require 'fcntl' require 'optparse' require 'pp' require 'set' require 'socket' require 'tmpdir' require 'yaml' require 'shellwords' module Einhorn module AbstractState def default_state; raise'Override in extended modules'); end def state; @state ||= default_state; end def state=(v); @state = v; end def dumpable_state; state; end def method_missing(name, *args) if (name.to_s =~ /(.*)=$/) && state.has_key?($1.to_sym) state.send(:[]=, $1.to_sym, *args) elsif state.has_key?(name) state[name] else ds = default_state if ds.has_key?(name) ds[name] else super end end end end module State extend AbstractState # WARNING: Don't change or remove these variables without thinking # about backwards/forwards compatibility for upgrades/downgrades def self.default_state { :children => {}, :config => {:number => 1, :backlog => 100, :seconds => 1}, :versions => {}, :version => 0, :sockets => {}, :orig_cmd => nil, :bind => [], :bind_fds => [], :cmd => nil, :script_name => nil, :respawn => true, :upgrading => false, :smooth_upgrade => false, :reloading_for_upgrade => false, :path => nil, :cmd_name => nil, :verbosity => 1, :generation => 0, :last_spinup => nil, :ack_mode => {:type => :timer, :timeout => 1}, :kill_children_on_exit => false, :command_socket_as_fd => false, :socket_path => nil, :pidfile => nil, :lockfile => nil, :consecutive_deaths_before_ack => 0, :last_upgraded => nil, :nice => {:master => nil, :worker => nil, :renice_cmd => '/usr/bin/renice'}, :reexec_commandline => nil, :drop_environment_variables => [], :signal_timeout => nil, } end def self.dumpable_state dump = state dump[:reloading_for_preload_upgrade] = dump[:reloading_for_upgrade] dump end end module TransientState extend AbstractState def self.default_state { :whatami => :master, :preloaded => false, :script_name => nil, :argv => [], :environ => {}, :has_outstanding_spinup_timer => false, :stateful => nil, # Holds references so that the GC doesn't go and close your sockets. :socket_handles => } end end def self.restore_state(state) parsed = YAML.load(state) updated_state, message = update_state(Einhorn::State, "einhorn", parsed[:state]) Einhorn::State.state = updated_state Einhorn::Event.restore_persistent_descriptors(parsed[:persistent_descriptors]) # Do this after setting state so verbosity is right Einhorn.log_info("Using loaded state: #{parsed.inspect}") Einhorn.log_info(message) if message end def self.update_state(store, store_name, old_state) message = [] updated_state = old_state.dup # Handle changes in state format updates from previous einhorn versions if store == Einhorn::State # TODO: Drop this backwards compatibility hack when we hit 0.7 if updated_state.include?(:reloading_for_preload_upgrade) && !updated_state.include?(:reloading_for_upgrade) updated_state[:reloading_for_upgrade] = updated_state.delete(:reloading_for_preload_upgrade) message << "upgraded :reloading_for_preload_upgrade to :reloading_for_upgrade" end if updated_state[:children] # For a period, we created children entries for state_passers, # but we don't want that (in particular, it probably died # before we could setup our SIGCHLD handler updated_state[:children].delete_if {|k, v| v[:type] == :state_passer} # Depending on what is passed for --reexec-as, it's possible # that the process received a SIGCHLD while something other # than einhorn was the active executable. If that happened, # einhorn might not know about a dead child, so let's check # them all dead = [] updated_state[:children].each do |pid, v| begin pid = Process.wait(pid, Process::WNOHANG) dead << pid if pid rescue Errno::ECHILD dead << pid end end do dead.each {|pid| Einhorn::Command.mourn(pid)} end end end default = store.default_state added_keys = default.keys - updated_state.keys deleted_keys = updated_state.keys - default.keys return [updated_state, message.first] if added_keys.length == 0 && deleted_keys.length == 0 added_keys.each {|key| updated_state[key] = default[key]} deleted_keys.each {|key| updated_state.delete(key)} message << "adding default values for #{added_keys.inspect}" message << "deleting values for #{deleted_keys.inspect}" message = "State format for #{store_name} has changed: #{message.join(', ')}" # Can't print yet, since state hasn't been set, so we pass along the message. [updated_state, message] end def self.print_state log_info(Einhorn::State.state.pretty_inspect) end def self.bind(addr, port, flags) log_info("Binding to #{addr}:#{port} with flags #{flags.inspect}") sd =, Socket::SOCK_STREAM, 0) Einhorn::Compat.cloexec!(sd, false) if flags.include?('r') || flags.include?('so_reuseaddr') sd.setsockopt(Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_REUSEADDR, 1) end sd.bind(Socket.pack_sockaddr_in(port, addr)) sd.listen(Einhorn::State.config[:backlog]) if flags.include?('n') || flags.include?('o_nonblock') fl = sd.fcntl(Fcntl::F_GETFL) sd.fcntl(Fcntl::F_SETFL, fl | Fcntl::O_NONBLOCK) end Einhorn::TransientState.socket_handles << sd sd.fileno end # Implement these ourselves so it plays nicely with state persistence def self.log_debug(msg, tag=nil) $stderr.puts("#{log_tag} DEBUG: #{msg}\n") if Einhorn::State.verbosity <= 0 self.send_tagged_message(tag, msg) if tag end def self.log_info(msg, tag=nil) $stderr.puts("#{log_tag} INFO: #{msg}\n") if Einhorn::State.verbosity <= 1 self.send_tagged_message(tag, msg) if tag end def self.log_error(msg, tag=nil) $stderr.puts("#{log_tag} ERROR: #{msg}\n") if Einhorn::State.verbosity <= 2 self.send_tagged_message(tag, "ERROR: #{msg}") if tag end def self.send_tagged_message(tag, message, last=false) Einhorn::Command::Interface.send_tagged_message(tag, message, last) end private def self.log_tag case whatami = Einhorn::TransientState.whatami when :master "[MASTER #{$$}]" when :worker "[WORKER #{$$}]" when :state_passer "[STATE_PASSER #{$$}]" else "[UNKNOWN (#{whatami.inspect}) #{$$}]" end end public def self.which(cmd) if cmd.include?('/') return cmd if File.exists?(cmd) raise "Could not find #{cmd}" else ENV['PATH'].split(':').each do |f| abs = File.join(f, cmd) return abs if File.exists?(abs) end raise "Could not find #{cmd} in PATH" end end # Not really a thing, but whatever. def self.is_script(file) do |f| bytes = bytes == '#!' end end def self.preload if path = Einhorn::State.path set_argv(Einhorn::State.cmd, false) begin # If it's not going to be requireable, then load it. if !path.end_with?('.rb') && File.exists?(path) log_info("Loading #{path} (if this hangs, make sure your code can be properly loaded as a library)", :upgrade) load path else log_info("Requiring #{path} (if this hangs, make sure your code can be properly loaded as a library)", :upgrade) require path end rescue Exception => e log_info("Proceeding with postload -- could not load #{path}: #{e} (#{e.class})\n #{e.backtrace.join("\n ")}", :upgrade) else if defined?(einhorn_main) log_info("Successfully loaded #{path}", :upgrade) Einhorn::TransientState.preloaded = true else log_info("Proceeding with postload -- loaded #{path}, but no einhorn_main method was defined", :upgrade) end end end end def self.set_argv(cmd, set_ps_name) # TODO: clean up this hack idx = 0 if cmd[0] =~ /(^|\/)ruby$/ idx = 1 elsif !is_script(cmd[0]) log_info("WARNING: Going to set $0 to #{cmd[idx]}, but it doesn't look like a script") end if set_ps_name # Note this will mess up $0 if we try using it in our code, but # we don't so that's basically ok. It's a bit annoying that this # is how Ruby exposes changing the output of ps. Note that Ruby # doesn't seem to shrink your cmdline buffer, so ps just ends up # having lots of trailing spaces if we set $0 to something # short. In the future, we could try to not pass einhorn's # state in ARGV. $0 = worker_ps_name end ARGV[0..-1] = cmd[idx+1..-1] log_info("Set#{set_ps_name ? " $0 = #{$0.inspect}, " : nil} ARGV = #{ARGV.inspect}") end def self.set_master_ps_name $0 = master_ps_name end def self.master_ps_name "einhorn: #{worker_ps_name}" end def self.worker_ps_name Einhorn::State.cmd_name ? "ruby #{Einhorn::State.cmd_name}" : Einhorn::State.orig_cmd.join(' ') end def self.renice_self whatami = Einhorn::TransientState.whatami return unless nice = Einhorn::State.nice[whatami] pid = $$ unless nice.kind_of?(Fixnum) raise "Nice must be a fixnum: #{nice.inspect}" end # Explicitly don't shellescape the renice command cmd = "#{Einhorn::State.nice[:renice_cmd]} #{nice} -p #{pid}" log_info("Running #{cmd.inspect} to renice self to level #{nice}") `#{cmd}` unless $?.exitstatus == 0 # TODO: better error handling? log_error("Renice command exited with status: #{$?.inspect}, but continuing on anyway.") end end def self.socketify_env! Einhorn::State.bind.each do |host, port, flags| fd = bind(host, port, flags) Einhorn::State.bind_fds << fd end end # This duplicates some code from the environment path, but is # deprecated so that's ok. def self.socketify!(cmd)! do |arg| if arg =~ /^(.*=|)srv:([^:]+):(\d+)((?:,\w+)*)$/ log_error("Using deprecated command-line configuration for Einhorn; should upgrade to the environment variable interface.") opt = $1 host = $2 port = $3 flags = $4.split(',').select {|flag| flag.length > 0}.map {|flag| flag.downcase} fd = (Einhorn::State.sockets[[host, port]] ||= bind(host, port, flags)) "#{opt}#{fd}" else arg end end end # Construct and a command and args that can be used to re-exec # Einhorn for upgrades. def self.upgrade_commandline(einhorn_flags=[]) cmdline = [] if Einhorn::State.reexec_commandline cmdline += Einhorn::State.reexec_commandline else cmdline << Einhorn::TransientState.script_name end cmdline += einhorn_flags cmdline << '--' cmdline += Einhorn::State.cmd [cmdline[0], cmdline[1..-1]] end # Returns true if a reload of the einhorn master via re-execing is # not likely to be completely unsafe (that is, the new process's # environment won't prevent it from loading its code on exec). def self.can_safely_reload? upgrade_sentinel = fork do Einhorn::TransientState.whatami = :upgrade_sentinel Einhorn.initialize_reload_environment Einhorn::Compat.exec(*Einhorn.upgrade_commandline(['--upgrade-check'])) end Process.wait(upgrade_sentinel) $? end # Set up the environment for reloading the einhorn master: # 1. Clear the current process's environment, # 2. Set it to the environmment at startup # 3. Delete all variables marked to be dropped via `--drop-env-var` # # This method is safe to call in the master only before `exec`ing # something. def self.initialize_reload_environment ENV.clear ENV.update(Einhorn::TransientState.environ) Einhorn::State.drop_environment_variables.each do |var| ENV.delete(var) end end # Log info about the environment as observed by ruby on # startup. Currently, this means the bundler and rbenv versions. def self.dump_environment_info log_info("Running under Ruby #{RUBY_VERSION}", :environment) log_info("Rbenv ruby version: #{ENV['RBENV_VERSION']}", :environment) if ENV['RBENV_VERSION'] begin bundler_gem = Gem::Specification.find_by_name('bundler') log_info("Using Bundler #{bundler_gem.version.to_s}", :environment) rescue Gem::LoadError end end def Einhorn::Command::Interface.init Einhorn::Event.init unless Einhorn::TransientState.stateful if Einhorn::State.config[:number] < 1 log_error("You need to spin up at least at least 1 copy of the process") return end Einhorn::Command::Interface.persistent_init Einhorn::State.orig_cmd = ARGV.dup Einhorn::State.cmd = ARGV.dup # TODO: don't actually alter ARGV[0]? Einhorn::State.cmd[0] = which(Einhorn::State.cmd[0]) socketify_env! socketify!(Einhorn::State.cmd) end set_master_ps_name renice_self preload # In the middle of upgrading if Einhorn::State.reloading_for_upgrade Einhorn::Command.upgrade_workers Einhorn::State.reloading_for_upgrade = false end while Einhorn::State.respawn || Einhorn::State.children.size > 0 log_debug("Entering event loop") # All of these are non-blocking Einhorn::Command.reap Einhorn::Command.replenish Einhorn::Command.cull # Make sure to do this last, as it's blocking. Einhorn::Event.loop_once end end end require 'einhorn/command' require 'einhorn/compat' require 'einhorn/client' require 'einhorn/event' require 'einhorn/worker' require 'einhorn/worker_pool' require 'einhorn/version'