module OpenStudio module Analysis module Translator class Excel attr_reader :version attr_reader :settings attr_reader :variables attr_reader :outputs attr_reader :models attr_reader :weather_files attr_reader :measure_path attr_reader :export_path attr_reader :cluster_name attr_reader :variables attr_reader :algorithm attr_reader :problem attr_reader :run_setup # remove these once we have classes to construct the JSON file attr_reader :name attr_reader :machine_name attr_reader :template_json # methods to override instance variables # pass in the filename to read def initialize(xls_filename) @xls_filename = xls_filename @root_path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(@xls_filename)) @xls = nil # try to read the spreadsheet as a roo object if File.exists?(@xls_filename) @xls = else raise "File #{@xls_filename} does not exist" end # Initialize some other instance variables @version = '0.0.1' @name = nil @machine_name = nil @cluster_name = nil @settings = {} @weather_files = [] @models = [] @other_files = [] @export_path = "./export" @measure_path = "./measures" @number_of_samples = 0 # todo: remove this @problem = {} @algorithm = {} @template_json = nil @outputs = {} @run_setup = {} end def process @setup = parse_setup() @version = @version raise "Spreadsheet version #{@version} is no longer supported. Please upgrade your spreadsheet to at least 0.1.9" if @version < '0.1.9' @variables = parse_variables() @outputs = parse_outputs() # call validate to make sure everything that is needed exists (i.e. directories) validate_analysis() end # Save off the legacy format of the JSON file def save_variable_json(filename) FileUtils.rm_f(filename) if File.exists?(filename), 'w') { |f| f << JSON.pretty_generate(@variables) } end def validate_analysis # Setup the paths and do some error checking raise "Measures directory '#{@measure_path}' does not exist" unless Dir.exists?(@measure_path) @models.uniq! raise "No seed models defined in spreadsheet" if @models.empty? @models.each do |model| raise "Seed model does not exist: #{model[:path]}" unless File.exists?(model[:path]) end @weather_files.uniq! raise "No weather files found based on what is in the spreadsheet" if @weather_files.empty? @weather_files.each do |wf| raise "Weather file does not exist: #{wf}" unless File.exists?(wf) end # This can be a directory as well @other_files.each do |of| raise "Other files do not exist for: #{of[:path]}" unless File.exists?(of[:path]) end FileUtils.mkdir_p(@export_path) # verify that all continuous variables have all the data needed and create a name maps variable_names = [] @variables['data'].each do |measure| if measure['enabled'] && measure['name'] != 'baseline' measure['variables'].each do |variable| # Determine if row is suppose to be an argument or a variable to be perturbed. if variable['variable_type'] == 'variable' variable_names << variable['display_name'] if variable['method'] == 'static' # add this as an argument # check something elsif variable['method'] == 'lhs' if variable['type'] == 'enum' || variable['type'] == 'Choice' # check something else # must be an integer or double if variable['distribution']['type'] == 'discrete_uncertain' if variable['distribution']['discrete_values'].nil? || variable['distribution']['discrete_values'] == "" raise "Variable #{measure['name']}:#{variable['name']} needs discrete values" end else if variable['distribution']['mean'].nil? || variable['distribution']['mean'] == "" raise "Variable #{measure['name']}:#{variable['name']} must have a mean" end if variable['distribution']['stddev'].nil? || variable['distribution']['stddev'] == "" raise "Variable #{measure['name']}:#{variable['name']} must have a stddev" end end if variable['distribution']['mean'].nil? || variable['distribution']['mean'] == "" raise "Variable #{measure['name']}:#{variable['name']} must have a mean/mode" end if variable['distribution']['min'].nil? || variable['distribution']['min'] == "" raise "Variable #{measure['name']}:#{variable['name']} must have a minimum" end if variable['distribution']['max'].nil? || variable['distribution']['max'] == "" raise "Variable #{measure['name']}:#{variable['name']} must have a maximum" end if variable['distribution']['min'] > variable['distribution']['max'] raise "Variable min is greater than variable max for #{measure['name']}:#{variable['name']}" end end elsif variable['method'] == 'pivot' # check something end end end end end dupes = variable_names.find_all { |e| variable_names.count(e) > 1 }.uniq if dupes.count > 0 raise "duplicate variable names found in list #{dupes.inspect}" end # most of the checks will raise a runtime exception, so this true will never be called true end def create_analysis_hash # save the format in the OpenStudio analysis json format template without # the correct weather files or models @template_json = translate_to_analysis_json_template() @template_json end def save_analysis @template_json = create_analysis_hash #validate_template_json # iterate over each model and save the zip and json @models.each do |model| save_analysis_zip(model) analysis_json = create_analysis_json(@template_json, model) end end # TODO: move this into a new class that helps construct this file def translate_to_analysis_json_template # Load in the templates for constructing the JSON file template_root = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../templates") analysis_template ="#{template_root}/analysis.json.erb", 'r').read) workflow_template ="#{template_root}/workflow_item.json.erb", 'r').read) uncertain_variable_template ="#{template_root}/uncertain_variable.json.erb", 'r').read) discrete_uncertain_variable_template ="#{template_root}/discrete_uncertain_variable.json.erb", 'r').read) static_variable_template ="#{template_root}/static_variable.json.erb", 'r').read) pivot_variable_template ="#{template_root}/pivot_variable.json.erb", 'r').read) argument_template ="#{template_root}/argument.json.erb", 'r').read) # Templated analysis json file (this is what is returned) puts "Analysis name is #{@name}" openstudio_analysis_json = JSON.parse(analysis_template.result(get_binding)) openstudio_analysis_json['analysis']['problem'].merge!(@problem) openstudio_analysis_json['analysis']['problem']['algorithm'].merge!(@algorithm) openstudio_analysis_json['analysis'].merge!(@outputs) @measure_index = -1 @variables['data'].each do |measure| # With OpenStudio server we need to create the workflow with all the measure instances if measure['enabled'] && measure['name'] != 'baseline' @measure_index += 1 puts " Adding measure item '#{measure['name']}'" @measure = measure @measure['measure_file_name_dir'] = @measure['measure_file_name'].underscore # Grab the measure json file out of the right directory wf = JSON.parse(workflow_template.result(get_binding)) # add in the variables measure['variables'].each do |variable| @variable = variable # Determine if row is suppose to be an argument or a variable to be perturbed. if @variable['variable_type'] == 'argument' ag = nil if @variable['method'] == 'static' if !@variable['distribution']['static_value'] raise "can not have an argument that is not a static value defined in which to set the argument" end # add this as an argument case @variable['type'].downcase when "double" @static_value = @variable['distribution']['static_value'].to_f when "integer" @static_value = @variable['distribution']['static_value'].to_i when "string", "choice" @static_value = @variable['distribution']['static_value'].inspect when "bool" if @variable['distribution']['static_value'].downcase == "true" @static_value = true else @static_value = false end else raise "Unknown variable type of #{@variable['type']}" end ag = JSON.parse(argument_template.result(get_binding)) end raise "Argument '#{@variable['name']}' did not process. Most likely it did not have all parameters defined." if ag.nil? wf['arguments'] << ag else # must be a variable [either pivot or normal variable] vr = nil if @variable['method'] == 'static' # add this as an argument vr = JSON.parse(static_variable_template.result(get_binding)) elsif @variable['method'] == 'lhs' # TODO: remove enum and choice as this is not the variable type if @variable['type'] == 'enum' || @variable['type'].downcase == 'choice' @values_and_weights = @variable['distribution']['enumerations'].map { |v| {value: v} }.to_json vr = JSON.parse(discrete_uncertain_variable_template.result(get_binding)) elsif @variable['distribution']['type'] == 'discrete_uncertain' #puts @variable.inspect weights = nil if @variable['distribution']['discrete_weights'] && @variable['distribution']['discrete_weights'] != '' weights = eval(@variable['distribution']['discrete_weights']) end values = nil if variable['type'].downcase == 'bool' values = eval(@variable['distribution']['discrete_values'])! { |v| v.downcase == 'true' } else values = eval(@variable['distribution']['discrete_values']) end if weights raise "Discrete variable #{@variable['name']} does not have equal length of values and weights" if values.size != weights.size @values_and_weights = { |v, w| {value: v, weight: w} }.to_json else @values_and_weights = { |v| {value: v} }.to_json end if @variable['variable_type'] == 'pivot' vr = JSON.parse(pivot_variable_template.result(get_binding)) else vr = JSON.parse(discrete_uncertain_variable_template.result(get_binding)) end else if @variable['variable_type'] == 'pivot' raise "Currently unable to pivot on continuous variables... stay tuned." else vr = JSON.parse(uncertain_variable_template.result(get_binding)) end end end raise "variable was nil after processing" if vr.nil? wf['variables'] << vr end end openstudio_analysis_json['analysis']['problem']['workflow'] << wf end end openstudio_analysis_json end protected # helper method for ERB def get_binding binding end # Package up the seed, weather files, and measures def save_analysis_zip(model) zipfile_name = "#{@export_path}/#{model[:name]}.zip" FileUtils.rm_f(zipfile_name) if File.exists?(zipfile_name), Zip::File::CREATE) do |zipfile| @weather_files.each do |filename| #puts " Adding #{filename}" zipfile.add("./weather/#{File.basename(filename)}", filename) end Dir.glob("#{@measure_path}/**/*.rb").each do |measure| next if measure.include?("spec") # don't include the spec folders nor files measure_name = measure.split(File::SEPARATOR).last(2).first #puts " Adding ./measures/#{measure_name}/#{File.basename(measure)}" zipfile.add("./measures/#{measure_name}/#{File.basename(measure)}", measure) end #puts "Adding #{model[:path]}" zipfile.add("./seed/#{File.basename(model[:path])}", model[:path]) #puts "Adding in other files #{@other_files.inspect}" @other_files.each do |others| Dir[File.join(others[:path], '**', '**')].each do |file| zipfile.add(file.sub(others[:path], "./lib/#{others[:lib_zip_name]}/"), file) end end end end def create_analysis_json(analysis_json, model) # Set the seed model in the analysis_json analysis_json['analysis']['seed']['file_type'] = model[:type] # This is the path that will be seen on the server when this runs analysis_json['analysis']['seed']['path'] = "./seed/#{File.basename(model[:path])}" # Set the weather file as the first in the list -- this is optional analysis_json['analysis']['weather_file']['file_type'] = 'EPW' if File.extname(@weather_files.first) =~ /.zip/i analysis_json['analysis']['weather_file']['path'] = "./weather/#{File.basename(@weather_files.first, '.zip')}.epw" else analysis_json['analysis']['weather_file']['path'] = "./weather/#{File.basename(@weather_files.first)}" end json_file_name = "#{@export_path}/#{model[:name]}.json" FileUtils.rm_f(json_file_name) if File.exists?(json_file_name)"#{@export_path}/#{model[:name]}.json", "w") { |f| f << JSON.pretty_generate(analysis_json) } end # parse_setup will pull out the data on the "setup" tab and store it in memory for later use def parse_setup() rows = @xls.sheet('Setup').parse() b_settings = false b_run_setup = false b_problem_setup = false b_algorithm_setup = false b_weather_files = false b_models = false b_other_libs = false rows.each do |row| if row[0] == "Settings" b_settings = true b_run_setup = false b_problem_setup = false b_algorithm_setup = false b_weather_files = false b_models = false b_other_libs = false next elsif row[0] == "Running Setup" b_settings = false b_run_setup = true b_problem_setup = false b_algorithm_setup = false b_weather_files = false b_models = false b_other_libs = false next elsif row[0] == "Problem Definition" b_settings = false b_run_setup = false b_problem_setup = true b_algorithm_setup = false b_weather_files = false b_models = false b_other_libs = false next elsif row[0] == "Algorithm Setup" b_settings = false b_run_setup = false b_problem_setup = false b_algorithm_setup = true b_weather_files = false b_models = false b_other_libs = false next elsif row[0] == "Weather Files" b_settings = false b_run_setup = false b_problem_setup = false b_algorithm_setup = false b_weather_files = true b_models = false b_other_libs = false next elsif row[0] == "Models" b_settings = false b_run_setup = false b_problem_setup = false b_algorithm_setup = false b_weather_files = false b_models = true b_other_libs = false next elsif row[0] == "Other Library Files" b_settings = false b_run_setup = false b_problem_setup = false b_algorithm_setup = false b_weather_files = false b_models = false b_other_libs = true next end next if row[0].nil? if b_settings @version = row[1].chomp if row[0] == "Spreadsheet Version" @settings["#{row[0].snake_case}"] = row[1] if row[0] @cluster_name = @settings["cluster_name"].snake_case if @settings["cluster_name"] # type some of the values that we know @settings["proxy_port"] = @settings["proxy_port"].to_i if @settings["proxy_port"] elsif b_run_setup @name = row[1].chomp if row[0] == "Analysis Name" @machine_name = @name.snake_case @export_path = File.expand_path(File.join(@root_path, row[1])) if row[0] == "Export Directory" @measure_path = File.expand_path(File.join(@root_path, row[1])) if row[0] == "Measure Directory" @run_setup["#{row[0].snake_case}"] = row[1] if row[0] # type cast @run_setup["allow_multiple_jobs"] = @run_setup["allow_multiple_jobs"].to_s.to_bool if @run_setup["allow_multiple_jobs"] @run_setup["use_server_as_worker"] = @run_setup["use_server_as_worker"].to_s.to_bool if @run_setup["use_server_as_worker"] elsif b_problem_setup if row[0] v = row[1] v.to_i if v % 1 == 0 @problem["#{row[0].snake_case}"] = v end elsif b_algorithm_setup if row[0] v = row[1] v = v.to_i if v % 1 == 0 @algorithm["#{row[0].snake_case}"] = v end elsif b_weather_files if row[0] == "Weather File" @weather_files += Dir.glob(File.expand_path(File.join(@root_path, row[1]))) end elsif b_models @models << {name: row[1], type: row[2], path: File.expand_path(File.join(@root_path, row[3]))} elsif b_other_libs @other_files << {lib_zip_name: row[1], path: row[2]} end end end # parse_variables will parse the XLS spreadsheet and save the data into # a higher level JSON file. The JSON file is historic and it should really # be omitted as an intermediate step def parse_variables() # clean remove whitespace and unicode chars # The parse is a unique format ( # If you add a new column and you want that variable in the hash, then you must add it here. #rows = @xls.sheet('Variables').parse(:enabled => "# variable") #puts rows.inspect rows = nil begin if @version >= "0.2.0" rows = @xls.sheet('Variables').parse(:enabled => '# variable', :measure_name_or_var_type => 'type', :measure_file_name_or_var_display_name => 'parameter display name.*', :measure_file_name_directory => 'measure directory', :measure_type_or_parameter_name_in_measure => 'parameter name in measure', :sampling_method => 'sampling method', :variable_type => 'Variable Type', :units => 'units', :default_value => 'static.default value', :enums => 'enumerations', :min => 'min', :max => 'max', :mode => 'mean|mode', :stddev => 'std dev', :delta_x => 'delta.x', :discrete_values => 'discrete values', :discrete_weights => 'discrete weights', :distribution => 'distribution', :source => 'data source', :notes => 'notes', :relation_to_eui => 'typical var to eui relationship', :clean => true) elsif @version >= "0.1.12" # add delta x rows = @xls.sheet('Variables').parse(:enabled => '# variable', :measure_name_or_var_type => 'type', :measure_file_name_or_var_display_name => 'parameter display name.*', :measure_type_or_parameter_name_in_measure => 'parameter name in measure', :sampling_method => 'sampling method', :variable_type => 'Variable Type', :units => 'units', :default_value => 'static.default value', :enums => 'enumerations', :min => 'min', :max => 'max', :mode => 'mean|mode', :stddev => 'std dev', :delta_x => 'delta.x', :discrete_values => 'discrete values', :discrete_weights => 'discrete weights', :distribution => 'distribution', :source => 'data source', :notes => 'notes', :relation_to_eui => 'typical var to eui relationship', :clean => true) elsif @version >= "0.1.11" # add discrete variables rows = @xls.sheet('Variables').parse(:enabled => '# variable', :measure_name_or_var_type => 'type', :measure_file_name_or_var_display_name => 'parameter display name.*', :measure_type_or_parameter_name_in_measure => 'parameter name in measure', :sampling_method => 'sampling method', :variable_type => 'Variable Type', :units => 'units', :default_value => 'static.default value', :enums => 'enumerations', :min => 'min', :max => 'max', :mode => 'mean|mode', :stddev => 'std dev', #:delta_x => 'delta.x', :discrete_values => 'discrete values', :discrete_weights => 'discrete weights', :distribution => 'distribution', :source => 'data source', :notes => 'notes', :relation_to_eui => 'typical var to eui relationship', :clean => true) else rows = @xls.sheet('Variables').parse(:enabled => '# variable', :measure_name_or_var_type => 'type', :measure_file_name_or_var_display_name => 'parameter display name.*', :measure_type_or_parameter_name_in_measure => 'parameter name in measure', :sampling_method => 'sampling method', :variable_type => 'Variable Type', :units => 'units', :default_value => 'static.default value', :enums => 'enumerations', :min => 'min', :max => 'max', :mode => 'mean|mode', :stddev => 'std dev', #:delta_x => 'delta.x', #:discrete_values => 'discrete values', #:discrete_weights => 'discrete weights', :distribution => 'distribution', :source => 'data source', :notes => 'notes', :relation_to_eui => 'typical var to eui relationship', :clean => true) end rescue Exception => e raise "#{e.message} with Spreadsheet #{@xls_filename} with Version #{@version} " end raise "Could not find the sheet name 'Variables' in excel file #{@root_path}" if !rows # map the data to another hash that is more easily processed data = {} data['data'] = [] icnt = 0 measure_index = -1 variable_index = -1 measure_name = nil rows.each do |row| icnt += 1 next if icnt <= 1 # skip the first line after the header #puts "Parsing line: #{icnt}:#{row}" # check if we are a measure - nil means that the cell was blank if row[:enabled].nil? unless measure_name.nil? variable_index += 1 var = {} var['variable_type'] = row[:measure_name_or_var_type] var['display_name'] = row[:measure_file_name_or_var_display_name] var['machine_name'] = row[:measure_file_name_or_var_display_name].downcase.strip.gsub("-", "_").gsub(" ", "_").strip var['name'] = row[:measure_type_or_parameter_name_in_measure] var['index'] = variable_index #order of the variable (not sure of its need) var['method'] = row[:sampling_method] var['type'] = row[:variable_type] ? row[:variable_type].downcase : row[:variable_type] var['units'] = row[:units] var['distribution'] = {} #parse the choices/enums if var['type'] == 'enum' || var['type'] == 'choice' # this is now a choice var['distribution']['enumerations'] = row[:enums].gsub("|", "").split(",").map { |v| v.strip } elsif var['type'] == 'bool' var['distribution']['enumerations'] = [] var['distribution']['enumerations'] << 'true' #todo: should this be a real bool? var['distribution']['enumerations'] << 'false' end if var['method'] == 'lhs' var['distribution']['min'] = row[:min] var['distribution']['max'] = row[:max] var['distribution']['mean'] = row[:mode] var['distribution']['stddev'] = row[:stddev] var['distribution']['discrete_values'] = row[:discrete_values] var['distribution']['discrete_weights'] = row[:discrete_weights] var['distribution']['type'] = row[:distribution] elsif var['method'] == 'static' var['distribution']['static_value'] = row[:default_value] end var['distribution']['source'] = row[:source] var['notes'] = row[:notes] var['relation_to_eui'] = row[:relation_to_eui] data['data'][measure_index]['variables'] << var end else measure_index += 1 variable_index = 0 data['data'][measure_index] = {} #generate name id #todo: put this into a logger. puts "Parsing measure #{row[1]}" display_name = row[:measure_name_or_var_type] measure_name = display_name.downcase.strip.gsub("-", "_").gsub(" ", "_") data['data'][measure_index]['display_name'] = display_name data['data'][measure_index]['name'] = measure_name data['data'][measure_index]['enabled'] = row[:enabled] == "TRUE" ? true : false data['data'][measure_index]['measure_file_name'] = row[:measure_file_name_or_var_display_name] data['data'][measure_index]['measure_file_name_directory'] = row[:measure_file_name_directory] ? row[:measure_file_name_directory] : row[:measure_file_name_or_var_display_name].underscore data['data'][measure_index]['measure_type'] = row[:measure_type_or_parameter_name_in_measure] data['data'][measure_index]['version'] = @version_id data['data'][measure_index]['variables'] = [] end end #puts data.inspect data end def parse_outputs() rows = @xls.sheet('Outputs').parse() if !rows raise "Could not find the sheet name 'Outputs' in excel file #{@root_path}" end data = {} data['output_variables'] = [] icnt = 0 variable_index = -1 group_index = 1 @algorithm['objective_functions'] = [] rows.each do |row| icnt += 1 # puts "Parsing line: #{icnt}" next if icnt <= 3 # skip the first 3 lines of the file var = {} var['display_name'] = row[0].strip var['name'] = row[1] var['units'] = row[2] var['objective_function'] = row[3].downcase == "true" ? true : false if var['objective_function'] == true @algorithm['objective_functions'] << var['name'] variable_index += 1 var['objective_function_index'] = variable_index else var['objective_function_index'] = nil end var['objective_function_target'] = row[4] var['scaling_factor'] = row[5] if row[6].nil? var['objective_function_group'] = group_index group_index += 1 else var['objective_function_group'] = row[6] end data['output_variables'] << var end data end end end end end