indication that the
# report formatting belongs in a separate class.
def failure_summary
report = ["Failure analysis:"]
report += @results.sort_by { |_, v| -v.length }.collect do |group, instances|
next if group == :passed
next if group == :pending
error_report(group, instances)
end # def failure_summary
def error_report(error, instances)
report = error_summary(error, instances)
report += error_sample_states(error, instances) if instances.size > 1
end # def error_report
def error_summary(error, instances)
sample = instances.sample(1)
" #{percent_s(instances.length)} -> [#{instances.length}] #{error}",
" Sample failure",
" Inputs:",
*render_values(sample.first[0]).map { |x| " #{x}" },
" Exception:",
sample.first[1].to_s.gsub(/^/, " ")
end # def error_summary
def render_values(values)
# values should be an RSpec::Core::MemoizedHelpers::ThreadsafeMemoized
lets = values.instance_eval { @memoized }
return [""] if lets.nil?
lets.sort_by { |k,v| v.to_s.size }.map do |k,v|
if v.to_s.size > 50
v = v.to_s[0, 50] + "..."
def error_sample_states(error, instances)
" Samples causing #{error}:",
*instances.sample(5).collect { |state, _exception| " #{state}" }
end # def error_sample_states
end # class Analysis
end # Flores::RSpec::Analyze