Feature: User Logging In Logging in to the system as an admin user Background: Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post """ And I am logged out And an admin user "admin@example.com" exists When I go to the dashboard Scenario: Logging in Successfully When I fill in "Email" with "admin@example.com" And I fill in "Password" with "password" And I press "Login" Then I should be on the the dashboard And I should see the element "a[href='/admin/logout' ]:contains('Logout')" And I should see the element "a[href='/admin/admin_users/1']:contains('admin@example.com')" Scenario: Attempting to log in with an incorrect email address When I fill in "Email" with "not-an-admin@example.com" And I fill in "Password" with "not-my-password" And I press "Login" Then I should see "Login" And I should see "Invalid email or password." Scenario: Attempting to log in with an incorrect password When I fill in "Email" with "admin@example.com" And I fill in "Password" with "not-my-password" And I press "Login" Then I should see "Login" And I should see "Invalid email or password."